The Suffering by Quensetta William - HTML preview

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7. Chapter


Monday morning consisted of a bagel and cream cheese with 3 cups of coffee, and Gert soon found herself dressing like a mad woman, clothes flying, hangers hitting knick-knacks, the works. Gert had a beautiful tone of natural red hair which she wore in a cute pixie most of the time. She was light complected, with a light sprinkling of freckles across her little nose. Her eyes were bright blue. This seemed to surprise people. They always expected brown or green. What kind of an expectation was that? Because of it, she loved her eyes, and tried to accentuate them purposefully. This can make her different than any other ginger in existence, if she works it, and she does!


After a long period of using clothes for confetti, Gert settled on a pair of red slingbacks to accentuate a bright yellow pleated skirt that lay just above her knee and accompanied that with a blood red button down, untucked. Over this she wore a red cable-knit sweater fest, and she wore a bright yellow headband with small red flowers on her pixie. With a bright yellow bag in hand, she gave a bit of love, if you could call it that, to Issues, and she headed out the door to work. She always considered her place of employment as a way to be fashionable in a professional atmosphere, and showing one's sense of fashion is vital to an individual, no matter the sense.


Gert genuinely believed she felt good enough that Monday that she honestly could have fallen in love with every other Monday in the future of the world. She though that forevermore all was to be right with the world, and she even found herself in the depths of ultra-productivity and multi-tasking she had never known. She wasn't sure what to attribute her mood to, and she did not care. It was, however, during this time of clarity and efficiency she heard a knock at her office door.