The Suffering by Quensetta William - HTML preview

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20. Chapter


She maneuvered herself into the office which for years was her very own. What about that promotion that was set to take place? She knew that too was in the pocket of this manipulative demon of a human being, this actress, this phone, this hollow soul-less dead girl named Caroline.


She couldn't be seen, but that didn't stop the goosebumps that rose on Caroline's arms as Gert hovered near, staring at her, smiling. It was not a happy smile. It was a sneer of hatred and sudden awareness of the truth.


"It is amazingly funny how it worked out so well. I can't believe I was able to pass off the beneficiary of her policy as Mike. I can't believe the policy went through at all!" She laughed again. "'Are you happy baby? Now you have everything you want and so do I."


Brandon smiled at her, but his eyes were empty. Gert knew, right then and there, that Caroline was next.

"Mike will endorse the check over to me as payment for a past loan. I'll make it easy on him and sign it for him. I feel bad for one thing. He followed her to that bar and followed our instructions to a tee. When I was with him and the police, when it was over he was sobbing. The police left and I said, 'Wow, Mikey, ya knew her ten minutes or something.' You know what he said to me? 'Out of all the empty women, Brandy, that one was full.' Aw, hell, Caroline. 1.5 mil makes it all worthwhile."


Gert knew with sudden and utter acceptance this was out of her control. All she could do was what she was doing and figure it out as she went along. She couldn't even cry.