The Provence Dilemma by Lewis P Jones - HTML preview

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The next day, Steve could not wait for the little car to arrive and sure enough, it did and right on time. He ran over to it and there inside was this same beautiful woman with a beaming reassuring smile. He knew he had strong feelings for this woman that he knew so little about. He opened the door and got in. “Hi” he said excitedly. Camile looked at him, she leant across and kissed him on the lips, just the once. Steve reached across to her and pulled her towards him, he kissed her again, this time and for the first time, it was passionate. They kissed again.

“Where would you like to go today, I am your guide” she said, laughing.

He was no longer interested in the scenery, the museums, the people, he was interested in Camile and only Camile. As they drove along they chatted and Steve decided he should try to find out in the most polite way, if there was a man in her life, just to put his mind at rest. Dealing with Hannah was going to be quite a task, but another man could be even more awkward. But wait, he had only known her for two days! How can he feel like this about someone he hardly knows? Why would he feel so like this? He asked her outright

“Camile, I have to know, do you have a boyfriend, is there a man in your life?”

She could tell from his voice that he was somewhat nervous about asking such a question, but she also realised that he wanted to know for good reason. She smiled at him sideways, as she was driving

“No, there is not” she said still smiling at him but looking where she was going.

“Once there was, but he is gone now for over a year” she went on.

Steve could not believe his luck, a single beautiful girl and she likes him – a lot!

Steve laughed, “where do you live, Camile?” he asked inquisitively.

She smiled and went on to explain where her home was and that she lived with her parents. They owned a vineyard (vignoble) and it was active, producing wine until two years ago. Her father had become frail and unwell and could no longer manage it any more, mother was also frail and so it had fallen into a poor state. “There is nobody that can manage it and I cannot do it either” she said looking sad.

“You must try the wine though, you will like it” she said more cheerfully.

“Can I see it one day?” asked Steve.

“Sure, we can go there soon”.

It was the response he had hoped for.

He told Camile that he had spent the night thinking about her and that he would like to stay in France for much longer and asked her if he could get a job nearby perhaps. She knew a few people down near the beach “maybe I know someone that can help” she said grinning at him, she was pleased that he wanted to stay longer. They drove off and she told him that she knew a man with a boat, a big boat. He was very wealthy and the boat was not used that often but had to be kept nice.

“He had someone look after it for him, but they disappeared last week. Actually, he had two boats, but one was much smaller” she went on.

 She drove back down, through the city centre towards Place d’ Îlle de Beauté, it was the road that ran around the marina. As they turned into it, they could see lots of boat and yachts. The car stopped and parked up. Camile explained,

“so this is the marina, I have spent many good times here” she said. Steve was amazed at all these boats, there were rows and rows of them moored.

“But my friend Alain, his boat is not here, it’s too big!” she said laughing.

“Too big?” he exclaimed.

“Sure, it is a super yacht, so it has to go over there, the other side” she said pointing.

Steve focused on some very large superyachts moored up across the bay. “Jeez! Surely he doesn’t own one of those, does he?” he was quite shocked at the size of them.

“You see the black one, with all the flags on it? That is Alains” she went on.

“come on, we’ll go around to it, he may be on board today”.

She started the car and drove around the marina along the Quai Cassini and turned onto Quai Lunel.

“Here, this is it, she is called Pegasus” said Camile, she was pointing at it.

“Wow!” Steve was in awe, it was massive. She parked the car on the quayside and got out. They both looked up at this huge yacht sitting there serenely in her berth. Camile reached into the open window of her little car and tooted the horn. A man looked over the side and waved, he called out


He immediately came almost running down the gangway to greet her. She clearly knew him well, he was so pleased to see her and in typical French custom, kissed her on both cheeks. He held both her hands and spoke to her enthusiastically. She too was pleased to see him and then she introduced Steve. Alain could speak quite good English and he could make himself understood easily enough. They shook hands and Camile spoke to him in French, Steve heard his name mentioned and realised she was asking Alain if he had a job. Alain looked at Steve,

“are you good with boats? he asked.

