The Kite Story - Freddy and his Kite by Ris K. - HTML preview

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One day, Freddy visited Mr Art.

Mr Art: “Last Friday, I was with my nephew at one of your Fun Kites gatherings. Jimmy is 8 years old and has attention deficit disorder.”

“When he was playing with the other children, I was amazed to see that he had so much faith and trust in himself. This was because the other children did not judge him. Instead, they opened up and believed in Jimmy.”

“Children, unlike adults, are filled with innocence. Their emotions and expressions are real and non-judgmental. They express themselves genuinely so as to let others know how they  truly feel because they know a person’s feelings are important.”

In their world, ideal and reality are intertwined. They see infinite possibilities. In their minds, every single day is an opportunity to play, learn, and grow. It is within themselves that they found the courage and the determination to fearlessly seek to venture the unknown.”

“Unfortunately, in the adult world, it is different. Adults have responsibilities. And with responsibilities come doubts, assumptions, and the constant need to control. They have forgotten how to let go, be spontaneous, and play.”

“They have honest intentions but because of fear they lost their courage and moved way from their true selves. They forgot how to be genuine and how to fight for what they believe in.”

“Sadly, they fail to live in the present moment. Hence, they fail to appreciate the joys of what the world can offer and missed out on beautiful life connections. Sometimes, people need to stop, reflect, and appreciate NOW.”

“Fun Kites has created an environment for parents to connect with their children. They are given the opportunity to learn how to play again. The beauty lies in learning from their children. It must be an extraordinary moment for parents to stand in their children's shoes to feel how they felt and to see what they saw. One ought to be thankful for such special moments that no money or great invention can create. This is truly unique to each individual who is willingly to open up and be free.”

“When these children grow up, they would retain some Fun Kites values. I am sure they have inspired their families, friends, and the society. Freddy, when you grow up, reconnect with them in the future. You will be amazed how Fun Kites has impacted their lives and how they have impacted the society.”

And so, Freddy set up a website to maintain contacts with the old and new Fun Kites members. With the help of Wendy, he continued to improve and expand Fun Kites.

Many years later, Freddy reconnected with many old Fun Kites members. He developed great relationships with them. Some even contributed back to Fun Kites.

Kathy and Richie became school teachers. They frequently shared the F Formula and imparted Fun Kites values to their students.

Beth (one of the girls decorating under the tree) became a famous artist. Together with Fun Kites, she launched the yearly “Fun Kite Painting” competition.

Sam became a charity advocate. He supplied kite building materials to the less fortunate children and encouraged them to join Fun Kites.

Rachel became a musician. She worked with the Fun Kites to developed the Fun Kites Synchronized Flying program where children would fly kites together in musical harmony.

Phil became a psychologist. He assisted in improving the Fun Kites Leadership program and volunteered to train new leaders.

Freddy began to see what really mattered was the flow of values through shared knowledge or a product (in this case it would be learning of kite building, decorating, flying and teaching skills).


A Fun Kites member's behaviors and words could be seen as a reflection of Fun Kites values. Hence, every interaction would be an opportunity for a transfer of Fun Kites values.

Fun Kites values would flow from a Fun Kites member to his/her social circles (family, friends, etc) as well as to the society (people outside of the social circles – schoolmates, people at the park, etc). Members of his/her social circles would also assist in transferring the values to the society.

As the Fun Kite member integrated with the society, these values would change. By reaching out and reestablishing the relationship, these Fun Kites values would be revived. He or she could then bring significant contributions back to the Fun Kites community.

Good values are crucial to the development of a person, a business, and a society. How a person contribute back to his/her family, the workplace, businesses (as a customer), and the society would depend on the kind of values that he/she has learned from his/her family, the workplace, businesses and the society.


Freddy understood the power of shared knowledge and its meaningful impact on people's lives. So, he started writing this book. When Freddy finished writing, he was not sure if this might or might not help someone. All he knew was that if he did not publish it, the odds of changing someone's life was an absolute zero. Hence, he took a leap of faith and published it.

By sharing his inspirational journey, Freddy hoped that this book has changed your thinking and your actions as well as helped you to fulfill your purpose, push beyond boundaries, and inspire others.