The Suffering by Quensetta William - HTML preview

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5. Chapter


The main reason, actually the only reason, Caroline would actually call her at home had to be her love life. Fortunately for Gert, she had gotten enough bodily rest to be strong and ready . She could take it. She braced herself for about 2 hours of ear numbing chick conversation.


"What's up, Caroline? I didn't think I'd hear from you; I thought you said something last week about going to your parent's home to paint before winter. I thought you were there." Caroline's parents had a beautiful home Lake Raintree. They lived there year around. Why was she here?


"That was last year, Gert. Look, that really is beside the point. I have come to ask you for a favor. A really big favor." Her voice seemed to lower, and mine did the same when I responded.


"What, Caroline. What do I have to do?"


"Oh, I knew I could count on you! Okay, listen, Kyle and I are going to be going to the theater this Friday night for a midnight premier showing of that knew movie "Nut Crackers". Now, it's hard enough for me to get Kyle to do anything with me at all much less go in public to a movie. The only way he would go is if his cousin Brandon could come, and that meant I have to find a date for him. Gert, you're perfect." All of this poured from Caroline's mouth at approximately 73.5 miles per hour, and one could tell she didn't want Gert to speak until she had given her every thing she had defense wise concerning the request. Gert just listened.