The Unread Book Of Words by Roy E Parker - HTML preview

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                                   Blade Dancer


"They call me Blade Dancer, the others, when we meet up, which isn't as often as we used to. Don't get me wrong, it isn't that we don't want to its just that there are so few of us left now; the rest, well what can I say; they have gone now, dead, shot or savaged either way....

I live in the country mainly, some of my kind has been forced to move away to live on the edges of the big cities they have to hide all day, only coming out at night time, but that's not for me, no I like my green fields and woodlands. I mean who wants to drink from a filthy gutter when you can have a nice cool clear stream to drink from? Okay, it's more dangerous here and getting more so all the time, when once there was safety in numbers now there's loneliness. That's why they call me Blade Dancer, I live on the edge of a knife, so they say, danger is my friend; Uh I think not.

Long ago we all lived in harmony, there were forests and woodlands, valleys of grass that rolled out like a carpet right down to the rivers edge, the air was as clean and crisp as the water and on a clear night you could see so many bright twinkling stars that you couldn't count them all and has I have said the water was cool and clear and tasted sweet. Not now though, not for a long time, not even my mother can claim to have seen it like that. Their just stories handed down; a distant dream, if you want to believe them that is. Well, that's up to you isn't it? All I know or have ever known is that which we have now bad air, bad water, little food and so very few of us left.

It's all because of them you know; all this, don't misunderstand me now, I'm not saying that it was perfect before, but it was a lot closer to it then it is now. I don't know where they came from or why they started building their huge monstrous towns and cities?

Why they chop down all the trees and build machines that choke the air and pour filth into the water and air, and why they kill; kill, kill everything; even; so I've heard, each other. Not for food neither, like you or I would have to so that we can feed our families, oh no they, them, they kill for pleasure, for fun. Sometimes I've heard tell that they like to call this blood lusts sport, bah! And the noise they make...! The world is never silent any more, never just quiet Still, no point in complaining is there? What is All this talk makes me hungry, we will have to wait until it gets dark though tonight, I heard tell that the spotters were out again and they always come just before the murderous dogs and the rest of them blood hungry beasts, mostly. Sometimes they just shoot what they find, other times...well. ..may as well get some sleep, settle yourself down there and after; Blade Dancer will show you where to find a nice tasty meal."

"Ah, there you go, thought that you were gonna sleep right through the night. You must be hungry and all, here drink this, it will help; there you go. Listen, we have to go out to gather food right, so you not being from around here, won't know the layout, so stick with me, move low and quiet like and don't touch anything unless I say to okay? Good now once you're ready we will move."

"Come on let's go... keep low, move swift and silent; now, can you see that first clump of bushes to the right there, well, leave that alone, there is some very nice pickings in there, but it's trapped now, can't move for `em, so we pass that and see there just beyond that stone, that's where we are heading. Keep quiet, nice and low and fast, now come-on."

"There, that was good for a first timer; those bags not holding you back are they? We need to fill them with goodies; first we have to get away from our hide, foraging for food too close to home is give away. They look for that sort of thing them ugly spotters, you have to admire their skill though they are good at what they do, I'll give *em that, let's go, follow me."

"Well, that's what I call a good nights gathering, there is plenty to keep us fed for a while, tomorrow we can have a little fun with them, I like to let em know that some of us won't give up without a... What have got there? No, no, I told you.. .Christ what have you done?"

"Why the hell did you touch that, it was so obviously a trap, oh god you're bleeding badly let me tie it off. No, it's no good you struggling you will never get it open again, a few hours and they will come for you, if this damn thing doesn't cut you in half first. I can't believe you were so stupid, oh I'm sorry, so sorry but there is nothing to be done. I should have kept a sharper eye out for you, blast I was such a fool. Look the full moon is coming out; I have to go.. .What can I do? We have tried so many times in these situations and everything we do makes it worse and even if I did get you out what then? You are sure to die from the wounds. I'm sorry please don't cry. I know it hurts, but you'll bring the dogs down on you and they will.... What?  You want me too.... Before they do, but, a rock over the head, it maybe quick and.. .I can't.. .I... can I?"