“I have to be honest sir, I have no experience with boats, but would love to learn” he said.

“Okay, please don’t call me sir, my name is Alain. If you think you can look after her, good!” he went on “you will not have to be crew, I have a crew, but she needs cleaning and painting and things when I don’t use her, can you do that?” he asked.

Steve was amazed, it looked like Camile had just landed him a job. “Yes, I can do this Alain”. He was excited at even boarding the yacht, let alone look after her.

They all laughed together and agreed that Steve could start tomorrow. Alain explained that Steve would be like a janitor, cleaning, painting and varnishing and sleeping on board, taking fresh water and much more.

“Sleeping on board?” asked Steve.

“Yes, don’t you want to?” Alain asked in a surprised way.

He could not believe it, he could live aboard!

“Rather!” he eagerly replied. Alain went back aboard, as he went up the steep gangway he paused and looked back down at Camile and Steve on the quay.

“see you tomorrow” he said and waved as he disappeared onto the boat.

Steve stood there looking at Camile, this stunningly beautiful woman in such opulent surroundings. He was so lucky, if only his dad could see him now he thought. They got back in the car and drove off.

“So, now you can stay!” she said smiling at him.

“Yes, thank you, thank you so much” he said.

He really still could not take it all in, it was surreal to him. They spent the afternoon walking around the marina area, stopping for a drink here and there. Steve was in a dream, he had never experienced anything remotely like this and to him this was paradise. Now it was late afternoon and he thought it should be time to go back to his chalet. Camile was happy to take him.

“Tomorrow, you must come with me and bring all your clothes, everything” she said.

They arrived at the campsite and parked.

“I will be here at 10 o’clock again” she said.

They kissed and they kissed, he did not want to get out of the car and she did not want to drive away.

“Thank you Camile, I’ll see you in the morning, I can’t wait!”

And he ran up the little pathway into his chalet.

In the morning, the little yellow car was there, waiting. Camile suggested that they popped in to the reception to tell them he was checking out and give the key in. The pretty little girl was there again and she was most surprised he was checking out, Camile stood in reception with him while he explained to the girl that his plans had dramatically changed. She said nothing, but followed him back outside to his cabin. He gathered his things together and picked up the bottle of wine that had been left for him, he showed it to Camile. She looked at the label,

“leave it here, it is no good” she said.

Steve realised that she knew her wine and did indeed leave it on the bed, picked up his bag and went outside. He did not look back and Camile followed laughing. They left and chatted in the car all the way down to the marina about what there was to do in Nice. Within half an hour they were there, Steve got his bag from the back of the car and walked around the side to the window, Camile stayed in the car. He kissed her and she pulled him by his collar back inside the car and kissed him again passionately. “I’ll be back this afternoon” she said and drove off. He stood on the quayside holding his bag, he looked like a sailor that was about to embark on a long voyage! He was, in a way. He went up the steep gangway and Alain was there sitting at a table on the aft end with a cup of coffee. There was another man and a beautiful young woman with him. He stood up and greeted Steve shaking his hand and introduced the other man as his skipper and the girl that looked like a model was his girlfriend, Agathe. He took Steve below to a cabin,

“this is for you, you can stay here, you can come and go as you wish, no fixed hours but I always want I nice clean yacht” he said assertively. “Skipper will show you what to do, so unpack and have a walk around”

Steve was amazed that his cabin was like a small suite in an hotel, he had his own bathroom and the whole thing was equipped in such a luxurious manner. He hurriedly unpacked what he had and went up on deck. He strolled around the deck, looked down onto the fo’c’sle (front) and looked at the mooring lines and winches. He wondered how they all worked and what they did. He wandered back down to the aft end of the ship where Alain was, but he had gone. Only the skipper was there, he seemed kind too. He spoke just a few words of English and told Steve what to do. He showed him where the cleaning equipment locker was, the hoses for washing the decks and the painting equipment.

