Twisted Tales by Annette de Jonge - HTML preview

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Now, the way I see it, you have the family flaw but no sons to pass it to. There’s no need to look like that. Yes, I have been watching your family and learning all about you all. Neighbors do like to gossip, you know.

You have two daughters, but no grandsons. That makes you the last remaining male in our bloodline apart from me capable of continuing with our bad seed. “

He laughed bitterly. “And I’ll never father children and pass it on. But, back to Susan. She told me she was an orphan and I believed her. Well, why wouldn’t I? Nobody visited us. I only found out about you lot by accident when I went through Susan’s belongings after her death and saw the old correspondence from her mother.” David winced at the bitterness in the man’s voice.

“Susan passed away to-day five years ago. It’s taken me this long to piece the story together and track you down. I wanted to meet up with you on the anniversary of my mother’s death. More symbolic for what is to come, don’t you think?

Oh, that’s right. I haven’t told you. You don‘t know what is to come, do you?” David started to sweat at the sound in the man’s voice.

“Sweet Susan suffered a lot for your sins but, like her, I am a compassionate human being. Your ending will be swifter than hers. This syringe is full of a virulent form of HIV and while we’ve been talking I’ve been slowly injecting you with it. There is no cure. I know. I’m told I have three months to live.”

David felt the syringe withdrawn as the arm uncoiled from around his neck but he was too stunned to move. He heard the back passenger door click open and close again.

Somewhere in the quiet suburban street a dog barked and sleepy voice called out for it to be quiet. David roused himself and glanced out along the street. The feint pink and gold rays of the rising sun filtered through the trees, hinting at another warm Queensland day. A green garbage truck swung into the street and stopped while a man dressed in a blue singlet and khaki shorts jumped out, ran around the back and tipped the contents of a silver bin into the truck.

The noise he was making started the dog barking again, setting off other dogs along the street.

David’s fingers reached up and touched the tender spot on his neck. He winced. What was that old Biblical saying? He cast his memory back to when he used to attend church with his family as a child. Ah, yes, he thought, ‘the sins of the fathers.’

Slowly David reached over and switched on the taxi's ignition. He had never felt so helpless or alone.


Other Books.

Nature Spirits and Earth Elementals.

This book begins with my communications with a group of spirit beings who are concerned at what they see is humanity's wanton disregard of the nature kingdom. They offer salient environmental advice on redressing the problem and offer solutions from their point of view. As they say , 'a sinking boat is a sinking boat whoever is on board'.

The book also discusses contact and communication with the nature world of fairies, pixies, gnomes and others. We learn how and why these earth elemental energies assist nature and how they live their lives going about their daily activities.


Psychic and Séances.

Recounts my story of a lifetime of psychic experiences. Born an involuntary psychic, I began at an early age to question why I saw and heard spirit people and had nocturnal visitations by different species of extraterrestrials.

My quest for understanding led to attending psychic development classes and along the way learned that I am a spiritual teacher. I am a graduate of Griffith University, Queensland and the NSW School of Hypnotic Sciences, taught spiritual development classes privately and was employed for several years by the Queensland Government in their enrichment program teaching the theory 'We Are More Than a Physical Body'.

My main interests now are gaining further knowledge by communicating with a group of spirit teachers from multitudinous dimensions and sharing the knowledge learned with those also on their spiritual journey.


We Are Not Alone.

That Earth has been visited for eons by various species of aliens is recorded by many cultures. This poses the question for readers to ponder: have I had an encounter that has been blocked from memory? This book offers clues, ways to find out.

Alien implants, nocturnal visitations by different species of extraterrestrials were part of my life from early childhood.

There are early memories of a tall praying mantis, the aliens called 'the Grays', the frightening men in black and a terrifying encounter with a reptilian.

However, not all experiences were frightening. A friendly ET took me to two unknown planets; one without life and another that was home to a different species whose identity remains unknown, two visits to an alien base somewhere on Earth where they watched humans, soldiers, colluding with aliens.


The Earth Energy Connection.

This book discusses why the physical body that you have always thought of as 'you' is not you. The image seen reflected back from the mirror is collusion, a work in progress between the earth elementals, their controller and you.

In this book the spirit communicators explain that for any soul, being, to function here on this dimension they need to be anchored here. This anchoring is achieved by us inhabiting a denser, physical body created from the earth elemental


energies .Part of our function whilst here on Earth is to learn to work in harmony with the earth elementals and to control our thoughts and personal excesses that impact on our physical body.

This book offers suggestions on how we can also communicate with the earth elementals and the advantages to us by doing so.


Book One, In Search of Reality.

Advances in the field of quantum mechanics have opened our eyes to the understanding of what we see as our reality is, in fact, illusion. My teacher guides agree as we learn of infinite possibilities, perhaps most notably that there are unseen, inhabited multiple realms presently unknown to us as we all go about our everyday lives.

In Search of Reality is a compilation of automatic writing, guidance from a teaching group of spirit beings, extraterrestrials and their students. The teachers explain the implications and changes happening now to us, our body and our world by the incoming energies.

This book, the first in the series makes clear the part we play in our consciousness reality and the opportunities presented for growth.

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