The Legend of the Ring 2 by Alina Udrea - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

Igor woke up shivering. The cave was dark and cold again as the fire had long ago died out. He had fallen asleep as he was tired but now he felt rested and hungry. He decided to make a small fire again to get warm and eat cooked meat from his bag and then start on his journey again.


One hour later he was on his way once again. The raven was circling him in the air, showing him the way.

Now that the weather was better, the forest didn’t seem so scary anymore. Everything seemed so still and quiet. There was a brook nearby where he made provisions of fresh water. Even the glassy surface of the water seemed eerie in the morning light. But the water was so refreshing and cool. The water was flowing so slowly and calmly that it was as if it was almost standing still.

After taking enough water for the journey, he started galloping again.

The only sound he could hear was the stallion's heavy breath as it was galloping. He couldn’t even hear the sound of the stallion's hooves on the ground as the ground was muddy and soft from the rain the day before. Everything was so peaceful. But his mind wasn't. All he could think about was grabbing the ring and then with it and with his army he could try to conquer Green Valley. If Margo was right, this ring was exactly what he needed to have an advantage over the King's army which was more numerous and better equipped than his. But Margo said that if he could snatch the ring, he himself would be worth one hundred skilled men. She said the ring would enhance his already great abilities to such an extent that he would be invincible. All he had to do was to find the wench wearing it and take it from her. How hard could that be? She was just a girl, Igor thought smiling so widely that his face looked deformed for a second.

With that in mind, Igor was rushing towards the outskirts of Green Valley, towards his goal. A few more days and he'd be there. Good thing that his stallion was young and strong and up for the challenge as he wanted to get there as soon as possible which meant as few stops for breaks as possible, too.

Igor knew that Daniel would soon inherit the throne of Green Valley as his father, his step brother, was getting old and weak. It was just a matter of time. So it would have been best if he could take the throne before that happened. He was afraid that Daniel would make a better king than his father and that he would raise a bigger and more disciplined army than him. And then it would be more difficult to take the throne. So best thing was to conquer Green Valley before that happened. He had heard rumors of Daniel and of the fact that he was wise and brave and that the people were loyal to him. And Igor dreaded that. He needed to take control over the kingdom sooner rather than later. And make the people be loyal to him. Either with money or by force.

He was riding restlessly day and night to get there. It was so close now. Just half a day's journey away.