The Judges Chronicles: The Silver Horn by Terdell Lee Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter 12: The City


The four ran as quickly and as quietly as they could. It had only been ten minutes since they left, yet they missed the comfort of the runaway village. No one had time to think on the sudden loss, what was important now was to get as far away as possible from the tiger. At times the wolves could have sworn they caught Aznar's scent nearby, this only made their pace to quicken. One hour went by and then another; the wolves stopped for nothing. Yohan was thirsty; although he was riding on Brute's shoulders, the sensation of watching the wolves run caused a spell of dryness to pass over his mouth. The kitten did not dare to ask to stop, for the wolves seemed not to notice anything at all; their gazes were straight; their bodies were hunched over; and when Yohan finally decided to speak up, they paid him no mind.

Finally, the wolf pack came to rest. They sat down under the coverage of the thick brush as not to be seen. It was quiet except for the heavy breathing and the wolves looked earnestly for any sign of the tiger.

"I think we got some distance on him," said Sebastian.

"I hope we finish this journey soon," replied Brute. " It has been over a week and this forest remains the same."

"The trees will end soon enough," Sly replied taking a sip of elixir, "Map's dream says so."

Yohan nodded his head in agreement. Suddenly a droplet of water fell on his head, and then another until a light drizzle began to fall. The rain was a blessing in the swealtering atmosphere that the trees had created. The wolves relaxed under the cool shower, while Yohan covered his head with his jacket.

"Oh no it's raining. I hate water!"

"It's only a little drizzle," said Brute. " It will be over soon."

With the announcement, the rain began to fall faster and harder, until it had become unbearable.

"Me and my big mouth."

"It must be the rainy season," said Sly. " We better keep moving, no point in staying here."

"Can't we wait until this is over," replied Yohan. " I'm wet enough."

"Come on, little cat," said Sebastian smiling, " let's go."

The running continued to Yohan's dismay. Riding on Brute's shoulders was a joy before; but now, because of the rain, he was frequently slapped in the face by wet ferns and leaves. A few minutes afterwards, the trees finally gave way and the wolves now ran on a smooth prairie of rock. The rain continued to pour down, causing the stony ground to be icy along the way. Occasionally one of them would slip making the pace sluggish and tedious; the rain fell faster still until it felt as if the droplets would send them to their knees. Sebastian used his cape to keep the rain from his eyes, it was hard to see in the distance; and to keep together, the wolves took hold of each others tail. The stony ground went on and on just as the jungle did. Sebastian, as well as the others, did not have the patience for this again, but nothing could be done. In the front, Sebastian kept his eye focused on the ground to avoid the downpour. A crack appeared on the stony prairie and Sebastian followed it to keep entertained from the drudgery of the weather. The crack was small at first, but the gap gradually widened until it became a canyon. Sebastian careful lead the others along the edge until he saw something quite strange yet familiar at the same time. There was a series of stone steps that were barely visible a few feet below. Sebastian whipped his tail from Sly's hands.

"What's going on?" said Sly.

"I think I've found something," replied Sebastian. Sebastian showed them the step.

"I can easily get to it."

Sebastian sat down and scooted to the edge. He pushed himself over and landed on the steps. He looked up to the others, giving a thumbs- up. He waved for them to come down; and after Yohan, they walked along the curious steps. The staircase went deep into the canyon. There were at least a hundred steps, and they had to be careful where to step: for there was no railing to offer support. At the end of the steps was a marvelous sight. A city, entirely made of wood, the buildings, the bridges, support beams, etc., was built along the walls of the canyon: half of it on the left wall and the other half on the right wall. The two halves were joined together by two bridges.

"I wouldn't call this a mountain," Brute said commenting on Yohan‘s dream.

"Well it might as well be. Look how far down we are, and look how far down the rain falls," said Yohan looking over the side into the abyss.

The group made their way through the city carefully. Although the city was spectacularly built, the weather was taking its toll on the wood, making it rotten. The four discovered this when Brute nearly fell through one of the planks. The wolf was fine, but the four made their footing the main priority. In the background, stood a pantheon built squarely at the back of the city.

"We'll head for that temple," said Sebastian, " The horn is so close--- I can feel it in my bones!"

There was something in Sebastian‘s voice that made the others very suspicious. As they walked through the city, they heard him mumbling quietly about the silver horn and how beautiful it must be; it was all that he thought about. Sebastian constantly asked Yohan if he knew precisely where the treasure was.

"For the fifth time, no I dont."

"Are you sure?"

"Sebastian, whats gotten into you?" asked Sly.

"What?! I just want to make sure that I—I mean we," he said clearing his throat, "That we get the horn that‘s all."

At the pantheon‘s entrance, Sly thought he saw Aznar standing at the top of the canyon looking down on them. The tiger gave a grimace and dashed out of sight.

