The Living of a Life by K J Tesar - HTML preview

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A Journey Home



The small boat danced across the waves,

white and sleek.

Lost in serenity, the sweetness of the sun,

His mind adrift as the waves cut by.

Enticing smells enveloped him, thoughts of far off places,

A sense of peaceful beauty,

the crux of life.

Lost in his thoughts he had not seen,

The burgeoning wind, the threat from the sky.

A violent crash of the waves,

his languor broke,

The fury had him in its hold, a grip of fear.

Savage waves crashed over the hull,

Consumed with panic, he sought escape.

Convulsed by the immensity,

he knew he was lost.

The rain slashed his face,

Thoughts of his life, all not yet done.

Smashing glass cut his body,

his death written.

Devoured by the tumult, the boat succumbed.

Thrown by the waves he resisted no more,

he let his body free.

A warmth entered him, the fear released,

The sea was his home, if die he must,

there was no better way.

Consumed by the depths, a smile grew on his face,

His life merged with the water,

he had come home.