The (Secret) History of Gold Prospecting in the United States and the 38 States Where Gold Has Already Been Found! by Tim Rapp - HTML preview

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Introduction to USA Gold Facts



Figure 2. A young prospector with a handful of wealth he collected while prospecting.


The history of gold prospecting in the United States, and the massive gold resources still waiting to be found in the lower 48 states are not known by the overwhelming majority of American citizens.


Most Americans don’t know that:

  • Gold has already been found in over 75% of the United States - 38 of the 50 states!
  • That the U.S. Geological Survey, the premier geologic science agency of the U.S. Government conservatively estimates that there are over 13,200 metric tons of gold still undiscovered in the lower 48 states.{2} That is worth more than $514 Billion dollars at the 12/3/2014 New York closing price of $1,209.60/ounce.
  • The estimate of undiscovered gold in the lower 48 states is almost 3 times the estimate of undiscovered gold in Alaska. And yet most Americans don’t even think of looking for gold in the lower 48 states!
  • The U.S. Geological Survey says that 77.2+ million ounces of undiscovered gold is waiting to be collected east of the Rocky Mountains (worth approximately $92.6 Billion).
  • The U.S.G.S. says that 347.2+ million ounces of undiscovered gold is waiting to be collected west of the Rocky Mountains (worth approximately $416.6Billion).
  • One of the largest gold deposits in the western hemisphere with proven gold reserves of over 100 Million+ ounces ($67.5+ Billion) was discovered as recently as the 1960’s.
  • A Gold mine in Wisconsin State produced $2.0+ Billion worth of Gold, Silver, and Copper between1993 and 1997.
  • A Gold mine in South Carolina produced approximately 1.5 Million ounces of gold between 1988 and 1998.


This free eBook has been prepared to introduce the average American to a fact that they won’t hear on the evening news: with a basic introduction to the right tools and the free scientific resources available online, any American can find that gold!


The collapse of the economy in 2007 took an enormous financial toll on families and individuals. Roughly 7 million+ Americans lost their homes due to foreclosure by banks.{3} What if those people who lost their homes knew how to systematically locate gold in their region of the United States, and went out to find some of that gold to pay their bills? During the month of March, 2008, gold exceeded a London Fix Spot price of $1,020/ounce and in September of 2011 the price reached over $1,889/ounce. Just an ounce or two of gold could have paid the mortgage and all of the rest of the bills for that month. And for most Americans those ounces of gold are less than a few hours’ drive away!


Do you think any of those 7 million+ Americans who lost their homes from 2007 to 2011 would have been willing to find those ounces of gold if they knew how to do it using the latest scientific tools and techniques?


Some basic gold facts: a piece of gold the size of a standard sugar cube weighs 3.06 Troy ounces, and would have been worth $5,780 in September, 2011. A tiny gold nugget of one Troy ounce would have been worth $1,889 during the same period! That same tiny one ounce nugget could have been sold to a jeweler for twice the market value of the gold itself.



Figure 3. “The Carolina Gold Rush became one of the most successful industries in the 1800s”{4}


The successful gold prospector needs a basic working knowledge of specific aspects of Geology, Physics, Chemistry, History, and Engineering. Modern gold prospecting is not what most people think it is. Did you know that the first Gold Rush in U.S. history happened in North Carolina in 1799? Or that one of the largest gold deposits in the western hemisphere, with proven gold reserves of over 100 million+ ounces (USD$67.5 billion+) was only discovered as recently as the 1960’s and contains gold so fine that it can’t be seen with the naked eye?{5} Or that some very successful prospectors mine for gold with vacuum cleaners? Or where gold has been found before, it is ALWAYS found again? The more you know about gold prospecting’s current state of the art, the faster you will see the massive opportunity for literally picking up wealth and financial security off of the ground!


A hundred and fifty years ago a gold prospector truly lived a life of adventure. In addition to a working knowledge of the previously listed disciplines, the successful prospector might have to defend himself from hostile natives and bandits, a sudden blizzard, or an attack by a wild animal. Grizzly bears, cougars, and rattle snakes were not just seen in zoos. And broken bones or even a tooth ache could mark the end of the trail for the old time prospector.


Modern prospecting is not as hazardous today, but the rewards can be considerably larger!


This free eBook’s topics are generally ordered as follows:

  • An introduction to the author of this free eBook.
  • Acknowledgements to the contributors, scientific and otherwise, who have made this book possible.
  • The (Secret) History of Gold Prospecting in the United States.
  • States where gold has been found and documented.
  • Why there has never been a better time to prospect for gold in the lower 48 states!
  • Record breaking gold nuggets collected by modern prospectors in 1989, 1998, and 2014.
  • Gold is often not found “gold” colored, and it pays (BIG!) to know how to identify gold when it is found combined with other minerals!
  • Reasons why gold prospecting is easier now than at any time in our nation’s history!


NOTE: Additional information about Gold Prospecting research, the latest gold prospecting news, recommended tools, and special offers on gold prospecting products and services can be found at: