The Judges Chronicles: A Night's Journey by Terdell Lee Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter 7: Two years Later

Over the past two years, Gideon trained Gabriel in the way of the sword. At first Gabriel didn’t like it; but once he became familiar with the blade, he enjoyed it. He also believed that his life was far better around Gideon than being in the streets in the Crosslands, but he never admitted it when Gideon brought it up. Gideon was watching the young

protégée as he followed through with a few moves, but Gabriel decided to incorporate some of his own ideas. The movement of the wooden blade became awkward and jittery; he smacked his hand and shook it. Gideon came over dumfounded by his pupils actions.

“I’m amazed, Gabriel.” said Gideon.

The young hare stood proud and tall, waiting for Gideon’s accolades.

“I’m amazed that you still, despite my diligent teaching, are able to forget everything I taught you.”

“Ah, don’t worry,” said Gabriel,” I was just adding my own style to your teaching.”

“Well your style would have cost you a hand. Stick with the basics until you master them.”

Gabriel spent a few more minutes following Gideon as he went through a series of combat moves. As the early morning brought training; mid morning brought a time for breakfast. Before eating Gideon gave thanks over his meal, Gabriel smirked; but not daring to openly mock his teacher.

“You know what today is don’t you?” asked Gabriel to Gideon.

“Not really,” said Gideon. “I know its not your birthday, and from my recollection this day holds no special occasion.”

Gabriel slumped back in his chair, disgruntled by his teacher’s lack of consideration.

“This is two years to the day that you said you would buy me a real sword.”

“With that sloppy display today, I may push it back another two years.”

“You’re mean,” the young hare said, crossing his arms and poking out his bottom lip.

“You know I’m good.”

It was true, Gabriel had shown great improvement not only in his ability to learn, but also his attitude; although, he was not as receptive about God as Gideon hope for, nonetheless, the young hare was growing. Understanding this, Gideon made a compromise.

“I’ll buy you a sword if , and only if, there is a good reason to do so.”

“A good reason for you might never happen.”

“Yup.” said Gideon quickly. “Look, my word is my bond. Besides, I want to visit Samson today. He needs some cheering up.”

Samson was sitting quietly in his jail cell as he usually did. Deborah and Tiber were there when Gideon and Gabriel came in. The white hare immediately saw the sad faces.

“What wrong?” he asked.

“Tell him Samson.” said Deborah.

Samson lifted his head that was down and spoke.

“It going to happen tonight.”

“What? What’s going to happen tonight?” said Gideon.

“The Holy One is going to take the children from Shavron.”

“Does Ulice know about this?”

“He doesn’t’ care and that’s the problem,” said Samson.

Gabriel leaned over to Gideon.

“Is this a good reason for a sword?”

“A very good reason,” said Gideon.

That night wasn‘t different from any other, but the Holy One caused a deep slumber to fall over the land. During that slumber God allowed the threshold of the World of Night to be opened. Suddenly in the open air the blade of a reaper appeared, slicing away the scene as if it was a piece of paper, leaving a large open hole in the air. A cougar step out and quickly carried out the assignment that he was given. He place a silver horn to his lips that had hung by his side and began to play. The music was sublime, yet carried only an attractive lure to the children of Shavron; for the deep slumber in Shavron effected only the grown-ups. Children from all corners of Shavron rose from their beds and ran to the sound in great haste. Thousands upon thousands, stood at the feet of the musician enchanted by his every note. He step into hole with his horn and the children followed him, and then the Holy One sealed the hole and lifted the slumber off of Shavron.

In the morning came a great wailing that was never heard in Shavron before. Samson

shot up from his bed and looked out the cell window. Mothers and fathers searched desperately for their young, calling their names in great distress. There were tears in every eye and anger in every heart, for nearly every Shavronite had a child missing. Ulice immediately went out in the busy streets, demanding to know the reason for the ruckus.

Once told, he ran to his sons’ room and did not find them. He ran to the kitchen---they were not there. He ran into the backyard----no sign of them. Ulice was terror-stricken.


Under the distress the skunk’s mind brought him back to that day with Samson.

“That wolf has done this!” he said gnashing his teeth, “I’ll kill! I’ll kill him!”

Ulice pushed his way through the crowds and went to the jailhouse. Gideon, Deborah, Gabriel, and Tiber were already there, trying to understand the situation. When Ulice came in he demanded that the cell be opened, when it became ajar, Ulice quickly snatched the lance from the guards hands ran towards Samson, and placed the lace to the wolf’s throat. Gideon pulled his blade and was ready to defend his friend, but Samson lifted his hand to stay the rabbit’s judgment.

“Where are my sons?” said Ulice, shaking with anger, “TELL ME, YOU FILTH!!”

“Has not the Lord spoken?” said Samson calmly as a trickle of blood flowed down his neck, “Your sons and all the children of Shavron are in a different world now.”

“LIAR!” shouted Ulice.

“Am I? You thought that the judgment of God was something to be ignored and when it lingered for two years you counted it as nothing.” said Samson strongly.” He lingered to give you time, but you chose not, now your children are gone as He had said. You think God will watch the burning of offspring and do nothing about it?”

Ulice pulled the lace back slightly, but did not give Samson much room to move.

“I want my sons,” said the skunk, “And you’re going to give them to me, now!”