"Aznar is here!"

"What!" Sebastian said scanning the sky, "I see nothing. Maybe those elixirs are getting to you, and besides all cats hate the water, right Map?"

"Well cats like me do, but the tigers are quite fond of the water you should know that."

"It's not the elixir," said Sly walking up to Sebastian. " Was I making it up the last time?"

"All right, all right--- let's get out of the rain."

In the pantheon, the four found a dry place to shake the excess of water from their bodies. Their clothes, for the present, would have to remain drenched. A fire could not be started: for a fire in the pantheon would surely put the city ablaze. The temple was partial filled with carts, wooden slabs, and other material for architecture.

"We'll wait here until the rain stops or until Aznar comes, which ever comes first, but things will be different this time; he'll be on our terms."

Suddenly from outside, they heard the tiger roar.

"He's close, we must hide!" said Sly looking for a hiding place.

"No, we face him," replied Sebastian. "If we hide we'll be doing exactly what he wants. Let him come, I will be ready for him."

"So will I." said Brute.

Sly gradually nodded his head and took his place beside his friends. Sebastian looked at Yohan as the young kitten looked up to him.

"Yohan, this isn't your fight. Hide among the wood, we'll take care of the tiger."

"I'll stand with you. I'm not afraid of him either."

The four stood in the middle of the temple and waited for Aznar. The tiger presently made his way up the pantheon's stairs and stood at the entrance as a silhouette. His eyes shined brightly like stars against the midnight sky, yet they did not present peace, but war. The king took a step forward; and although the wolves had been free of the tyrant's heavy hand, the power over them still rested a great deal on their souls. Aznar shook the water from his fur. The pantheon was silent except for the rain; no one thought to speak, and then Aznar started.

"You little worms," Aznar said with a snarl. " When we get back to Tajir, I will open your backs, especially you Sebastian. I know it was you who came up with this so called plan. Did you think I wouldn't find you? Do you think I am as stupid as you thought?"

"I was hoping for it."

"We'll see how smart your mouth is when I knock your teeth out," Aznar said pointing his finger," Now, Yohan, come to me."

Yohan stood his ground with the wolves. Aznar tilted his head slightly as his eyes grew; he was highly insulted by the cat‘s disobedience.


Yohan started to move forward; but before he was out of reach, Sebastian pulled him back and put his rapier to Yohan's throat."

"Sebastain, what are you doing?!" said Sly "Are you crazy?"

"Not exactly---just follow my lead."

The wolves made their way over to the pantheon's entrance; Aznar kept close watch on them.

"One of your plans again, Sebastian? Your predictably pathetic!"

"Keep you distance or—or I'll cut his throat," he said in an unconvincing tone.

"O.k," said Aznar laughing, "I‘ll play you little game."

At one of the pillars, Sebastain withdrew his sword and gave Yohan to Brute. "You two take him and head out without me. I'll catch up."

"This is nonsense. What are you up to?" said Brute.

"No time to explain. I‘ll keep Aznar at bay for as long as I can." Sly snatched the rapier from Sebastian hand.

"This is madness. Aznar will kill you." Sebastian took the rapier back.

"Leave me---go!"

Sebastian's voice was like a commander's to his troops. Sly, Brute, and Yohan went back out into the rain. Aznar's eyes followed them until he could no longer see them. He turned his attention back to Sebastian.

"Sebastian, Sebastian, Sebastian, you look tense--- you look agitated," he said laughing, "How about a friendly handshake to make things better, huh?"

"Shut your mouth!" was Sebastian harsh remark. " If you think your going to get that horn before I do—"

"So this is what this is all about, " Aznar said putting his hand to his forehead, "You stupid little slave. You thought you could out wit me, your master? I think when my father gave me that look when we had our first fight, you remember it don‘t you? I think he wanted me to tear your throat out instead of that eye of yours. I was so young, maybe I need to make up for that mistake."

"I'm going to put my blade right through your heart."

" Come, why do you wait?" Aznar said taking his fighting stance.

Sebastian drew his sword and approached Aznar. The tiger had a slight height advantage over the wolf, but the tiger crouched down to better situate himself for Sebastian's attack. The wolf raised his blade and waited for the right moment to plant it true. The two adversaries eyed each other with the uttermost of hatred. They moved in a circle; it was as if watching a matador and a bull facing off in the final act of the battle. Sebastian went to stab Aznar, he missed. The tiger swiped at the wolf's legs, but Sebastian dodged the attack. They returned to the deadly dance. Sebastian went to strike again, but Aznar took hold of his arm and smacked the wolf backwards unto the floor. Aznar took the blade and broke it, tossing the hilt across the pantheon. The wolf jumped up in a rage and began to throw a myriad of punches. The tiger dodged the punches with ease, but his cavalier attitude was his downfall and Sebastian landed three punches squarely on Aznar‘s face.

