The Telephone in Love by Rodica Dragomirescu - HTML preview

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Same hour on the clock.


John was very curious about what will happen and he noticed that Michael was aware that this young lady, Irene was her name, liked him. Michael took very much pleasure to answer to Irene very briefly, in order to notice her reaction. He didn’t answer her calls until 9 PM, although he usually got at home before  this hour and he let the impression that he was very busy, which was true, but not entirely. Irene was a very intuitive young woman, but after some months of calling she begun to feel discouraged. Michael hadn’t even once returned her calls! John, the telephone, thought, at the end of all their conversations, which were rather short thanks to Michael, that Irene’s voice became trembled and he also thought that perhaps she was ready to cry. One day he couldn’t bear this situation any more and at 9 PM precisely he started to ring at Irene’s place and at Michael’s place in the same time.


-Hello, Irene! answered Michael who now took for granted that Irene would call him at this hour.

-Hello……. Michael ?? answered Irene and the spring and the summer seemed to blossom in Irene’s voice in the same time.

John felt something new, something that he had never experienced before in his whole life, a long telephone life. He repeated this operation the next day, and the next day after this, and he was so glad to listen to Irene’s beautiful and now happy voice that he almost managed to picture her in his mind. She had to be tall, but not very tall; she probably had brown eyes, brown hair, beautiful thin hands and a very elegant walk.


  All this time Irene felt very happy, as happy as she never had been before, but she was also very cautious because she was afraid that any advance from her side could make Michael to turn away from her. She began to realize that Michael will only choose the perfect woman for himself, only “the one”. She was a little surprised that Michael started to call her and she used this opportunity to tell him things about her, about what she liked, about what she did during the day. Michael was surprised to notice what turn their conversations took but he also noticed that, amazingly, he seemed to like the same things that Irene liked and he also liked the way she told her stories.

Days passed, one after the other, and John arranged a bit the succession of the calls. One evening he called Irene and Michael at the same time and after that he waited Irene to call back. John was in love and he was aware of that.


So, one day he decided to call Irene before 9 PM, another gesture that would mean that Michael was ready to make further steps in his relation with Irene, and he waited for a day in which Michael had to turn home later than this hour. He knew Michael had planned a meeting with some friends for the next Friday so he waited until Friday afternoon to make his call.


-Hello, Irene? Its Michael said John Friday evening at 8 PM, precisely. He tried to make his voice to sound like Michaels voice and he was very pleased with the result.


-Hello Michael, answered Irene rather sad then happy and her voice seemed also to be a little bit different that day.

John was surprised to see Irene otherwise then very happy since he started to call her, he asked her how she were, what she had done during the day and Irene answered him by telling him the usual stories, the stories that he liked so much. But at the end of the conversation Irene had sadness in her voice like in the old times when she used to call Michael but the later one didn’t use to return her calls (!). He seemed to notice crying in her voice but he hadn’t the courage to ask her if anything unusual happened to her. He knew that Irene


 recently began to tell Michael if she had troubles, she hadn’t done this before but now she was doing it, so that she could ask for Michael’s opinion, which was glad to help.

-Good bye Irene! said John at the end, I’ll call you tomorrow! although it was Irene’s turn to call Michael the next day, because he had called her just now.


After one half of hour Michael returned at home. He hadn’t managed to get out of the bathroom as the telephone ringed. Who could it be? wondered John for himself while Michael answered.


-Hello, Michael!

-Hello Irene! answered Michael and John noticed that Irene was happy as usual. Spring and summer were there, in her voice, the sun smiled probably glancing through her eyes and only now John remembered that today it was Irene’s turn to call. He was even more surprised to hear Michael asking:

-Irene, would you like to join me to the movies? I have two tickets for Sunday night at 7 PM…………… John couldn’t bear to hear the rest of the conversation any more, because unfortunately, in spite of the fact that he realized that Irene almost couldn’t believe that she was at last asked out by Michael, he became jealous. He also began to think at what he had done, at the fact that he wanted things to get like that and at the unusual feeling which he now felt. And in the moment he also began to feel some pain, he realized what had really happened. It wasn’t Irene that had answered his earlier call, it was her telephone, a girl telephone! And now he understood even better the meaning of the word “love”.


So, what do you think, was this a true story?

Think twice!



This was the end but you still can analyze the facts.

In my opinion Irene and Michael lived happily ever after.