Vodka and Poultry and PI in the Sky by KT Tyler - HTML preview

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VI.  The Sisters

Father John arrives on schedule and goes directly to Cardinal Paul’s office. He is surprised to find the Cardinal listening to a Mozart sonata; a very loud Mozart sonata. As he enters, he sees Paul standing at his desk with his arms outstretched, blubbering like an idiot. John runs to him.

“Your Excellency?”

“God help us!” He hugs the shorter man tightly. “The demons are upon us, John. They are here! What have we done?”

As John helps Paul to his chair, Cardinal Peter DeGeneris walks in without knocking and closes the door behind him.

“Turn off that infernal racket! Paul, what in God’s name is going on here?”

“May God forgive me, Peter; may God forgive me…forgive me…”

Paul continues to babble as Peter addresses John.

“Father, please be so kind as to explain exactly what is wrong with Cardinal Paul and exactly what it is that he has done that requires the forgiveness of our Lord.”

He listens patiently to Father John then walks slowly to the window and stares out at the castle ramparts. There is a long silence, interrupted only by the occasional shriek as Paul encounters another of his demons. Finally, Cardinal DeGeneris speaks.

“Thank you, John. Have the Sisters come for Paul immediately, will you, before he drags us both down with him.”

“But Your Excellency…”

Cardinal DeGeneris raises his right hand and closes his eyes for a moment.

“It can never be destroyed; it must never be revealed. Help us Lord.”, he prays, “Help us to be worthy of Thy sacred trust.”

 Renewed in spirit, he turns to Father John.

“Have no fear, my son; the Sisters know how to deal with this sort of thing. As soon as Paul is suitably restrained, come to my office; you must return to America at once. And summon the Sacred Order immediately, in its entirety. We have quite a surprise for our brethren, do we not?”

Peter manages a wry smile as he returns to the window and observes the storm clouds rising ominously beyond the seven hills.

“…and John?”, he adds.


“Tell them God is coming.”