“You see something dirty, you clean, you see painting mark, you paint it, easy” he said smiling.

Steve couldn’t believe that was all he had to do. He decided that he would wash down the walkways, either side of the boat, they were a little dusty. He got on with it and was busy with the hose and broom. After a couple of hours, skipper came along to have a look,

“good, good!” was all he said and he went below.

After a few minutes there was a car horn sounding on the quay, it was Camile. Steve looked over the side then at his watch, it was well after lunch, he hadn’t realised how quickly the time had passed.

She shouted up “come, we have lunch”.

He put the water hose into a neat coil on the deck and ran down the gangway and across the quay to the car. Camile was standing next to it, she always looked so beautiful and he kissed her, everything was all lovey dovey, even soppy. They got into the car and drove off.

“Where to?” Steve asked.

“I thought we may go to the Avenue Jean Lorrain” she said.

“What is that?” he asked her.

She laughed “why, it’s a road!” she went on, “I know a little restaurant there”

Steve felt a little out of place, everything was just, well, just so nice.

Within ten minutes or so, they drew up at the front of it and went straight inside. Steve was hungry and was keen to eat anything, but it all looked a bit fancy to him. They sat down at a table inside and Camile asked him what he would like. As before, he could not understand the menu, so she advised him. Drinks came, then the meal, it was quite a grand looking serving on a large oval plate.

“What is this?” he asked looking down at it. Camile thought for a moment

“er, its called chicken fricassee” she said.

He just got stuck in, he was so hungry.

“Beer?” she asked

“Oui s'il vous plaît” he replied. She laughed and told him his French was improving. Well, it was, slowly.

They finished their meal and Steve had to argue with Camile about paying the bill, she was so insistent. He was going to pay and that was it. She was a little cross with him as she wanted to pay and she knew he didn’t have much money. They returned to the Pegasus, she dropped him off and agreed to come back later that day.  Steve went back up the gangway and as he was nearing the top, he looked down to see her little car disappearing at the end of the quay. At that same moment, a noisy little red car came along the quay towards the boat and when it stopped near the bottom of the gangway, he could see it was Alain. The car that he first thought was a funny, noisy red car was a Ferrari, a 488 Spider. It was beautiful but Alain had been up in the hills to see some friends and it was covered in dust. Steve went back down the gangway and greeted him, he suggested Alain let him wash it. Alain smiled,

“you can take it to the car wash please, no drive through?” he said and threw him the keys and went on board.

Steve was left standing next to this car, he could drive, but not very well. He was brave enough to get in and start it and as the engine roared into life, he grinned, looking down at the dashboard. He turned the car around with care, then drove down the quay, he could feel the power, but was frightened to use it. He drove around some of the streets looking for a car wash, occasionally, a head would turn at this gorgeous car and he felt rather noble in it.

He found one without a queue and three young men set to cleaning it immediately. Within ten minutes, it was all sparkling again, and Steve drove it gingerly back to the Pegasus.

By now it was coming six o ‘clock and he stood on the aft end looking across the marina when along comes the little yellow Citroen car, it was Camile, she had come to collect him. They went to dinner again. This routine lasted for a whole week or so with only small deviations, every day she would come, they would go off to eat or to the shops and then return to the Pegasus. They were getting closer and closer but today was different, it was Friday, and the weekend was just coming. Camile suggested that they go to her house for dinner.

“That would be really nice” he wondered what her home was like.

“You want to go now?” she asked.

“Yes, why not” he replied.

They got into her car and drove along the quayside. It was not far, maybe thirty minutes. Out through the city centre where they turned off the main road and drove up a steep hill to the chateau along a tree lined avenue. Camile explained that the trees were planted in commemoration of the coronation of King Louis XIV. The avenue was only short and at the top were two large decorative stone pillars with wrought iron gates that were wide open. This led them down a short gravel driveway lined with lavender on both sides and a field either side with what looked like vines. Steve could see the house (chateau), it was in an elevated position and more like a castle, very large, very old and had a tower either end rather like something from a Bavarian fairy tale. It really was beautiful, but surely Camile did not live here, surely. But she did and had since birth, it was the family vineyard seemingly since time began, she was proud of it, but at the same time she was hurting as they no longer produced wine. Steve was overwhelmed by it all

“it’s so beautiful, so beautiful” he exclaimed.

