The Sparkle in Her Eyes Plus Six More Short Stories by Aileen Friedman - HTML preview

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The morning rounds were finally over, and I was packed and ready to go home. My parents arrived promptly and once home I got tucked into bed and banned from leaving it until much later in the afternoon. Zeke came to visit, and we spoke about doing therapy sessions that he was willing to do, but only after he had given it to God in prayer and asked for guidance. Instantly I knew I had made the right decision with Zeke. Just before dinner, Dax arrived to check up on me. My parents asked him to stay, and he gladly accepted. During dinner, he explained that he had been away for a few days at a conference for the college, which was why he had not visited the hospital lately. My father was interested in all this and threw Dax question after question. My mother and I sat quietly and listened as if we weren't even there.

After dinner Dax and I sat on the back stoep of the house. I was wrapped up in a warm blanket, and the wicker chair stuffed with extra cushions and pillows for my comfort. It was a perfect, still and warm evening, only the crickets dared to break the tranquillity. We sat in silence for a while then we discussed my upcoming therapy, and I knew that the biggest therapy I needed was to tell Dax what my job had really been. The secrecy of my job had never bothered me until now until I knew that I never wanted to lie to Dax.

'I have something I need to tell you,' I started, and Dax looked at me curiously as I began my confession.

Well, it felt like a confession. He listened quietly, and when I finished, I sighed.

'I know God guided me to Readers Rest that afternoon. I know that now,' I smiled at him.

'How do you know that?'

I knew what I wanted to say was, "Because He led me to you," but I was too shy to be so bold, so I just shrugged my shoulders that then hurt, and I winced from the pain.

'Hey are you okay, is sitting out here too much for you?'

I smiled again, 'No that was my stupidity, trying to use my shoulders too much; I'm fine, I like it out here it's so peaceful.'

'Just kick me out if I overstay my welcome.'

'Don't worry, my mother will do that when she deems it necessary.'

We both laughed, or rather I smiled as it still hurt too much to laugh.

'But before I do get kicked out, I must tell you something,' he paused contemplating or choosing his next words carefully and I, if I could have seen properly in the dim light, am sure he was blushing.

'Lex told me about your little conversation the other day.'

'Oh! Uhm, okay…' I did not know where to take the rest of the conversation, so I left it hanging - Dax continued.

He looked at the ground as he spoke, 'Well it is all true.'

Then he looked at me. I'm sure he did not know what to expect, but he did get the hugest smile that wrapped around my face.

'I am very pleased to hear that. I was praying it was true.'

He giggled a little and picked up my hand, taking it in his. A perfect fit. His eyes sank deep into mine as he leaned forward and placed his strong lips onto mine, sending my body into a tingling fit from pure delight. He placed his free hand gently on my cheek, securing my face in his grasp. His lips parted mine, and I wanted to disappear into his kiss forever. A passionate and loving kiss that was to be repeated for many, many years to come. Even when we had become old and grey and my joints felt as sore as they did on that day – not from injury but from old age – our kiss would still tickle my senses and send me into a frenzy of wanting more from him. 


How does God protect you each day? He sends us on paths that will help us when the time comes, and He puts people in our lives that will be there for us when we need them most. When the time comes for us to have to deal with ordinary traumas like death and illness, or when we get forced into dangerous situations, God is always there for us. Call out His name and He will hold your hand. The outcome might not always be what you desire, but if you leave it in God's hands, it will be God's outcome, and somewhere in the future, you will discover that. When trying to deal with trauma in your life, why not go to the Creator of all things, the One who loves you more than any human ever could? Why not let God be your therapist? He is the best therapist of them all.