The Villain in Kelly's Life by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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Kelly Begins Her Story

We talked on diverse topics, giving each other updates of our friends and families while in my mind I groped for the right words to make Kelly speak out her overwhelming problem.

Then I just blurted out, Kelly, you can’t fool me. Everything about you says you are in pain. Tell me, do you have a man problem again?

At these words, tears filled up her eyes and streaked down her cheeks. In moments, she was crying uncontrollably but silently.

I am sorry, Kelly, I said. I had to know what was wrong. I couldn’t just let my special friend remain in pain.

She rubbed her cheeks and eyes, stopped crying and regained her composure. She was ready to talk.

“Well, you are right. But this time he is a real villain. He is one of the junior guys at the office and has set his eyes on me for quite a long time. He had flaws which I didn’t like and didn’t interest me. So I ignored him just like I had done to scores of people in the past. But this guy is aggressive and adamant. Because I wouldn’t pay him any attention, he wanted to teach me a lesson which I came to know through a third party. His plan was to give me a lot of wealth and gifts and then I would soften towards him and it was about that time he would have dumped me. When that plan of his didn’t work out, he clung to me watching my every move and action, to the extent of exposing me both at home and in the office cubicle. I complained to the office manager, and when the office couldn’t help, I began to doubt if they set up the whole thing. When I talked about it vaguely to Ma, I found out that she was helpless too which made me infer that she was somehow involved in the whole plot too, in the hopes of gaining some advantage, which shouldn’t be very pleasant either.”

I was happy at the flow Kelly was talking, not even breaking down once. She went on, ”My office life became unbearable. Even going to the streets became very challenging. Because people everywhere were pouring unkind comments. I decided to quit my job and stay at home because the outside environment was threatening my peace of mind, self-esteem and self-worth. I decide to walk away from all of it, shut myself in and gain back my peace of mind, and rest.”

Well, Kelly had more stuff to stay, I gathered. I encouraged her to go on.

She said, ”I didn’t understand the whole story in the background but all of it happened simply because I refused to accept the villain of my life.”