Twisted Tales by Annette de Jonge - HTML preview

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Silently the apparitions swept around the room completely enveloping the earl and his terrified men. Then, as one, they rose up and disappeared back into the castle stonework taking the interlopers with them.

Beatrice whispered another incantation as she sprinkled more powder onto the flame. All traces that their enemy was ever at the castle were obliterated - all except for the gargoyle statues guarding the palace walls. Each misshapen effigy now contained one of the earl’s men, trapped forever in stone, while the larger gargoyle over the drawbridge housed the earl.

Beatrice smiled. When everyone awakens, they will have no memory of the earl ever having been here, she thought.

They will think we have been celebrating the news of the successes of our king and his armies over our enemy. Even Lord Godwin will have forgotten what transpired today.

Beatrice gently touched her swollen stomach. “We have won, my son” she said. “And all without a drop of blood being spilt. Now the rest of the prophecy can be fulfilled.” Yawning, she stood up. “But first, we need to rest. It has been a long, successful day.”

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