Apparently, the chateau was constructed in 1711 over a huge vaulted cellar and commanded the most fantastic views over the countryside. The house and grounds were indeed immaculate, they were well groomed and looked after. Camile explained that she and her mother actually maintained what they could, by cutting the grass and trimming hedges etc. but the vineyard was just too much, they needed help and someone to manage it professionally. So the vines were not maintained and had become overgrown.

As the car stopped outside the front, Steve got out and stood with his hands on his hips and looked up at the chateau in awe. Camile came around the front of the car, she took his hand and led him up the wide stone steps to the large wooden double fronted doors with windows in. He somehow felt at ease here, as if he belonged, but felt that perhaps it was because this beautiful woman was holding his hand and leading him, it felt like a dream. She opened the door and they went inside, the front lobby had large black and white tile flooring with a beautiful curving stairway of pink marble following up the curved wall that had an intricate handrail in black and gold on the outside, typical of the baroque style. From the ceiling hung two glittering chandeliers with lights inside that seemed to peep through the crystal with a sort of golden glow. All the walls were white and there were wall lights that matched the chandeliers. The windows at the sides and top of the stairs had long draping curtains and large paintings hung on the wall, there were a couple of rather fancy shelves with large vases full of dried flowers and to the left was a grand piano and two deep armchairs to sink in to. It was simply breath taking.

“Wow!” exclaimed Steve.

Camile smiled “I would like you to stay here” she said.

He thought this was all a dream, he never thought he would enter such an extravagant building, led on by such a beautiful woman. Before he could respond, a woman’s voice called out, she spoke loudly but he could not understand what she said. Camile said something back as an elderly woman came down the stairs smiling as if she were a princess, well dressed and elegant.

“Please” said Camile “please meet my mother?” she asked as she ushered him towards her.

From the way Camile had described her mother, Steve had a picture of a rather frail old wrinkly woman in his mind, but she was far from that. In fact, she was very well dressed, graceful and moved around with ease, she smiled all the time and when he looked closely at her face, he could see that in her younger years she must have been a very beautiful woman, her brown eyes were large like her daughters and she wore a strikingly dazzling necklace with earrings that matched.

“Camile, I can see where your beauty comes from” he said grinning.

Her mother did not speak very good English at all, for she had never even been to England, nor wanted to. Camile and her mother then followed with a long conversation between themselves in French which of course ruled out Steve understanding anything they said to one another. Afterwards, Camile turned and smiled, she said

“mother likes you and you are welcome to stay”.

He looked at her mother who was still smiling at him and stood quite still.

“Thank you” he said, smiling back and lowering his head slightly as if she were the queen. Camile said something else to her mother and took Steve by the hand again and led him through a door into a huge lounge, it was just as tastefully decorated as the hallway with deep, thick carpet and beautiful antique furniture all about. Large windows overlooked a courtyard, set between the chateau and some outbuildings and through them, he could see a shady terrace and flowering shrubs surrounding a swimming pool. She did not stop, she just kept giggling and quickly pulling him along through the sumptuous lounge into another room.

“Camile, where are we going? Steve asked.

She did not reply, but giggled and carried on through to another room, a little smaller than the lounge but nonetheless just as opulent and in the corner was a spiral staircase that led up inside one of the two towers.

“Come, this is where you will stay” she told him.

“But Camile, I cannot stay here, I am only in France for another week and all my clothes are in my cabin on the Pegasus” he said sounding confused, he was trying to be realistic. They went into a bedroom, again it was magnificent in its décor, it had a lovely marble fireplace and the window looked out onto a plane tree-lined driveway with a tennis court at the end.

