The Suffering by Quensetta William - HTML preview

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9. Chapter


Surprisingly enough, Gert blinked and it was time to get off work on Friday. She had spent the last 4 days listening to Caroline talk about nothing but the date and reassure her she was going to have the time of her life; it will be the "bee's knees", Caroline said. She even had one experience that week of receiving an unexpected visit from Caroline's guy Kyle, also encouraging her to follow through with the Friday date. Now this is too weird to Gert, and she sent him packing, telling him she would be there, and if she heard about it again they were going to blow it.


She went right from work to get a last minute mani-pedi that is required, and then she headed home fast to get ready for the "amazing, incredible" night out. If you haven't noticed, Gert was very particular about her appearance, and it was a major source of personal expression for her. Tonight there was no need to run around like a rainbow, but she would be noticed. The nails of her fingers and toes were done in a color very comparable to pearl. Wearing a black satin dress, about mid-thigh and form fitting, was the perfect match for the light satin white blazer she wore over top. Her shoes were a black lace finish wedge that was perfect. All jewelry was in white pearl but for the ring on her right hand: it was one single black and one single white pearl, set in white gold and highlighted with small diamonds. She wore her pixie with pride, looking amazing and knowing it. That will put a pep in any step.