The Suffering by Quensetta William - HTML preview

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18. Chapter


Gert woke with a quick start, a jump even. She felt stiff, and tried to stretch but found no relief. She squirmed around and tried again. It was then that she realized she wasn't stiff at all. As a matter of fact, she felt great, better than when she was a kid. That was when she opened her eyes and realized not only was her nose 1/2 inch from the ceiling of her bedroom, but Issues was running circles around the house like he had gotten into some amphetamines.


That was the precise moment it came back to her, and it came back hard. She was dead, for crying out loud! But she met Mike! She had fell in love in about 3 seconds, I mean the real deal. She left the bar with his number and got hit by a stream roller and she was killed! A steam roller! At 2:30 in the freaking morning!


She had absolutely no concept of time other than what the clock said and the fact that the sun was out. What felt like 20 minutes registered an hour and a half on the clock, and couldn't figure out how to get down. She spent what seemed like only minutes learning to maneuver this awkward spirit of hers around, and finally got pretty good at that. She needed to learn to touch things. She had to get dressed. What should she wear? What!? She didn't even have a body. Not to mention the fact the answering machine said she had 17 messages. Probably they were Mike, and she couldn't press play or even call him back. Where was that napkin anyway?


She realized immediately it was still in her hand.