Vodka and Poultry and PI in the Sky by KT Tyler - HTML preview

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 Monti and Maya

I can’t feel my face when I’m with you.”, Maya is having a good time singing along with Weekend when Monti comes up beside her and switches off the radio.

“Can’t hear me game, luv.”

“Sod the bloody game!”, she says with a laugh and turns to face him, “Git yer arse out there and keep an eye on ar jackpot.”

Maya’s a big woman, and Monti just throws his hands up and walks out the back door. Maya laughs and switches the radio back on:

“And I know she’ll be the death of me, the worst is yet to come...”

Monti notices Rolfie is acting even crazier now, standing in front of the shed all wobbly legged and snarling. Thinking the mutt could be rabid, he grabs his 30/30 off the porch, sneaks up quietly behind Rolfie and blows a clean round hole through the back of his head.

Maya instantly grabs her Glock, chambers a round and comes running out of the house. She sees Rolfie whining on the ground, lowers her weapon and smiles.

“G’donya, luv; I was bloody well sick a that mongrel.”, she says.

“No wuckin furries.”, he says, then stumbles, shoots a hole in the shed and falls over laughing.

 “Just like old Ned Kelly himself.”, laughs Maya, then raises the pistol and empties the entire clip into the dog, the shed and anything else in the way.

“Oi, Monti, he still twitchin?”, she asks, laughing so hard she can hardly breathe.

After dragging Rolfie back to the sludge pit, Monti starts singing, “He once was the dingo, but now he’s the lunch.” and they both enjoy the best laugh attack they’ve had since yesterday.