Amazing Life in Villages and Sustainability by Sai Bhaskar Reddy Nakka - HTML preview

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Betel Leaves

In the villages, women have a chekkudu-sanchi. A pushing bag - that is a small cloth bag with several pockets, part of it is pushed into the sari line at waist - it used for storing a few Betel leaves, nuts, a metal nut breaker, Sunnam (Calcium Carbonate) in a small container with lid, Kasu (Katta) pieces, Cloves, Cardamoms and some coins. Whenever I visited the villages as a young boy, out of curiosity had a chance to ask for the Chekkudu-sanchi of old women and see the things inside. Sometimes also found few small shells too.

Betel leaves added with ingredients is called Pan. It is consumed with great relish and it is good for health, otherwise why people would have consumed it since ages. A betel leaf has the taste of a combination of - Chilly (hot) + Sweet + Umami (in Telugu Vogaru to define precisely).

Betel leaves are consumed in almost all parts of India and especially by the people in villages. A ‘paan’ literally unites different parts of India, the Betel leaf might come from Kolkatta, areca nut from Kerala, Kasu or Katha (Katha is prepared mainly from the water extract of the heartwood of ‘khair’ tree or Acacia catechu) from Uttar Pradesh and Chunna (lime or calcium carbonate) can be procured from elsewhere. It is good for digestion, as its chewing releases saliva juice in plenty. On the whole, it reduces acidity. People consume pan especially when they have a sumptuous meal.

The consumption of Pan benefitted especially old women. Women especially suffer from Osteoporosis - weakening of bones due to depletion of calcium density in the bones with age. The Betel leaf is rich in calcium and also some extra calcium carbonate (Sunnam) added to the pan, the deficiency of calcium is reduced. These women suffer less from the osteoporosis and their bones become stronger. That could be the main reason in olden days why women consumed more pan compared to men. Even now especially the women’s functions called ‘Perantam,’ and Poojas (Prayers) performed, the women who attend the function are offered two betel leaves, Areca nut pieces and a Banana.

I have introduced Pan eating to my two kids too. My wife and kids eat especially the sweet-pan. Whenever children have sour throat due to cough and cold, we insist the kids eat a pan.


Betel leaves with Areca nut pieces