The Port of Elizabeth by Ssen Krad - HTML preview

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Bonus Chapter


Expected Change




The audience stood up as they clapped their newly elected SRC President to the stage with pride and joy at what they had managed to accomplish by electing her.

Zanele could only think of what she was about to say as she walked up to the podium with no visible sign of having prepared a speech. With unmistakable confidence, she stood in front of the people that had elected her and cleared her throat.

“Students, lecturers and officials. I am exceedingly thankful that last night I was elected as the first female SRC

President of Franklin Mertins University!”

A loud roar of applause interpolated her next point as the excitement of the countless women in the crowd tumbled throughout the massive hall.

Seeing no end to the cheers, Zanele cut through the crowd with the continuation of her acceptance speech.

“As we all know! Franklin Mertins was a strong advocate for the freedom of all people and led the charge in making sure that all South Africans enjoy the freedoms we have now come to expect. However, this is not true for all South Africans! I'm sure we all know of how sexual abuse negatively affects all people but for the sake of having a starting point in tackling this issue, I will firstly address how women, particularly the women in both this university and the universities of South Africa, have been abused and taken advantage of! For far too long have we told each other stories of how we have been taken advantage of by the men of this university. For far too long have we kept our silence on the traumas that have affected us out of fear that we might lose residencies on campuses, placings in lectures and ultimately, in extreme cases, even the very scholarships we worked so hard to achieve. I say ‘we’ because this is the beginning of a new era on this campus, where one woman represents all women, where the unity of our gender has become a necessity in order to defeat the femicide we are facing! I’m happy to report that seventy percent of all the male SRC members, especially those who are presiding res officers have been removed and charged with sexual assault, with more expected to follow suit. How was this achieved? The secret text app known as Covert, which was used as a means for rapists and bigots to cover their tracks within this institution, has been exposed! And all evidence has been brought forth to the authorities for prosecution. My own family has agreed to fund all the necessary cases that have been brought forth on behalf of the victims that cannot afford representation! The mission is clear, to rid this university of all perpetrators and to drive fear into the hearts of our abusers!”

The crowd erupted into roars and cheers of elation upon hearing the full extent of Zanele’s claims.

“And we do not intend on stopping there! Seeing as this rape culture has been persisting for years, the Dean has taken over the allocation of residential placings for the time being and only qualified and vetted personnel shall deal with this in the future, but this time with full transparency, working hand in hand with the university. In addition, any member of the student body accused of rape shall be stripped of their membership from the university until proven innocent. Why? We are tired of seeing our abusers as we go to class! We are tired of being called liars!

We are tired of being intimidated! Furthermore, we have spoken to all of the universities that have agreed to work with us, namely UST, UES and UG! We are hoping to take this initiative national, so all victims of Gender-Based Violence may have a voice and the opportunity to be listened to. We want to speak to the president, we want laws to be changed! And this time nothing will stop us! This, ladies and gentlemen is the expected change we deserve! And best believe we will not be silent until we get what we deserve! Thank you, may the revolution commence!" shouted Zanele before the entire hall burst into a cacophony of protest song and dance which continued long into the afternoon.

Ultimately, something was being done. For the first time action was being taken and for the first time it was the right action. Playing fields were being levelled and the wheels of justice could now move unencumbered as fairness began to exact its revenge. And for the countless victims it appeared as though the light at the end of the tunnel had finally made itself visible.

The end.