The Terry Hill Butcher by Zetoon - HTML preview

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Courtney lay in bed worried about all that had happened. She and Lisa had been enemies and she knew at some point their troubles would end but not in this way. Even though Lisa had tormented her all her life and made feel less important, she wouldn’t have wished for her to die in that manner. She was frightened because being a lady and in campus. Anything is possible. She could be the next victim. She stayed awake for a while thinking about the killer until she drifted off to sleep.


The next morning, she woke up her usual time and after dressing up, headed down to breakfast. As she went down the steps, she took in the smell of the fresh brew of coffee. She didn’t realize how hungry she was until that smell. She hadn’t had any supper, and it was becoming a habit of late. She had to do something about it or otherwise it would result in problems for her.


As she reached the last step, she heard voices coming from the living room. At first she assumed it was her Aunt Kelly and Tommy but as she approached, there were two police officers seated with Aunt Kelly speaking in hushed tones. They both stood up to greet her as she walked in. She recognized them, officer Ronny and Daniel.


Aunt Kelly caught her surprise, “Good morning Cot, these two gentlemen are looking for Tommy, any idea where he is. I couldn’t find him in his room.”


She could feel her hands trembling. Was her brother the killer? He had been acting odd of late but kept blaming it on his exams and studies. Always studying late that he was rarely seen at home...“Uuuummm I don’t know,” finally some words escaped her lips. “Did he do something wrong? I haven’t seen him since last night. He had a date”


“Tommy had a date?” Aunt Kelly was astonished. “He never mentioned it to me. He had said he would be studying late and not to worry. So I didn’t think anything of it and went off to sleep.”


Officer Ronny felt tense; he seemed worried “Any idea who he went with?”


“No he never mentioned it to me. Though earlier on when he was speaking on the phone I had him mentioning Cat. I assume that’s Catherine, she works at the gym. He’s a frequent there. But then again I could be wrong.


“Ok thanks Courtney, we will check at the gym. Keep safe and don’t live the house alone.”


“Yeah Melissa and her mum will pass by to pick me up. She’s been driving us of late”


“That’s good. Mrs. Powell, thank you for the coffee, we appreciate your hospitality.”


“You’re always welcomed, good bye”


“Good bye”


The two ladies stood at the door as the officer backed out of the driveway. Courtney knew exactly what was going through their mind. She was aware that her brother had dated one of the victims Jane, and was involved in a way with Nina and Lisa. That was enough to make him a suspect. She was worried for him and wanted to alert him that the police were looking for him.


“Cot, you never mentioned to me about the date?” Aunt Kelly quizzed her,


“I assumed he had told you about it”


“No he didn’t. He’s been acting quite strange of late.”


Aunt Kelly also looked worried and Cot tried to seem casual to make her less worried.


“He probably got caught up and assumed I would tell you. I’m sorry Aunt Kelly I should have mentioned it. I’ll go look for him at campus.”


OK, just have him pass by Detective Todd. He’s the one looking for him.



After breakfast Melissa and her mum were waiting for Courtney outside. She picked up her stuff and left in a hurry. As they drove off, Courtney was very worried. What if her brother was the killer? She wasn’t safe either. Or was she? She had to look for him immediately. She tried to call him but his phone was off. Oh my God, she thought, what will I do?



As soon as they got to campus, it was a buzz. There were several cops around and when she stepped out of the car, all attention seemed to be drawn to her.


“Ms. Smith, can I speak with you.” Courtney spun around to find Detective Todd glaring at her. He had a concerned look on his face.


“Ye-ss sir?” she said feeling scared.


“We need to speak to Tommy, any idea where he is?”


“I haven’t seen him since last night when I left the campus. He had told me he had a date but I’m not sure with whom. I think its Catherine Taylor.”


“Really?” He seemed to say with a deep breath. Courtney could tell he was furious. “Courtney, Catherine is lying dead on the path by the campus fitness center. The last any one saw of her she was last night with Tommy”


“Oh no! No! No… Detective, he didn’t do it! He couldn’t. He really liked her…” Hot tears beaded down her eyes. She couldn’t believe what she heard and just wished the world would end. She lost her parents and now her brother? This was too much! Melissa and her mum noticing her reaction, rushed to comfort her.


Detective Todd tried to comfort her, “I’m very sorry Courtney, I know your brother is important to you. Please calm down. I’m not saying he is the killer, we just need him to clarify.”


She nodded still looking disoriented and confused.