The Suffering by Quensetta William - HTML preview

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24. Chapter


Mike was an intelligent, funny man, with things he wanted and things he wished for that never came true.


The number 9 bus was never on time, even the "Get Drunk & Ride" program #9. It was always early, at least by 10 minutes. Gert had gone to this bar countless times and had to miss last call 90% of the time because the #9 Get Drunk & Ride was more punctual than she was. She always complemented that old boy that drove the number 9. He was about 80 it seemed, and he stayed up late to get folks home.


But not tonight. Tonight there had been a drunk driving accident that held that #9 up and made it late. The old boy that drove would not get his drunks home alive if he sped, so he stuck to the speed limit, and for the first time in who knows how long, the #9 was late. It was late enough to defeat its own purpose.


Neither the #9 nor its driver would be on time again. This would change things.