“I can’t do something that’s out of my power.” said Samson.

“Then you’ll die for my sons!”

Ulice went to piece Samson through the throat, but Gideon sprung from behind him and slice the lance in half. Samson stubble to the side holding his neck, as Deborah and Tiber assisted him.

My sons----” said Ulice in disarray.

Let me inquire of the Lord,” said Samson standing straight again. “ He will tell us what to do.

Ulice reluctantly agreed, leaving the jailhouse into the open streets where the Shavronites were mourning for their young. During the night Samson prayed saying,

“Lord you have heard the tears of the Shavronites. You are merciful and you will not punish the innocent for the guilty. Let me ask: if there are fifty in Shavron who will admit their sins, will you not give the children back?”

For fifty I will.” said the Lord.

“Let your prophet speak again,” said Samson. “Clearly if fifty can repent certainly you will not hold back you mercy if only forty will confess?”

For forty I will forgive the Shavronites.” said the Holy One.

Samson spoke again.

“What about thirty, my Lord, will you forgive for thirty?”

Yes, even for thirty.”

“Please let me speak again,” said the wolf, “If there be twenty in Shavron who will turn for following Iya’s moon-god, will you return the children?”

For twenty I will.” said the Holy One .

“One last time, my Lord, and I will address issue this no longer.” said Samson beseeching the Holy One, “If there are ten---only ten---will you lift you hand of judgment?”

The Lord spoke,

If there be ten--even one soul who will turn from the wicked ways of Iya, I will restore Shavron’s posterity. I will do it by opening the world of night again. Bring all of the Shavronites to Tribless Hill by tomorrow’s evening. Give the message to Ulice.”

The message was relayed to Ulice who did everything in his power to make sure the message reached ever ear in Shavron. Messengers were sent throughout the land to beckon all the Shavronites to Tribless Hill. Word spread quickly and by evening the entire land was standing before the judges and Samson.

“I never seen so many creatures in one place.” said Gabriel to Gideon overwhelmed by the sight.

Ulice made his way up the hill.

“O.k.” he said balling up his fist, “What now?”

The Lord touched Samson’s mouth and when he spoke ever ear heard him clearly.

“The Holy One says this: you have angered me--even sickened me by the sacrifice of your offspring. I have taken you children to protect them from you wicked devices, but if you will humble yourselves and pray I will restore the posterity of Shavron. But if you chose to continue in murder, your children you will see no more.”

A great sound of wailing spreading throughout the multitude. Ulice flung his hand into the air.

“Nothing but threats! God threatens us!”

“He commands you.” said Samson. “What will you do?”

Ulice crossed his arms.

“I will not be brought out in the open and blackmailed in anyway---I’m leaving!”

Ulice stormed through the multitude. When the Shavronites saw that their leader was leaving, they did the same. The judges watched as the whole land turned away from Tribless Hill and thereby turning away from God.

“Not even one?” said Samson quietly, “Not one?”

The prophet was about to give up, when he saw something walking up the hill. It crept slowly up the hill ; and reaching the top, it wiped its brow from the effort.

“A mouse.” said Gideon.

The mouse looked up into the judges eyes--every one of them. He started to speak, but his small voice could not be heard until all of them dropped to one knee.

“I am Tintoretto.” said the old mouse. “I was listening in the crowd.”

“And?” said Samson.

The old mouse wipe a little tear from his eye that hardly could be seen and said,

“I have sinned against God. Granted none of my children were sacrificed to that idol, but one of my grandchildren were; and when I had opportunity to prevent it,” said the mouse crying, “I turned a blind eye. Lord, forgive me for my disobedience for my cowardly act and my indifference to sin.”

The old mouse cried bitterly. Deborah torn a piece of his cloak off and gave it to the mouse.

“Thank you,” he said wiping his eyes.

“Well God,” said Samson looking around, “That’s one.”

Suddenly from behind them, as if a great veil had been torn, the world of night appeared.

In the distance was a nightly world enveloped in a hue of ash. Everyone retreated some distance fearful from the sight.

“Remarkable," said Samson.

“Glorious” remarked Gideon.

“Magnificent.” said Deborah.


“ Weird,” said Gabriel. “Very, very weird.”

The Holy One spoke to them as they inched forward again.

“Be not afraid. I have seen the turn of the Shavronites from me---they are stubborn and uncaring! Yet their offspring that I have taken I will return for the sake of my glory and the repentance of the old mouse, Tintoretto, that all may know that if one repents then I will be merciful. I will choose a king to rule in Shavron. The king will rule over this generation and will lead them in My ways. Samson, Gideon, and Gabriel enter into the world of night. I will sustain you a show you wonders on your journey.”

Now Gabriel never believed in God, but when he heard the voice he barely moved; and when his name was called, he nearly passed out. Gideon came over to help him to walk.

“You o.k.?”

“There’s a god?” said Gabriel, “Are you kidding me?”

“No, I’ve been telling you that for the past two years, and besides He’s not a god; He’s the only one.”

“And he wants me to go in there?” said Gabriel pointing at the scene.

“Yes,” said Gideon smiling, “Come on, we’ve got some kids to save.”

Samson went in first and then Gideon and Gabriel. Once they crossed the threshold, the Holy One sealed the entrance again. Deborah, Tiber, and the little old mouse stood at Tribless Hill and prayed for their friends safe journey.