Amazing Life in Villages and Sustainability by Sai Bhaskar Reddy Nakka - HTML preview

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Water point

The village well is another place for the interaction and socialisation for women every day, especially during the early mornings and evenings. The wells were located in the centre of the habitations. There is always commotion of women drawing water from the well. The Girikha-chappudu (noise of the pulley wheel) and the splashing sound of the water while being drawn, mixed with the chatting sounds of the women.

It was a kind of relief for women, after attending the daily chorus. Similarly, another place for gossip is on the banks of a stream and ponds, where women also collected the water, washed clothes and took bath. With the groundwater depletion, almost all the open wells and surface water bodies are dry in the villages. This water is accessible through bore-wells fitted with the hand-pumps or the water is supplied through pipes. Such interaction places for women is a rare thing.


Women in a village fetching water