“Why, it’s such a wonderful place Camile, but I can’t stay, it just would not be right” Steve said, disappointed.

She stood in front of him with her lower lip drooping, she held both his hands and looked into his face.

“Listen to me” she said very seriously. “You are the first person I have ever invited to my house, you are special, we have not known each other for long, but I know you feel the same. You do, don’t you?”

She had suddenly gone from being all giggly and adolescent-like, to a very serious young woman. Steve looked in to the face of this beautiful woman, she melted him, how could he resist? He looked around him, the offer of staying here for his last week in France was very tempting and he accepted this generous offer from his new friend.

“We are special”, he said looking her in the eye “I will come and stay”.

She was so pleased, she grabbed him by his chin, pulled him towards her and kissed him on the lips. He was naïve, whilst he realised the dangerous situation he was going in to, he really believed that this whirlwind relationship would simply end naturally when he returned to England and Hannah would be none the wiser. After all, to him it all seemed too good to be true. He was just an ordinary guy, he wasn’t particularly handsome, nor rich. What would such a beautiful woman see in him?

It was coming lunch time, Camile had made them both a sandwich and they sat out in the courtyard eating and chatting. Steve wanted to know why she still worked in a bar in the city when she lived in such a beautiful place. She explained that there was no income from the vineyard any longer, but her parents were quite wealthy and kept the place ticking over, they also employed a maid part time to help inside the house and her own small wage just covered most of her own living expenses. He was genuinely curious about the winemaking at the chateau and wanted to see how they used to do it. When they had finished eating, she led him to ‘the winery’. She explained that when the grapes were picked around September, they were brought into here. They were crushed and the pulp was then used to make the rosé wine by fermenting it.

“But father became too ill to manage it all and it slowly stopped” she went on.

She told Steve how she used to help out, she was never really good at it like father was, but wished she could start it all up again,

“it wouldn’t be too difficult, we still have all the equipment, we did it the old fashioned way without too many modern appliances” she said sighing. He could see that she felt useless and would like to do it but without help, she couldn’t.

Time was drifting along when Steve’s phone rang. He looked at the screen and could see it was Hannah. He realised that he hadn’t spoken to her in two days. Camile realised from his face who was calling, so she stepped away and walked around the back of some of the barrels, she respected his privacy - and predicament! He was stuck for what to say, he had ignored Hannah but not purposely. His life had been changed, turned around upside down but he did not fully realise this, his mind had not been on his holiday. He had been preoccupied by this beautiful woman who had shown such affection for him that he had forgotten about everything else.

“Hannah!” he said, as if surprised by her calling him.

An anxious voice said “where have you been Steve, I have called you three times”?

She was hurting, he could tell and he felt bad about this, he knew it was his fault and he knew that if she found out that he was with Camile that would be it. Somehow though, that would suit him in a sinister way, Hannah his pretty girlfriend that he had proposed to was, well in the way now. He felt sick with guilt, he quickly recalled what they said to each other in the few days leading up to his holiday. He remembered how they made love, when she took him shopping to get ‘those bits’. Oh he felt so bad.

“Hannah”, he said in a quiet voice. “I am so sorry, I have been really busy exploring” the lie just popped out of his mouth.

They went on to discuss where he had been and what he had seen and then said goodbye, with a promise from him that he would call Hannah every day. Camile of course had heard some of the conversation and was an intelligent woman who had easily put two and two together. She knew there was a rival for her affections and she also felt bad, but there was such a strong magnetism between her and Steve, no force imaginable could stop it. She reappeared from the back of the barrels, this time she was not smiling. She held out her hand to Steve, but he did not take her hand, he put both arms around her and held her, he was upset.

“That was the other lady in your life?” she asked.

‘’it was” said Steve. “I feel terrible about all this Camile, but at the same time, I feel good”

She nodded and kissed him on the lips, just once.

That evening over dinner, they talked about the vineyard and what was needed to bring it back to life. Camile’s mother was there, watching them and eating her dinner but had no idea what they were talking about. Camile then turned to her mother and started a conversation with her. After a minute or two, they were both pointing out of the window at something and a few technical words came out that he recognised. He just watched them talking, it was clear they were discussing the vineyard.

“Mother seems to think that we would not be able to do this now, the vines are too overgrown.” said Camile.

He looked at her “but surely they can be cut back, pruned or something?” he said in a way that proved his interest beyond doubt.

Mother went on chatting away with Camile and Steve felt left out because he just couldn’t understand them.

“Can’t I help?” he butted in.

Camile stared at him, she could not believe he said that.

“Don’t be ridiculous, there is far too much to do, we cannot do it quickly enough!” she laughed. Steve stared back

“I realise that, but I could help a great deal. I don’t have much money but I am willing and you know how we feel about each other Camile” he said seriously, well aware that mother could not understand what he was saying.

They were both looking at him, but mother had guessed what was going on. She slowly started to smile, said something to Camile and nodded. Camile explained that father would have to be consulted, father who he had not even met!

Everything was just moving so quickly. He was now planning to move in with a family, work for them, he had acquired a new girlfriend and all inside four days! It was all rather too much and he needed to take stock of his situation, his life.

“What’s so funny?” he asked her, laughing too.

“It’s just that all this is rather odd, you moving in and all, funny really” she said.

Camile told Steve that she had called Alain on the Pegasus and explained everything to him. She said he understood and he sent them his best wishes and even offered to help.

Steve knew that he needed to speak with Hannah though, but should he tell her everything – now? Should he pretend nothing has changed and he’s enjoying his holiday? Decisions had to be made here but things had just moved so fast. He decided he would put that call it off for a bit, at least until he was feeling a bit more settled at the chateau.

It was early evening, Camile suggested they have a stroll around the estate. It was warm, the lavender was now giving off its evening aroma, the sun was low and things were quite romantic. They walked around the side of the house where there was a large greenhouse, inside were trees and they had oranges on, Steve could not believe it, he had never seen oranges growing and wanted to go inside.

“Later” said Camile.

Next to it was quite a large vegetable patch and a huge neatly mown lawn where there were some rabbits playing that ran off into the bushes as soon as they were seen. The pair held hands and walked down to the edge of the field with the vines and stood there looking at them. Steve then realised the expanse, the huge area, these hundreds of neat rows of shrubs in rows and rows. Camile turned to him and they kissed. Little did they know it, but mother had been watching them from her bedroom window, it was high up near the roof and they would never have seen her at the window. They kissed again, mother knew that her daughter was very happy, she realised a relationship had formed, but now could see how serious it was. She too, was surprised at the speed things had moved along.

There in her home was this stranger that had been brought to the house and was now moving in. Her daughter had fallen in love with this stranger, a foreigner and he was now going to try and revive the vineyard. She stood watching them for a few minutes longer, then smiled to herself.

Steve walked with Camile, hand in hand, they stopped, they talked, they kissed, it was blissful for them both, they were both in love. She bent down and showed Steve the base of one of the vines.

“We made Rosé wine here, the grapes these vines produced are red” she went on “and all the vineyards around here are on steep hillsides surrounding Nice. Our wine had an aroma of rose petals” she said proudly.

“So tell me, how do you make wine then from the grapes?” he asked her.

“Well, it is too much to explain now, but harvesting (vendange) starts in August or September when the grapes are mature – when they have the ideal ratio of sugar”. She had his attention, she was very intelligent and he was fascinated by her. “We usually did this at night or early morning hours, when its cooler. If it’s too hot, it can affect the grapes.”

She went on “we always did it with a harvesting machine that cuts and cleans the grapes. Then we have to wash them and then crush the whole grapes and……”.

He stopped her, putting his finger over her lips.

“Enough, I can see there is a lot for me to learn, but I have a good teacher” he whispered, then kissed her.

“Can we see some more tomorrow?” he asked.

“Sure, let’s go back inside, now you must try the wine” she said giggling.

They wandered back across the courtyard, still giggling like two