Transangels by Ina Disguise - HTML preview

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The Denouement

Karen, Saeed, Uma and David were at the computer whilst Karen explained.

“So, I did a bit of digging with the feminists, and this is the head of the snake.” She showed them a picture of Justine Dietrich looking particularly wretched and balding. “This guy is kinky, had a 18

bunch of his autogynophile lawyer chums draw up the 'inclusive' etthics document everyone is working from. He now has a billion dollar biotech company which makes its money selling medicine for various heart conditions, he got a hold of the patent because it was considered an obscure medication for his daughter.”

“Surely that makes it a pharma company?” Uma queried.

“No, because his real interest is biotech, but only to render a mind mapping method possible. He wants to be immortal, and this is how he has broken it down. There is a robot version of his wife online, you can talk to her.” Karen pointed at the robot's twitter account. “It all looks very benign until you get to the pig cloning.”

“Pig cloning?” Saeed, not a lover of pork for obvious reasons, looked alarmed.

“Yeah, he is cloning pigs with the intention of creating human organs to replace donated organs as they do not get used efficiently. He seems to be regarding humans as an engineering project and says this can theoretically keep them going forever, but I don't think that's what he's really shooting for, either that or he really is lost in science fiction and hasn't really understood the organic nature of ageing. No, what I think this guy is really shooting for is cloning humans.”

“Cloning humans for what purpose?” Uma looked alarmed.

“They will select the best candidates and just keep replicating them. It means the future population is going to be finite, managed, genetically tweaked in a lab, and born from artificial wombs that his company has developed in the course of the pig cloning. People are just a herd, like any other herd, if you want to see it like that, and to a coder or tech engineer this makes perfect sense.”

“This really is like science fiction. So this is why it's desirable to make children sterile and trans?

It's just a step towards selling artificially produced kids?” David frowned.

“Sort of, this is a stepped programme leading towards total population control. Humans will only be useful for harvesting now and again. All the steps have been successful so far, if they win this battle, they are one step closer to the eventual aim of managed breeding. Once they have created a demand for artificial fertility services then it is just a case of more culling, like the pandemic and vaccines. The pace basically reflects the pace of AI and robotics, even the current population is almost at the point of being disposable.”

“The western world is screwed.” Saeed shook his head. “This is not Islamic.”

“Yeah, I don't think Russia is jumping on board with this either, but a lot of very rich, very powerful Americans think this is the plan, and you know this means WEF, the UN, and probably quite a few other key players are in the bag with them. I can't really see the corporates being totally on board with wiping out most of the consumers, they probably just think they are playing a marketing game and introducing corporate controlled politics via social monitoring. It's all a bit authoritarian.”

“How are they going to wipe everything?” Uma wondered how long they had left. This was mind blowing.

“It looks as if they don't want the properties sitting around, so I am guessing the most efficient way to do it would be via the electrical grid. There's been some talk of satellite weapons, and all these 19

rich guys have satellites. Repeated pandemics could be employed, with more dodgy vaccines, but I suspect that was less effective than they had hoped. Either that or this was a trial run. All this to achieve net zero and build 15 minute cities, which sound like prisons, populated by a managed herd of clones reporting to an immortal elite.” Karen sat back in the office chair. “We are all garbage to be disposed of unless someone stops them.”

“Why did they pick Dylan McVitie?”

“A happy accident. You can't really blame Dylan for this, they just made use of him, but he will be getting the blame once the children they sterilised grow up and realise they've been horribly abused for what they will think is an artificial fertility advertising campaign. That is Justine's medium term plan whilst that other dude perfects the implantable brain chips and Justine perfects synthetic minds.

And who is going to break it to Dylan? And even if we did, would he even care?” Karen shrugged.

“He might. Should we tell him anyway?” David felt quite sorry for him. Poor guy, he just couldn't catch a break.

“He would have limited effect, we need someone who can move bigger money away from this project. Banking philosophy would dictate that both sides in any war should be funded. Thus far only one side has funding. We need academics, media, activism, we need to get education back on track. It's huge. Thank goodness some people have said no. That may be the main source of hope.”

“We may have to switch countries.” Saeed looked resigned to the idea of learning more languages.

“We should definitely consider it. Almost all of the tech already exists, it does look a bit rudimentary so far, but that won't last long with their funding..” Karen rubbed her forehead.

“They've tested quite a bit of it.”

“What can we do, mum?” David looked up.

“I think the only thing we can do is try and get the word out, and we'll have to be selective about how we dispense the information. We can't cause a cultural shift by ourselves.”

“Chinese whispers.” Uma smirked.

“Good one Uma.” smiled her mother. 'Chinese whispers it is.”


About the Author:

Ina Disguise lives in Scotland, with cats.

This entire story was inspired by established facts and events, I just created a narrative fiction from it. You can easily research this yourselves. Many thanks to the enormous work of previous non-fiction authors, journalists and bloggers on this subject, and of course Dylan, who must not lose his penis


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