The Terry Hill Butcher by Zetoon - HTML preview

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Detective Todd Brims was a well-known man. He had solved many cases in the little town but this one disturbed him. He had no leads and no way to assure the safety of the citizens. He sat at his couch in his home thinking about the case. He tried to figure out how a man went about kidnapping and disposing off bodies in public places unnoticed. He had no witnesses or tip offs. He had nothing.

Having worked as a detective for 15 years he had come across difficult cases but this, from the start, proved to be a hard one. A Second year student at Terry Hill and the daughter of one of his close friends was found dead at a supermarket parking lot, after going missing for 22 days. She was cleaned and left naked, after undergoing what seemed a torturous sexual experience. In addition, she had a large butcher’s knife engraved on her stomach. It seemed the mark was done post mortem.


This at first, was assumed an isolated case. However, 1 week later, another body was found, this time at a children’s playground. The same MO. This left the detectives shocked and the town scared. 3 days later yet another body found this time at the campus parking lot, same MO. All 3 ladies were about the same age and were all Terry Hill University students.

He slapped his hand on the arm of the couch, “…. I got nothing!” He shouted.

His wife Lorraine loved him very much and always ensured to keep him stress free. She looked into the living room and saw him mumbling to himself. She walked towards him and sat next to him.

“I know how stressful this is for your darling, but I’m confident you’ll make a break through soon and you’ll catch this guy” she said to him sweetly.

“But I have nothing. Not even a witness or any lead. All I have is 3 bodies in the morgue with a butcher’s knife engraved on their stomachs. It’s bad babe! It’s really bad!”

He continued, “I’ve got girls too and I can’t imagine losing them to a maniac. I have a duty to ensure their safety and the safety of the town but I feel like I’m failing. I feel like I have no direction!”

Lorraine moved closer and took his hand in hers’ “Look babe, I know this is hard on you. And the girls and I feel exactly what you’re going through even without you saying it. But please take it easy. I don’t want it to take a toll on you.”


She placed her hand on his face, slowly caressing him, “Maybe you’re looking too hard. You need to relax and recheck the whole case from the start. There’s probably something you missed out.


“Over five guys have checked the evidence we have done it over and over, there’s nothing new”


“Maybe it’s because you’re all looking in the same direction and for the same thing”


“Ok, what do you mean?”


“This is a small town, we all know each other and when someone dies, everybody knows who. We get emotional and we all try to figure out reasons as to why this happened. This is the same case. You guys are emotional and looking for a guy for revenge.” Lorraine paused for a moment as Todd was tentatively listening. Lorraine was a Psychologist and a very good one too. “People are killed for several reasons and among them love, money, revenge. Some reasons are too obvious but others need you to look at the bigger picture. You’re looking at the case, imagining the killer is a man and a student at Terry Hill University. You’ve taken all your men and resources to look for the killer there. What if, he wasn’t a student? It could be anyone. Look at the bigger picture and take it from there. ”


Todd lovingly looked and his wife and agreed, “You’ve made a point love. Ten years of marriage and I never grown old of loving you and your great mind. I think I’ve taken it too personal that’s why I can’t see anything clearly. I’ll start over tomorrow and hopefully something good will come out of it”


They smiled at each other. They had been married ten years ago, Todd was a field officer and Lorraine still in college. They first met when she had been mugged and called the police. The reporting officer was Todd Brims. They reported at the scene and he and his partner Chris drove Lorraine to the police station to get her statement. Later on as it was late at night, he offered to drop her off at home. They talked all the way and somehow they clicked. He took her number and asked her out to a date few days later. From then on they became very close and 2 years later they got married.


Here they were ten years into their marriage and very much in love, with two girls, seven year old Christine and two and a half year old Lucy.  He had known his wife be a great mother and to be very intelligent and always seemed to know the answers to every problem. Now as they sat staring each other, he knew she had made a good point, he needed to pull back and start afresh.


“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"


“Uuummm…only about ten times a day.”


“Well for the eleventh time, you are very beautiful and you love you so much” he sheepishly told her.


“You know the kids are asleep and you need to relax’


“What are you suggesting?”


She moved closer and gave him a deep kiss. He pulled her closer by her waist and kissed her. They kissed for a while and he became too heated up. He slowly moved his hand and caressed her breast.


He pulled away and looked into her beautiful brown eyes, "You're a very sexy woman."


She blushed and starting unbuttoning her blouse. She took it off and exposed her bra. Todd slipped his had behind and undid the bra. He pulled back and stared at her full breasts for a moment, then slowly caressed and felt them with his hands. She felt so good and sat on his lap as he continued to caress her. She felt a tingling sensation and urged him on to suck her nipples. He took her left nipple in his mouth and slowly sucked. She pulled his head down her chest and slid her fingers through his hair.


He pulled her on to his lap and she could feel his erect. She moaned with pleasure as he kept sucking and squeezing as he interchanged from left to right. He slipped his hand under her skirt and squeezed her buttocks.


She then got off his lap and kneeled before him. Todd knew what was coming up and couldn’t help smiling. She unzipped his jeans and pulled out his thick penis. She gave him a sly smile and went on to suck him. She sucked him slowly in circles and pushed in and out of her mouth. Todd held her silky hair in his hands as he felt the waves of excitement rush through his body as he groaned with pleasure


She kept going and picked up her pace. She could taste the warm juices flowing and just stood up and undressed. He pulled out his t-shirt as she helped him with the jeans. They were both naked and burning with desire to tear up each other. He stood in front of her and held her in his arms as they deep kissed. He lay her on the couch and continued to kiss her. He moved down slowly and sucked her nipples for a moment. He moved further down and circled her navel with his tongue.


"oh my God!" a moaned escaped her lips as the pleasure was too much. She was dying inside and urged him not to stop.


He parted her thighs and reached her clitoris. He licked and sucked. She was in heaven.

"ohhhh uhhhh babe. That feels so good!"


Her breathing increased and she moaned louder.


He pulled back up and she pulled his throbbing penis and inserted deep into her vagina. She straddled and he fucked her slowly as they both moaned. They increased pace and he fucked her harder.


He was about to come so was she. She held his buttocks tightly as she pushed him deeper.


"Babeee ! uh uh uh uh fuck me harder! oh yes yesssss!"


"Like that?" fuck you're so sexy", he whispered.


They fucked hard until they both shuddered and slowly absorbed the pleasure in each other’s arms.