The Judges Chronicles: The Silver Horn by Terdell Lee Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter 4: At the Royal Ball


The king ordered to send thousands of invitations throughout the land of Tajir. Tigers everywhere were talking about the discovery of the silver horn. There was good reason for this. The Tajirians, throughout their history, celebrated the white unicorn, who once roamed in the world of night, and they heard of a rumor about the silver horn being a key to seeing the beast once again. It was a warped idea, but deep down the tigers wanted nothing else in the world than that wish. When Yohan‘s family received their invitation, the whole household was filled with glee. It was a rarity that any cat, especially a common cat, was invited to a tiger's ball. Yohan and his family held a small party to celebrate the occasion.

Two weeks passed by and the night of the ball was at hand. Yohan and his family rushed out of the door in a hurry as not to be late, for there is nothing worst as being the guest of honor and showing up at the last minute. As they approached the dirt road towards the palace, it was lined with bright lanterns that hung from posts. A few tigers were on the pathway as well and they quietly greeted the family. The entire family was looking their best. Yohan wore his best dress jacket and he wore a bow tie (which he hated wearing) that made him look very sophisticated. At the palace gates, Yohan showed the tiger guards his invitation. Upon seeing that he was the guest of honor, they told him to follow the other main guest through the back door so that they could be announced properly.

Once inside, Yohan and his family stood in the back of the line among the other tigers in a small hall. Yohan's brothers took a great liking to the palace; and because of their youthful energy, they were more fidgety than fish out of water. The palace was new to them and all the paintings, music, and the overall awe of the occasion made Timothy and Nathan excited to explore the surroundings. The young ones were able to get away from mom, whose attention was diverted by fixing her husband's tie; and with mischief in mind, the cats began to pace through the hall of tigers.

They pointed and laughed at all the tiger tails as they whipped through the air like snakes. Timothy and Nathan were tempted to pull one of the tails; and so, that's what Yohan's brothers did. The tiger turned sharply at the kittens; but upon see that it was a childish ruse, that great cat smiled and patted the young ones on the head. Their mother rebuked them sharply. There was a lot of talking going on, most of it had to do with the praise for the king and the great party, but within all the voices Yohan could hear is name being called, and then he saw someone he knew, it was Vladimir.

"I'm glad you are here. You must be his father. Your son has a great ability that can serve the king. You must be very proud of him?"

"Hello, my name is Brin. And yes, I am proud of my son."

The rest of the family introduced themselves. Suddenly there was a trumpet call and all talking came to a halt. The doors to the hall were opened and an orator called the names of the guests into the throne room. Yohan's family was the last to leave. The family passed through the middle of the tigers, which were standing on both sides of the hall. This made the family feel out of place; and adding to the fact that it was quiet, didn't help either. Yohan looked up to spot a wife whispering something in her husband's ear that caused him to produce a nasty smile. The tigers' faces were not inviting at all. Many looked prideful and conceited as they watched the family pass by. It wasn't until the family took their place that they felt better. There was another trumpet sounded and at the front of the room, near the throne chair, stood a tall, skinny black haired wolf. He looked intelligent from the way he stood with his sword in hand. He was wearing a red shirt and a red cape that nearly touched the ground. In a great leap from the stage, the wolf landed near Yohan and his family. He was crouched down, his eyes were closed, and he was still as stone. Yohan saw that the left side of his face, around his eye, was scared with three claw marks. One of the tigers in the crowd shouted,

"Hurry up Shavronite! Show us your sword tricks."

The crowd burst into laughter. After waiting for the laughter to die down, the wolf slowly opened his eyes. Yohan was startled at what he saw: The wolf's eye was gold, not a gold pupil, but his entire eye was solid gold. It was so shinny that Yohan could see his reflection. Then, in a burst of energy, the wolf began his routine. He swung his rapier with speed and potency. He was fast, very fast, and at times Yohan could not even see the blade of the rapier itself. The wolf's cape would follow him with grace, and in his finale he threw his sword in the air, twirled in place, and caught the rapier behind his back, posing for effect. There was a round of applause. The wolf saluted the crowd with his sword and left the scene. The orator returned, said a few words of praise for the king, and directed everyone's attention to the front of the throne room. The doors to the small hall were opened again and there, in commanding stature, was Aznar. Every tiger bowed as the king came through. Yohan and his family did the same. The king wore a white coat with silver buttons. His back was covered with a red cape, and it was so long that two young tigers had to carry the ends. On his right hand he wore a gold ring with a studded jewel. Aznar enjoyed this part of his parties; he enjoyed looking down on the others. He took his place near his throne and told everyone to rise.

"Now my fellow cats, we are gather here on this fine night to celebrate a most historical occasion." said Aznar. "My scribe, Vladimir, has found the whereabouts of the mystical treasure, the silver horn."

There was a great murmur in the throne room. Aznar held up is hands and all became quiet again.

"How?" the king said looking at the scribe briefly, "Well there is a young native here tonight who knows. But these facts will be given light soon enough. Until then enjoy the night."

Aznar clapped his hands and suddenly from a side door a group of musicians, all Shavronites, came in playing a happy tone. Food was brought out and the party began. Aznar and Vladimir made their way over to Yohan and his family. When Aznar stood in front of them all the cats fell prostrate before him.

"No, no," he said laughing, "that time is over now. Get up."

"My dear king, this is Yohan the cat I was telling you about. He is the one who knows."

