The Terry Hill Butcher by Zetoon - HTML preview

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Back at the station, Todd and Tom sat down to evaluate the information they had. So far 4 girls had been killed. Jane Welsh 21, Rory Samielz 20, Nina Torino 23 and Lisa Alveron 21. They had determination to keep the number at that. They wanted to go through each of the ladies lives to establish what was common. Tom had managed to get their personal files from all the schools they had attended except Nina, who had just joined university after moving in to the town 3 years ago. And they only had her file from the university. There was not much of information but Todd was positive they would find something. They figured they would call in all the parents and get more from them.


First to come in were the Welsh’s, they had been married for over 30 years and had 3 children. 1 boy and two girls. Jane was their first born child. They had been living in Terry Hill all their lives and had only been out of town either for vacation or to visit family. Jane was an aspiring actress and was taking a course in that field in college. She was outspoken and very beautiful. Her parents didn’t know of anyone who would want to hurt their daughter. She had a very good heart and had volunteered in many activities. Even when Courtney and Tommy lost their parents, Jane had helped them a lot. She always tried to be friend every person she came across.


When asked about boyfriends, her parents mentioned Jane wasn’t so much into boys but had dated Tommy for a while but she broke it off after 5 months of dating.


“Why did they break it off?” Todd asked with interest. He had known Tommy to have bee after Lisa for a while but she always kept away from him. Tommy and Sam Lisa’s boyfriend had been frequently fighting and Lisa’s parents had requested Detective Todd to speak to Tommy to keep off Lisa.


“Jane had mentioned that regardless of Tommy being very sweet and kind to her, he was a bit over protective and demanding. She claimed he wanted to decide which friends she would be with and even told her to keep off boys. Knowing Jane, that was not a possibility since she liked being with people and had many male friends,” Jane’s mother said with concern.” Do you thing Tommy would have anything to do with it?”


“No I just need to gather as much information as possible, if they had a fight, then that’s a motive but again there are 4 victims, so the chances are low. But I’ll speak to him as well.” Thank you for your help Mr. and Mrs. Welsh and I’m very sorry for your loss. We will do all we can to get this bastard.


“Thank you too agent Todd, we are ready to help anytime you need more information.” Mr. Welsh offered.


“That’s great, we may have a few Crime scene investigators pass by to check out Jane’s room if that’s possible. I mean if OK with you. Also I would appreciate if you allow we speak to her siblings. They always know what parents don’t. This may help as well. I’m sure this is hard on them but we will tread carefully.”


“Its OK detective, anything to keep harm from our town. I’ll have them come over after school. They break at noon.” Mr. Welsh told detective Todd reassuringly.


“That’s great, I’ll see you out”


“No no, we know you’re very busy. Don’t mind… we’ll find our way, it’s not like it’s a huge place. They chuckled as they said their good byes and the Welshs left.


Todd sat down and scribbled a few notes in his note pad. He seemed worried about Tommy. After the trauma he went through, he seemed OK but he had a few outbursts and the police had to be called in. Having him involved with two of the victims seemed more of a coincidence. But Todd new he had to look at the other two before making his decision