Unlocking the Orion Code - The Killer's Daughter - BOOK 1 by Leonard J. Walker - HTML preview

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I always knew my dad and I were special - the kind of special that could land you in a

government lab as someone's experiment. For most parents, the dreaded talk comes in the

form of the 'birds and the bees'. For mine, it was trying to explain to a three year old what

psychokinesis was.

I remember waking up from a nightmare, screaming, only to find myself floating above my

bed, surrounded by my stuffed toys, storybooks, blankets and the bedside lamp. My parents

ran into the room, but whenever they tried to approach me, my toys and books would pelt

them. My dad almost had his skull cracked open by the lamp. And then I remember seeing

my mom floating next to me; only she was still standing by the door beside my dad, and I

was so confused. She told me not to be scared, that she was there for me, and slowly I found

myself drifting back down to my bed.

They explained later that my mind was just trying to protect my body; that my nightmare

had scared me to the point that I was having trouble differentiating my dream from reality.

Strange, I do not really recall what I was dreaming about.

Later, when I asked my mom what I saw; asked how she could have been in two places at

once, she told me about thoughtform projection - about how she created a mental image

and projected it into three-dimensional space - it was the only way they could get past the

defences I had erected around myself.

It probably helped that I was so young. I mean, it was a hard enough story to believe; that

you could directly influence things just using your mind. Psychokinesis encompassed a

wide range of abilities: levitation, teleportation, pyrokinesis, cryokinesis and

metamorphosis just to name a few. My talents just happened to manifest in the form of

wildly uncontrolled telekinesis.

My parents pointed out that everyone possessed psychokinesis to a certain extent. But it

was usually so minute as to be almost non-existent. It occurred mainly in the form of

prediction; it was why some people had such strong feelings of déjà vu. And they explained

that, in a small handful of people, evolution had allowed the mind to nurture this ability to

the point where they could directly manipulate matter with a simple thought.

A few things started to make more sense after that. Like how my dad always seemed to

know where I was or what I was thinking. He and mom were telepaths. But where she

specialised in projections, his strengths laid in reading people's thoughts. It explained the

tickling feeling in the back of my brain that always seemed to occur when I was near him.

They taught me how to control my 'gifts' and they drilled into me the importance of

secrecy; people feared what they did not understand. The need for this was affirmed the

year I turned seven - when my mom was murdered.

The police report simply stated that it was an attempted mugging gone wrong. But my dad

knew better. How could a mere mugger get the upper hand on a telepath? He told me that

our kind were being hunted down and that I needed to be more careful from then on. He

pulled me out of public school and focused on training me to protect my mind and use my

telekinesis defensively.

For the next nine years, it was just my dad and I. We supported each other. We protected

each other. Life was pretty good and as close to normal as it would have ever been for us.