The Judges Chronicles: A Night's Journey by Terdell Lee Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter 3: Words of Warning

Deborah waited anxiously at the window for Gideon. She was expecting him an hour before hand, but there was no sign of him. Her new home presented her with the comforts

she needed that Shavron was unwilling to relinquish to her. The wickedness in Shavron was on the rise: idolatry had high precedence, even going as far a live sacrifices; acknowledging the Holy One was a distant memory, and every home had a god of wood or stone to worship in its window sill. Deborah was not the only judge to leave the country, for Gideon and Tiber follow her example. Despite the distance between the Crosslands and Shavron, the three still held to their duty as the judges, although when God prompted them to return to Shavron to address the Shavronites, they did not adhere to His words.

There were two visitors in her home, who were relaxing and speaking over the present issues over a game of chess. Samson sat calmly over his white pieces as Tiber studied the board, contemplating his next move. While waiting, the wolf gave the judge of commerce some sound advice.

“Now, you must be adroit- keen if you will-when you negotiating deals with Calus. They will steal your money right from under your nose if you’re not careful. Oh by the way, I’ll be taking your knight.”

Tiber let out a deep sigh, showing his frustration over the game.

“Thank you for the advice, I could use some for the game as well, " Tiber said rubbing his jaw. "Being the judge of commerce is a challenge, but its better than stealing. Just last week I nearly lost half the cargo of wheat in that storm. I should have listened to the captain. I shouldn't have pressed him."

“Don’t dwell on the past," replied the wolf. "Learn and move on. And I going to teach you a good lesson right now by taking your rook- pay attention.”

Tiber banged his hand on the table. Samson laughed and addressed Deborah.

“Deborah, are you sure Gideon is coming?”

“I got a letter from him over a month ago saying he would be here in time for my birthday,” she said looking out the window.

“I hope he makes it," Tiber said touching his knight, "We really don’t get to see each other as often as we use to. He better hurry up the night his coming, and that’s not a good time for a rabbit to be out,” he said beginning to move his knight.

Samson made an expression which changed Tiber's mind for moving the piece. The hare grab his pawn, moved it, and Samson took one of Tiber’s bishops. The hare accused him of cheating.

“I’m not cheating, you’re just bad at this game," replied the wolf with a smile.

“I am not bad at this game," he replied, " I keep losing my concentration because of your missing eyeballs. Ask the Lord to give you some new ones ,will you? it freaks me out!”

“By the way, checkmate," Samson said.

Deborah came from the window and took a seat. Samson had a grin on his face.

“How old are you again?” asked Samson.

“Thirty- nine," she replied.

“Add three score and you get her real age,” Tiber said laughing.

“Oh, be quiet," she said, giving him a playful swat.

Suddenly there came a knock from the door. When she opened it, Gideon was leaning up against the door post ready to pass out. His right eye was swollen black, his lip was cut,

and his clothes were dingy. Deborah went to help him, but Gideon propped himself up and stood up straight.

“I’m perfectly fine," he said pulling on his coat. " I've gotten into scuffles before. I don’t need any help.”

Gideon went to walk, but found it as easy as a infant does in taking their first steps. He fell into Deborah’s arms. Samson and Tiber rushed over to help.

“Who has done this?" Tiber asked, " Gideon, all you have to do is speak the criminal’s name and I'll have the entire county on alarm.”

“He’ll answer our questions soon enough," said Deborah. " Tiber, go to the well and bring some water. Samson, there are some bandages in the cupboard.”

Gideon sat down at the table. Deborah knelt beside him.

“Here’s your present,” Gideon said with a half- hearted smile, “ I got it from the gift stand, but the poem is my idea.”

“Thank you," she said.

“I was-”

“Mugged," Deborah said cutting him short, "The Crosslands have been infested with criminals. The officials call them street-grubs for short.”

Samson and Tiber came back. Deborah told them the details.

“What is the name of the perpetrator?” asked Samson.

“Gabriel," Gideon said taking a deep breath, " His name was Gabriel. I’ll talk to the authorities tomorrow.”

During the early morning, Samson found it hard to sleep. He got up and began to pace the dining room. He was bogged down by something that was on his heart, and for an hour or so he walked silently, until the Holy One spoke to him,

“Go outside a to the apple tree.”

Samson complied and within a few moments the apple tree was there.

“Look up, the apples ready for harvest. Pull three of them.” replied the Holy One.

Samson did so.

“Place them on the ground and watch.”

As Samson carried out the command, all three apples began to rot and fester until they became worthless.

“What does this mean?” asked Samson.

“My judges have not obeyed my voice. They have seen the wickedness in Shavron that is beyond any other nation in existence. I have spoken to all three to return to the land and fight for righteousness, but they treat me with contempt by hiding in other lands.”

“Yes they have Lord,” said Samson.”

“And my prophet lacks the courage to tell them so.”

The wolf lowered his head in shame.

“Listen to me,” said the Holy One,” just like the apples, the hearts of the judges are festering. Go to them and tell them of their sin, if they will obey me and repent, warning the Shavronites of their wickedness, then my judgment over them I will forget. However, if the judges will continue in disobedience and if my you refuse to speak my words, then my wrath will be upon all four of you and Shavron.”

Samson wasted no time returning to Deborah’s home. He woke up all three judges and repeated the words of God to them.

“We have all wronged God by not listening to him.” said Samson, “ God wants us to return to Shavron to warn them to repent from the wickedness they do, but first we have to repent for what we have done.”

Tiber, Deborah, and Gideon knew that God as speaking through Samson. They had, when God called them to stand up against the depravity in the land, counted the words of the Holy One as trifling.

“Well, I going to ask God to forgive me now, what are you going to do?”

Tiber and Deborah were not hesitant to obey, but Gideon turned his back; for pride was taking form in his heart.

“Gideon, don’t do this,” said Samson. “You know God has dealt with you. Running from Shavron was wrong; ignoring the voice of God was too.”

“I don’t want to go back to Shavron!” yelled Gideon.

Samson walked over, knelt down so that his eyes were level with the hare’s and said,

“What you want to do is irrelevant. Are you going to obey God now or ignore him again?”

Repentance was made by all four, and God forgave them.