The Sparkle in Her Eyes Plus Six More Short Stories by Aileen Friedman - HTML preview

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All day my heart thudded in my chest, even the cutest little kiddies could not crack a smile on my face. I felt so heart sore at the possibility that I might never see Kai again. Worst of all I tried hard to understand the purpose of falling in love with someone I was never going to be able to be with and who loved me back. Even if the actual words had not been uttered, it was clearly understood by both of us. The memory of his final goodbye last night and the sadness in his eyes left my heart in shreds.

At home, Mother left me alone to wallow in my self-pity, but she said firmly, 'Only for today.'

I watched the clock on the wall like a hawk, waiting for four fifteen to strike for then my heart would be taking off to the skies on its long journey across the seas. I sighed again and flopped onto my bed. Perhaps sleep would take away the despair that was overwhelming me. The air conditioner quietly whirred as it cooled the room to a bearable temperature as I lay on my bed repeatedly paging through the photos of Kai I had on my phone. I heard a disturbance in the lounge and presuming it was Mother I ignored it and pulled the light throw over my head trying to forget my sorrows.


I threw off the cover, sat straight up, and in one movement flew off the bed and bolted straight into Kai's arms. He crossed his arms over my back pressing me into his chest so hard we melted into each other. I drew back, put my hands on his face assuring myself this was true, and I was not dreaming.

'What happened?'

'I couldn't go,' he said as he put his head against mine for a few seconds, 'I love you. I couldn't leave without you.'

Before I replied, I hugged him and thanked God for answering my prayers.

'I love you too, so much.'

I kissed him, and he kissed me back with the same fervour as the previous evening. Eventually, we calmed our hormones down enough to talk.

'I got as far as the boarding gates but I…I…Couldn't go through them, not without you.'

He grabbed me and held onto me as if I were about to disappeared into thin air.

'What are you going to do now? Your parents, aren't they mad at you?'

'No, they understand. So when does your internship finish at the hospital?'

'In a week, why?'

'Well this is what I am hoping for,' he smiled his perfectly handsome smile, kissed me and continued, 'when you're finished at the hospital, you get your visa, and you come with me to Hawaii while I sort out the family business issues there.'

He was well impressed with himself for working this out.

'Really, you want to take me with you to your country? Won't your parents mind?'

Kai held my hands up to his lips and kissed them; he was still smiling, and the glint in his eyes sparkled.

'When I told them my sad love story,' he pulled his face all sad, 'and told them I wanted to stay with you, they suggested if it were possible I remain here until you can come over with me to meet them. They do in any case want to meet their future daughter-in-law!'

Did I hear correctly?

'Kai, their what? What did you say?'

He threw his head back and laughed, 'Darla, my love. I love you; I want to marry you. My parents want to meet you, after all, you are all they have heard about from me since the day I started working here on this house. When you opened the door on that first day, I almost ran away because I knew I was in love with you from that very second.'

I burst into tears. I was so happy that this man, this beautiful man of God, loved me.

In God's infinite wisdom we are led by Him. If we take His hand and allow Him to lead us, a life of fulfilment and joyous understanding will be ours forever.