The Provence Dilemma by Lewis P Jones - HTML preview

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Progress continued, it was intense and now Steve was even beginning to learn French. His beautiful girlfriend was teaching him and it was easy for him as he was so attentive to anything she did or said. The weeks went by and everything seemed to go up a notch and more recently, locals from neighbouring vineyards and the village came to visit. Almost every day, someone would call in, they were curious, interested and some even wanted to help. Some would bring fresh bread or even a bottle or two of their own produced wine. It was a wonderful time and by now the vines were growing nicely, they had light and air now and the weather had been perfect, a good equal ratio of both sun and rain. Tiny buds on the vines were starting to swell now and some even had shoots beginning to grow from the buds with tiny leaves that would now begin the process of photosynthesis, producing the energy to speed up growth. It was happening! Now it was the end of May and flowering was just beginning with small flower clusters appearing on the tips of the young shoots, they looked like buttons.

It was all so exciting, the vines were growing as they should and at the rapid rate expected. Bernard came out in his wheelchair every day that the nurse was with him, he just loved to see it all happening, alive again. They would see tiny grapes forming soon, they couldn’t wait and there was even a promise from a few local friends to help pick the grapes when they were ready. Steve and Camile were now truly a couple, Hannah was completely out of his mind now. He had moved from the guest room into Camile’s room for some weeks, it was if they were a married couple. They were so happy, everything had gone so well for everyone involved. They still stopped to kiss each other every now and then, no matter where they were, in the field, in the house, they just kissed and they walked around the estate in the early evenings, holding hands. It was blissful. 

Early on Sunday morning, Steve was out in the barn getting one of the lawnmowers ready to cut the lawns. Then it happened. His phone rang in his pocket, he pulled it out and looked at the screen. It was Hannah! He did not know what to do, should he answer, would she give him grief, why would she call now? He remembered what they once were as a couple and the thoughts forced him to answer it.

“Hannah! How are you?” he asked, trying to sound interested in her health.

She was very matter of fact and quite short with him.

“I thought I had better call you as soon as I heard” she said. “This is not good news Steve, it’s your dad. He was taken to hospital last night by ambulance and the doctor told me he is in a very weak and poor condition, he is very, very ill Steve”.

Just at that moment, the wrong moment, Camile came in the barn

“Coffee” she called out. She didn’t realise he was on the phone.

Hannah heard her voice. “Is that her, that French woman?” she asked, suddenly agitated.

Steve really was in complete shock, he did not know what to do, which way to turn, or what to say to who.


Should he go home immediately to his dad, the vineyard is now absolutely at its most crucial period, he has to oversee all of that. What should he do? He was in a dilemma in Provence.                             Note from author. This is my first, albeit rather short novel. If you have enjoyed it, I would very much appreciate your feedback please, please on the Amazon purchase page by clicking here. I am currently writing the sequel, so get ready! Thank you!

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