The Unread Book Of Words by Roy E Parker - HTML preview

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                        One Minute to Midnight



Let me say this, life is a casino. I stood at the roulette wheel playing the game of life and watching the very few win over and over again. Watching them climb the ladder and wondering why not me. Others, like me continually losing no matter what they did or how we played. Watching the few winning over and over again, it gave one hope and you believed that one day it will be your turn to win. You just keep on losing time and time again. Then one day someone lets you into a secret. They tell you that it is all your fault that you are not winning, it's all because you have a negative attitude. Winners you see all have a positive attitude.

Wow, it was my fault all along that I wasn't winning and I beat myself up over the fact that I, in the eyes of society was a failure. I therefore became determined to think positive just like the winners do. The system watched over me laughing whilst I in the most positive frame of mind kept right on losing and losing and losing. Then one day I saw the flaw in the reasoning.

You see everyone is born positive. That is why youngsters are able to be so reckless. They think that nothing bad can happen to them, everything will work out okay. They can drive their car around at high speed, drive like maniacs because nothing bad will ever go wrong for them. An in built positive mental attitude. We all know how that often ends though.

The system then started to watch me because they could see that I had realised that I could not win, that it was not my destiny to win. I had stopped looking to those who do win for answers, in short I no longer aspired to be them. I didn't play as often and slowly became content with my lot. The system didn't like that, it was losing revenue and what if the attitude spread to others their loses could be huge. And so they made their plans.

Suddenly I had a few wins and started my way up the ladder, an inspiration to others, for if I could win, so could they. I began to climb and it was then that I met that special someone, things started to look rosy at last. In your new position you do become more positive in your out look. I realised that I did not win because I was thinking positive, rather, I was thinking positive because I had won and opened up possibilities and opportunities for me. I now understood where the myth of positive thinking came from and realised that like many things in the system it was upside down.

Destiny watched on as the system helped me up the ladder, helped me out of the grime and darkness and into the sunshine and fresh air. But there was a plan, they let me climb a little further gaining height until they cut through the ladder and sent me crashing back down into the mud and grime. I lay there battered, bruised and bleeding looking up for my family. They had crossed to another man's ladder and without even a glance back at me continued their climb.

As my bruised and battered body laid there in the dirt I wondered whether I should not just die. But a lesson learned long ago showed me that I was a soul, and souls are immortal. Dying then would mean coming back and reliving the life and the pain and I do not want that, I never want to feel that pain again, and I won't. And so I healed as best as I could and walked back to the game. This time I thought I shall try the card table, maybe there I will be able to win. Hand after hand was bad, sometimes terrible, sometimes just plain bad, but I lost, hand after hand after hand until one day I figured it all out.

My God it was so obvious, why hadn't I seen it earlier. The games, the casino, all of it fake it's all rigged; you can't win, ever. The few who do are in on it, sell outs. We are in Satan's Casino. The few have sold their immortal soul for a life time of trinkets and luxury. It gives the illusion to others that winning is possible but of course it isn't not unless you sell your soul. The casino of life is rigged and here I stand with a perpetually losing hand. What to do?

I shout NO! No more game until you deal me a fair hand from an honest dealer. I see the way to end this evil control in this house of illusion, this satanic casino and it was so simple. All that is needed is for all of us to say no. With one voice to say no more rigged game, we will not play. All we have to do is step out of the illusion and into the sunlight and fresh air. We will find love and freedom and a just and honourable way of life where the world is for all and not just the few. To live life how it was meant to be.

It just starts by saying no! It is so easy, so simple but the people are asleep, locked into a trance, their minds and bodies burning with gambling fever. Then I spot him in the dark shadowed corner. Satan sitting on his illusionary throne whilst his demonic minions, his 'winners' stand round holding on to a lever and awaiting Satan's signal. A clock above reads one minute to midnight and it is then that I see them, the gates of hell sealed shut and our gold lost through the casino mounting up as a counter weight ready to swing open the gates of hell on the pull of the lever. Hell is coming to earth through this house of illusion. I shout a warning and notice a few others have awoken already they are trying to open the door to escape the casino but it is strong and there isn't enough of us to move it slowly, too slowly others join us but woefully few. The game players laugh at us and continue playing the fake game of life.

I glance round in time to see Satan smile and his hand raised in preparation of giving the signal, the second hand of the clock slips round one more second with a clonk, time inexorably is running out.