Aznar broke the wolf's rage by picking him up and throwing him ten feet across the floor. The tiger brushed himself off and swaggered over to the wolf.

"You hit like a sissy."

Sebastian staggered to his feet, shook his head, and took his fighting stance. Aznar approached, stopping a few feet in front of him. The wolf came to strike, but Aznar kicked him in the leg; Sebastian nearly lost his balance, but he quickly regained it before the tiger could follow up with an attack. Now it was Aznar's turn and he came viciously upon Sebastian. Whenever Sebastian blocked a punch, it was like fighting back against an opponent made of stone. Every punch Aznar gave was painful to the wolf. He was pushed back all the way to the pantheon's side wall. Aznar raised both hands with claws drawn to rip the wolf in two. Sebastian jumped out of the way as Aznar's claws left their distinguishable marks in the wood.

Outside, Yohan and the wolves were back at the stone staircase.

"We can't just leave him."

"It's his choice." said Brute. "Even if it kills him."

"You're too young to--"

"I am not!" said Yohan shouting, " I'm old enough to understand that you shouldn't leave your friend in danger. Aznar will kill him. I thought you wolves stick together."

"When a wolf is in a battle, he fights alone," said Sly. " It's a matter of pride, and no matter what the outcome, he must accept his fate."

Yohan looked up to Sly.

"That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Your fate was death once. Sebastian didn't leave you in the snake."

It was quiet in the rain for awhile. Sly looked to Brute in silence; Yohan spoke again.

"If you wolves follow pride that gets you killed, then you're no better than those tigers that use pride to keep you enslaved."

"You're very wise for your age; sometimes wiser than old wolves like me," said Sly smiling. " Come on, Brute, let's head back."

At the pantheon the fighting continued in full fury. Aznar could have easily finished off the wolf with two strikes, but he enjoyed punching and smacking the wolf around. The last punch Aznar gave sent Sebastian to the floor. The wolf's mouth was bleeding profusely.

"Just like it was when we were younger," said Aznar walking towards Sebastian. "You were nothing then, and you're nothing now."

Aznar walked up to the wolf with the intent on kicking him, but the tiger did not expect the wolf to have one last burst of energy; and with everything he had, Sebastian threw five punches: the first one went into Aznar's side, which bruised a rib; the second one went to his stomach, which bent Aznar over for a upper-cut. The punch was so powerful that it knocked one of Aznar's teeth out. The final two punches were directed at the tiger's face, a gash was left above his right eye. When Sebastian went for another punch, Aznar blocked it and brought his elbow across the wolf's shoulder with such force, that the shoulder was separated.

Sebastian dropped to the floor in pain. He laid before Aznar like a helpless prey ready for the deathblow.

"My tooth," he said touching his mouth, "You Shavronite trash!"

Aznar stomped down on Sebastian‘s separated shoulder. The wolf screamed out in pain. Aznar finally extended his claws for the deathblow. Across the chest would be the spot and the tiger pushed Sebastian on his back to deliver it.

"NO STOP IT!" shouted Yohan.

Aznar glanced over at Yohan and the two wolves. The tiger changed his mind and lifted Sebastian up apathetically. He held the wolf like a hostage and made his way out of the pantheon. The others followed, keeping their distance. Aznar stopped by a railing; he looked over the side into the deep of the canyon.

"You want to play games! It's either the cat or the wolf. Trick me and I'll throw him over!"

"You three get out of here!" replied Sebastain.

Aznar pulled on his shoulder, the pain kept Sebastian from talking again. Yohan pulled away from Sly and slowly made his way over to Sebastian. With the innocence of a child, Yohan looked up into Aznar‘s eyes.

"Let him go."

The tiger took a deep breath and smiled at Yohan.

"As you wish, small cat," the tiger replied letting go of Sebastian, "As you wish."

All seemed over; all seemed done; but before Sebastian could even take two steps, Aznar grabbed him and tossed him over the side into the canyon.

"SEBASTIAN, NO!" cried Yohan in desperation.

Sly and Brute attacked Aznar with full force. Yohan stood to the side. It wasn't long before Aznar positioned the wolves near the ledge and with one great push he sent Brute and Sly over the side. Before Brute went into the abyss, he made one last effort to take Aznar with him. He extended his hand and took hold of the tiger's jacket, but Aznar kept his balance, but barely, leaning over the side on one leg. In a fit of rage, Yohan ran and jumped on the back of his king. He climbed up to his head and began to punch him. "Stop you little brat!" Anzar replied trying to pull Yohan off of him, "We'll fall!"

But Yohan did not care. His deep feelings about how the tigers treated the Shavronites had come to light and Aznar would take what aggression he had to dish out. In the scuffle, Aznar lost is balance and both fell with the rain into the deep.