The Legend of the Ring 2 by Alina Udrea - HTML preview

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Chapter 9

Angela wanted to relax and a day in the hunting cabin would help her do that. She was wondering why Daniel, the Prince of the land, had been wandering off on his own and dressed like a commoner the other day when she saved him. Because she recognized him even if he didn’t recognize her. Maybe he too wanted to enjoy a day away from his duties from time to time. And what way to do that than to walk around disguised? But without anyone to protect him, that was kind of stupid and reckless. Perhaps they weren't so different after all..


The forest was so quiet and still. Just a few birds were chirpingas if to remind her that the forest was alive. Then she heard a familiar barking. Where had she heard that barking before? But hardly had she finished her thought when a big golden retriever was standing by her side, wagging its tail.

“Princess! What are doing here?” Angela asked as if expecting an answer from the dog.

“I might ask you the same thing”, came the answer. But not from the dog, of course, but from its master, Daniel.

“Uh...hi Daniel”, Angela said blushing. So much for her quiet day out in the woods. But this wasn't bad, either, she had to admit.

But this time Daniel wasn't alone. He was followed by his trusty squires George and Adrian and by Nick from the orphanage. He immediately recognized her as well. They were all dressed up for hunting.

“How’s your leg, Angela?”, Daniel asked concerned while he was already examining it with his gaze.

“It’s healed thanks to you.”

“Hello Angela”, exclaimed Nick wondering how come the Prince of Green Valley knew a common girl from the orphanage.

“Hello miss” exclaimed both George and Adrian at the same time. They remembered their previous encounter when she had hurt her leg in one of their traps and when the Prince had sent them with chocolates for her and her friend at the orphanage.

“George, Adrian, why don't you take Nick and show him how you hunt deer. Because you haven't caught any game yet and this is his first time hunting.”

“But then you'll be on your own, you need at least one of us to protect you….”, whined George who didn’t like to know that the Prince was alone, even if with a girl. Now he had Nick, his bodyguard, but he still worried for the Prince. He had known him since he was a baby and he knew Daniel would make a great king some day.

“What, don't you think I can handle a girl? Do you think she will attack me?” asked Daniel laughing.

“I promise I’ll be good”, Angela also entered his little game, laughing too.

“All right then, let's hunt some deer!” said George and winked at Adrian and Nick. At least Princess was there to protect the Prince and the girl in case they needed, he thought, and they wouldn't go far, either.

“So…” Angela began feeling a little awkward to be alone with the Prince.

“Come, let me help you up on my stallion. I'll show you a cold brook nearby, it has the most tasty water in the kingdom. And the view is wonderful, too”, he said not taking “no” for an answer.

But she wasn't going to refuse his invitation. She was thirsty so this only made his offer even more tempting. He helped her up next to him on his stallion. She clasped her arms around his waist. He was so muscular beneath his clothes, she could feel it. The day had just got a lot better and more interesting than what she had planned.

The wind was playing in her hair as they rode on Daniel's stallion. The leaves were also playing in the wind, almost flying. She was wondering where the brook was as she thought she knew this forest but she had never found this brook Daniel was talking about. After a while, she decided to just enjoy the ride. She wasn't afraid of him, she knew he wouldn’t hurt her. And she was sure he would indeed be a great king someday. He was a good-hearted person, kind and compassionate.

“Here we are”, she heard his voice suddenly, waking her from her daydreaming. “Let me help you down”, he added as he jumped off his horse. Then he helped her down too. He tied the horse to a tree and pushed away some bushes, helping her get past them. Then her breath was taken away by the beauty of what lay in front of them. A narrow brook with crystal clear water was flowing slowly and on its banks lay the most beautiful flowers she had ever seen in her life. It was breath taking! It was like a dream, it seemed so unreal, so wonderful! The scent was so strong from the multitude of flowers that she could hardly breathe. So many flowers and so many colors! And the brook was so enticing, so luring, that it made her even thirstier. She hurried towards it to fill her hands and drink. She first washed her face in the cold brook and then she drank. It was so invigorating. He was watching her, mesmerized by her beauty and simplicity. Then he took out a flask and filled it with water.

She lay in the grass among the flowers. She looked up at the sky as some white clouds seemed to be chasing one another, carried away by the wind and not able to catch up with each other. It was the best day ever. And the Prince of the land was next to her, a poor orphanage girl, when he could have been anywhere else, with anybody else. But instead, he was there, spending this afternoon with her. She just couldn’t believe it.

“Hey”, Angela heard Daniel say, “what are you thinking about?”. And he also lay down beside her in the grass, among the flowers. Princess sat between them.

She slowly raised her head from the grass and as she was about to open her mouth to answer, he closed it with a kiss. She closed her eyes and kissed him back.

When she realized that she had just kissed the Prince she tried to guess his thoughts. Had this been a mistake? Was he sorry for having kissed her? She wasn't going to apologize for having kissed him. So what if he was the Prince? And if she thought about it, he had kissed her first, she just kissed him back. While she was struggling with her own feelings, Daniel addressed her in the sweetest voice possible, looking straight into her eyes.

He started talking and she had to pinch herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

“You are the only reason I was out hunting today. I was hoping to meet you at the cabin. If I hadn't met you today either, I would have come at the orphanage tomorrow to see you. But I was afraid that you would refuse me. So I am glad I met you at the cabin”, said Daniel and he leaned and kissed her again. His full lips were so soft on hers.

“You were afraid I would refuse you? Who are you kidding? You are the Prince while I…you know, no other girl would have refused the Prince. Hmm, but I might have refused you if I didn’t like you, even if you are the Prince.”

“I know. That’s why I was afraid. You are stubborn and proud and courageous, even reckless sometimes. You are like no other girl I met.”

“Thank you, I guess. And you are like no other Prince I ever met”, she said teasing him.

“Why, have you met many Princes before?”

“No, silly, you are the only Prince I met. What did you think? That Princes from all over the world were making a queue at my doorstep at the orphanage?” said Angela laughing.


He stood up and grabbed her hands and pulled her up from the grass. When she was up with her face next to his, he pressed one gentle kiss on her cheek this time and then they untied the stallion from the tree.

“We had better head back to the cabin or George will come looking for us. He worries most for me, nagging me more than Adrian and Nick together. He is worse than my mom.”

When they got back, the three were already waiting for them. And George was fidgeting on his horse, clearly worried about him. The moment he saw Daniel, his face muscles relaxed and he gave a faint smile.

“What, George? Told you we were safe, you worry too much”, and with that, Daniel patted him on his shoulder.

“Let’s accompany Angela to the orphanage!” Daniel ordered them.

“Maybe your Highness shouldn't be seen in the company of a common girl from the orphanage”, said Adrian, “we could get her home, if you wish…”, he went on but he was cut short by Daniel who hated that Angela had to hear that.

“Are you thinking of my reputation, Adrian? Let me worry about that, ok? I am the Prince and I get to choose my company. I don’t care what people think as long as I do my duties for this kingdom. Who I go out with is nobody’s business but mine.”


“Maybe he is right, Daniel. Nick can take me home if you want….” She said although there was nothing she wished more than for Daniel to take her home.

“Nonsense! We'll all accompany you. If I don’t care what people think or say, why would you?”

She tightened her grasp around his waist happy beyond words. This is how they got in front of the orphanage gates where Daniel asked the others to go ahead until he bade her goodbye. As she was promising to see him tomorrow again, she thought she saw the curtains from her windows move. She wondered if Rose had seen her with him on his magnificent stallion.