Chapter 3
The Fight Among The Animals
The frog with shivers down his spine went where the domestic animals were gathered. The domestic animals clapped for the snake for using his wisdom to bring the frog to that important meeting.
Cat the chair leader, “Frog welcome to our important meeting. We domestic animals on this farm were looking forward to your being here so that you can help us iron out the differences which led to the death of the farmer who used to look after us. Therefore frog tell us if you have a problem with the snake.”
The Frog, “Chair leader, the snake told me that once I explain everything in details then he will kill me instantly. Therefore let the snake tell the genesis of this story.”
Cat the Chair leader, “Welcome snake to our meeting of domestic animals. Actually we have called upon you to help us domestic animals solve our problem which you have already heard from the mouse.”
The Snake, “The problem I had with the frog is that he refused to take responsibility for the safety of my eggs which got burnt by a wild fire. I wanted to punish the frog that is when I came across the mousetrap. Without knowing, I set it off when I tried to stretch myself. In anger I bit the farmer who came to check on the mousetrap.”
The Bull, “Who should be blamed from what the snake has explained?”
The Sheep, “It’s the snake because nobody has the right to force another animal concerning responsibilities. Besides, why did the snake strike an innocent farmer who was merely looking to catch the mouse? To me that sound strange, the snake should have left the farmer alone while hiding in the mousetrap, after all the light had gone off. ”
The Snake interrupted, “I had all the right to strike the farmer on his forehead because he disturbed me in the mousetrap, remember it was in the night.”
The Ducks, “The frog was right to refuse other added responsibilities just as you domestic animals refused to help the mouse to remove the mousetrap out of his way when he requested you to do so.”
The Snake angrily, “The frog was wrong for disobeying my orders. I pleaded with him to be responsible for my affairs, especially on the issue of protecting my eggs whenever I was not around.”
The Duck, “Snake, you have no right to force the frog to protect your eggs whether you are around or not. Therefore you have got a case to answer.”
Cat the Chair leader, “Domestic Animals, how do we solve this problem which is self-explanatory. The snake has been found with a case to answer beyond doubt.”
The Cock afraid of the snake, “Domestic Animals! Are you sure the snake was wrong? I think we should apportion blame on the mouse, if you don’t agree with me, then you can excuse me from your meeting.”
The Duck, “Cock, what are you afraid of? The snake! I am not afraid of the snake I can punish this creature; you will see what will happen. Cat please tell me the kind of punishment we should give the snake right now.”
The Snake frowning, “If you called me in order to bring charges against me then you are simply creating problems for yourself. I can bite you all domestic animals at once within the shortest period of time. How can you exclude the useless frog that refused to help me? Your judgment is not fair. Unless you change it, you are creating enmity with me.
I will build my home nearer to the home of the farmer so that I can start biting you any time I feel like.”
Cat the Chair leader, “Don’t be angry snake, and when you address the chair, choose your words carefully to select. We haven’t come here to create enmity; we have come here to create friendship with you and the frog. It’s now time for the frog to speak.”
The Snake interrupted, “What will the frog say when you have found me with a case to answer. Whatever words the frog will say means death to him. On the other hand the duck should show me some respect. I am not happy with threatening words he has been using.”
The Mouse, “Snake, please respect the frog’s right to speak his mind, let him exercise his right. We don’t want dictators in our meeting.”
The Snake, “Mouse mind your language, who do you think you are to give such advice? From now on you have become my enemy. Be careful with me otherwise I will strike at you anytime I feel like.”
Cat the Chair leader, “Snake, stop using threatening words, we have come here in peace. Therefore use this opportunity to overcome your rivalries with the frog, forgive him and make peace with him.”
The Snake, “When I get angry it’s not easy to calm me down. I am now giving the frog the opportunity to speak his last words before I pass judgment on him.”
The Cattle, “Before the frog says anything, I want to know whether the snake will apologize to the domestic animals for striking the farmer. You see snake, sometimes it’s good to humble yourself when you know that you are wrong. Remember that you cannot be the champion among all the domestic animals.”
The Snake angrily, “Apologizing for what! Did I strike domestic animals? It’s better to apologize to the farmer. Now how can I do it since he is dead? Just say something bull which can be understood by everyone here, but the issue of apologizing cannot work at the moment.”
The Sheep, “The snake is not interested in listening to the wishes of the domestic animals. Therefore let the frog speak his last words and die at the hands of the snake.”
The Dog, “You are a very backward animal sheep, you shouldn’t support the snake’s desire to kill the frog. After all, the frog is right in denying added responsibilities. Why should species on the same habitat oppress each other just because they are able to lay eggs? The snake should learn to be responsible for his own affairs; if the snake kills the frog, then the snake will lose his life as well.”
The Cock, “Chair leader I want to learn something here, were the domestic animals right in denying helping the mouse remove the mouse trap? I have asked this because the dog is saying nobody should accept added responsibilities.”
Cat the Chair leader, “That is a sad question cock which you have asked because it shows that domestic animals cannot cooperate among one another in spite of living on the same farm with the same boss looking after them. I think let the frog speak his last words and we disperse. Otherwise, this meeting will not solve anything. My only warning is that whoever starts a war here will not escape with his life. ”
The Frog, “I am shifting the blame to the snake. Whether I die or not the snake and the mouse were wrong because nobody has the right to put their responsibilities on other species of animals. Remember that each animal, whether wild or domestic, have got their own things to do. So, any sensible animal should not oppress other animals weak or not.”
Then the snake with anger struck the frog and it died instantly. This provoked war among domestic animals and the snake. The snake was able to bite the bull on the neck. As the bull started gasping for life, the snake struck the goat and the cock on their heads. They died instantly. The duck stretched its wings and took to flight. The snake tried its best to strike the duck several times until the snake got tired. Then the cat with its long claws pierced in the head of the snake and it died instantly.
So the death of the snake brought the enmity of the domestic animals towards each other to a close. The cat and the duck were thanked for their bravery, but the dog, the pig and the sheep were castigated for running away for their lives when they saw the snake attack.