"I would like to talk to you privately. That is, if its suits your parents."

"I would rather be there with him." said Brin.

"It is quite necessary you see. The king's request should be honored in full," he said eyeing the family with a persuasive look."

"Yes, well," he said looking at his wife, "the king is right in his supplication. Yohan, mind your manners. We'll see you soon."

Aznar left the family. Yohan's mother kissed him and he left with Vladimir. They went away from the party so that they could not hear the voices. Aznar was waiting in his bedroom. The king was sitting at a table, resting his elbows on top. He starred at the two as they entered.

"Come here, small cat, and sit."

Yohan complied. Vladimir stood to the side. "Now Rohan--"

"It's Yohan, sir," the kitten said correction him.

Aznar was still as stone. He never liked to be corrected even when he was wrong. He took a deep breath and continued.

"Vladimir says you know how to find the silver horn. Do you know what that horn means to the tigers?"

" No not really."

"You see, Yohan, we tigers hold the white unicorn in high regard. He‘s a power beast who once ruled over an entire world. That is why we have a feast in his honor once a year. We believe the white unicorn to be powerful, powerful enough to grant wishes. The potential of it, Yohan, think of it. The silver horn is the key and my father and his father before him have desperately searched for it. It seems that I am so close, and you can help little cat. Now, Yohan, I'm going to ask you a simple question," Anzar said glancing over at Vladimir, "Could it be possible that you made this all up?"

"Sir," Vladimir interjected, "You have to---"

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" the king shouted, slamming his fist on the table.

Yohan jumped from the kings voice, it was the most frightening this he had ever heard. "I will not go off on some expedition based on a dream-- I wan to make sure. I want to see that unicorn more than any beast alive. My father and his father before him never knew where it was and now the horn seems so close. If I am embarrassed, Vladimir, in any way," he said pointing, "you know what happens."

Vladimir touched his throat and looked at Yohan. "Answer my question, Yohan."

"I'm not making it up sir. I know where this treasure is. I don't know how. I went to sleep and--I just know."

"Humor me," said Aznar, " tell me what's in your dream."

The dream began in the kingdom of Tajir. To the west was a paved road that led to a grassy plain. Past the plain was a river that stretched far into the region of the tigers' land. After the river, a jungle waited to be explored. Yohan saw many perils, but there was one danger that terrified Yohan more than the others. He could only describe it as a hissing sound; a deep hissing sound. He saw eyes of fire from this malignant appearance, but then the apparition faded away. When the jungle ended, an abandoned city appeared. The city was built along the side of a deep gorge. There were bridges that stretched from one side to the other; it was an engineering achievement that would have rivaled any city in the world. From within the disserted city, Yohan heard sounds of howling and growling as if a melee was happening. After that he saw a badger who stood at the entrance of a cave and a voice told him to toss the silver horn inside, and then the dream ended. The dream ran in Yohan's mind every time he went to sleep. Aznar sat back in his chair with his hands folded. He was speechless. He looked over to Vladimir for help.

"It has to be true. There are many things in his dream that we already know about: the river and the jungle."

"The River you spoke about is the Titan River, " said Aznar. " It travels deep into the regions of Tajir. As for the jungle, it's the only place we tigers dare not to travel. I have sent soldiers in that jungle to break the spirits of the creatures there; none of them have returned. However, I believe you Yohan. That horn means a lot to the tigers. I'm ready to put together an expedition to find the horn. After that we will bring it back to Tajir and we will see if the unicorn comes to us."

There was a gaze in Aznar's eyes after he spoke the words. Yohan could see that there was more to the unicorn's horn than the tiger wanted to tell. The room was silent for some time. Aznar stayed in his stupor until Yohan addressed a question.

"Will you wish for the Shavronites to be free?"

The great tiger shook himself out of the trance and sat back in his chair once again. "What did you say?"

Yohan repeated the question.

"The Shavronites are beneath us small cat," said Aznar. " Why do you ask for them?"

"I have a friend sir, named--"

"Friend?" the king said with a chuckle, "A Shavronite is not your friend. They are your toys, they are your slaves, and they are your property. As a cat you must understand that you are better than them. Make no friendships with them."

There was a deep burning in Yohan's insides. He had heard this same reasoning so many times, and he never considered Maligo lower than himself. Whether it was sheer madness or courage, Yohan spoke up.

"You're wrong, sir! My friend Maligo is a good creature. I don't know what's wrong with you, but I don't think you are as great as the other tigers say you are!"

The king‘s face showed little emotion from the cat‘s words; although, deep down his rage called for the kitten‘s life.

"Yohan, watch your mouth in the presence of your king!" Vladimir said angrily.

"Vladimir it is quite all right," said Aznar waving his hand. " He is a child; I expect him to feel differently. He'll learn soon enough. Go on, Yohan, return to your family." Yohan left the two tigers alone. Vladimir started to speak, but Aznar held up his hand. The king rose from his seat. He walked over to the door, cracked it, and watched the kitten run down the hall.

"He's a very lucky child."

"Lucky my king?" said Vladimir.

"Yes: for if he had not the map to the silver horn, I would have crushed his skull with my bare hands for that remark. Return to the party. I will follow in a few minutes."

Yohan's family left a few minutes afterwards. He didn't speak of the conversation he had with Aznar. The party went on and Aznar made plans for the coming treasure hunt.