Unlocking the Orion Code - The Killer's Daughter - BOOK 1 by Leonard J. Walker - HTML preview

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"Are you sure you want to do this, Liz?"


There was a pause in the recording and the sound of paper being shuffled. When the man

spoke again, his voice had taken on a more official and commanding tone.

"Elizabeth Mallory, what can you tell us about the recent spat of murders that have cropped

up across the country."

The woman cleared her throat, a sign of nervousness. But then her voice sounded - loud,

clear and confident.

"I came to you because I knew you would understand, Detective Conley. As you know, all the

victims so far have been associated with the Genesis program; people who have been

identified as 'gifted'…much like you and your wife are."

A new voice protested at this.


"It's all right, Mildred," said the man. "The Chief has been read in. He'll make sure this never

reaches the ears of any reporter. Please continue, Liz."

"The Genesis program, as you no doubt are aware, was created to study the brainwaves of

individuals who have displayed psychokinetic abilities; to pinpoint what exactly it is that

makes us so different from everyone else, in the hopes that we may help in the betterment of

mankind. The focus was on those with healing capabilities, Joshua Leroy the founder, was

training individuals in awakening all of their skills. What you might not know is that, within

the program, there were certain individuals who believed that such a study was not only

intrusive but…unnatural as well. In short, they believed that those who were 'gifted' were

superior to those who were not. This faction attempted to recruit more people within the

Genesis program to their cause. It started out harmless enough, as these things always do,

until their leader felt that they weren't being taken seriously enough and decided that more

drastic measures need to be taken."

"Thus the murders?"

"Yes. At first he targeted the scientists. But when others in the program started speaking out

against him, he decided that they too needed to be eliminated."

"Joshua Leroy was one of those people going against this person. He is still alive but also in

hiding as has been one of the main targets.

I tried to contact him, as I still believe in the Genesis Program, and to help my daughter, but I

could not find him."

"'If you're not with me, you're against me'."

"Something like that. I believe the Genesis program has since been shut down and most of its

original subjects have gone into hiding."

"But the murders have not stopped."

"No. Because the leader of the renegade faction still believes that as long as there are people

out there who know of our existence, we will never be safe."

"So he believes that these killings serve a greater good?"


"And what is his name? The leader of this group; the man who orders these murders?"

"He not only ordered the murders, he has had a hand in most of them as well." The woman

paused and took a deep breath.

"His name is David Mallory. He's my husband…"