Rape and Related Issues by Bassam Imam - HTML preview

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During Chikatilo's 15 year reign of terror, he was able to evade the authorities. Soviet police, though incredibly  efficient at spying on people, weren't too knowledgeable in criminology. In addition, under Soviet rule, denial of the existence of a serial killer was the general rule; Jthis only happens in Capitalistic societies'.

Although Chikatilo was arrested and questioned about the murders, he was released. But a few years later he was discovered and re-arrested.

Chikatilo was executed (told to stare at the wall and was then shot in the back of the head).

"What I did was not for sexual pleasure. Rather it brought me peace of mind." (Andrei Chikatilo)

Paul Bernardo (The Scarborough Rapist) and Karla Homolka had an unhealthy sexual obsession with each other almost immediately.

In was 1990 Homolka was engaged to a handsome, charming accountant named Paul Bernardo. She would do anything for the man whom she was passionately in love with. But there was one problem with their relationship Paul had been irritated at the fact that Karla wasn't a virgin when they first met. Naturally, his warped mind demanded that Karla help him find a suitable virgin.

The target chosen was Karla's beautiful younger sister. Shockingly,  Karla accepted. More so, the act was to be videotaped. Karla had previously worked in a veterinary clinic, giving her a basic knowledge of sedatives.

But even before the heinous plan, from 1987 Bernardo had been labelled the JScarborough Killer'. His modus operandi was generally the same. He'd wait attentively until his target disembarked from a bus. When the opportunity came he'd grab the woman from behind and then force her to the ground. Anal sex and fellatio were Bernardo's preferred acts. By 1988 Bernardo had raped and assaulted 13 women.

Instead of notifying the police Homolka encouraged Bernardo to commit his heinous acts. On December 23, 1990 the criminal duo gave Karla's younger sister, Tammy, drinks laced with sedative halcyon. Unfortunately, things turned for the worse. Tammy choked on her vomit and died. Bernardo and Homolka hid the drugs and camera then called 911.

Bernardo sought a replacement. Homolka found a beautiful 15 year-old virgin. The girl was drugged, passed out and then sodomized by Bernardo. The act was videotaped.

On September 1, 1995 Paul Bernardo was found guilty of all 9 charges against him. 2 of the charges were for first-degree murder. Because of the public outcry and gruesome nature of his crimes, Bernardo will likely die behind bars. He has been harassed and attacked by other inmates, and receives death  threats every-so-often. He's an inmate at the Kingston Penitentiary.

Karla Homolka testified against Bernardo, thereby receiving a plea bargain deal. Lucky for Homolka, the deal had been made before much incriminating evidence against her was found. She was convicted of 2 counts for manslaughter and subsequently served a 12 year sentence. She was released from the Joliette Institution on July 5, 2005. She was 35 years-old at the time.

Carl Panzram was born in Minnesota on June 28, 1891 and died on September 5, 1930. In my opinion was the worst of the worst, if not so, very nearly so. Panzram was a fierce, hard- hearted, tyrannical murderer, homosexual rapist, mugger and robber, a lifelong hardened criminal.

By Panzram's own account he admitted to murdering 22 persons and having sodomized more than 1000 men. The highest figure I ever came upon was 1500.

Troubles with the law and signs of a criminal life began when Panzram was only 8 years-old. By the time he was 12 years- old he had already been drunk and disorderly and had committed burglaries. When his brothers discovered about his devious acts they beat him so badly he lost consciousness.

Panzram was sent to the Minnesota Training School, a juvenile reformatory for 2 years, as part of a plea bargain deal. In hindsight we can certainly say that for American society and for Panzram this was a big mistake.

For the duration of his reform stay the defenceless child was tormented, tortured, and sodomized. The horrors that he suffered left a lifelong imprint on his already troubled psyche. Panzram would never return to normality. He once claimed that he was once gang-raped by a gang of hobos.

As a teenager Panzram behaved like a hardcore pyromaniac.

He truly enjoyed setting buildings ablaze and watching them go under. Although some hardcore truly demented pyromaniacs masturbate to the point of ejaculation while watching their fires, it is not known if Panzram did so. But it is certain that he truly enjoyed the scene.

Panzram began to have extremely devious fantasies about committing large-scale murder. He'd later spend much of his adult life in and out of prison, enduring a tormented life. He reached the point where he hated everyone in the whole world, including himself.

"I was so full of hate that there was no room in me for such feelings as love, pity, kindness or honour or decency ... my only regret is that I wasn't born dead or not at all." (By Mark Gado; Crime Library: Carl Panzram: Too Evil to Live, Part 1)

 Panzram was a geographically mobile criminal, committing heinous crimes in the U.S., South America, Europe and Africa.

In one particular incident that occurred in Africa, he murdered 6 men, tossing their dead bodies to crocodiles. Panzram didn't care what race or ethnic group you belonged to, but if you were a male you were a potential target. To the best of my knowledge, Panzram never had a sexual relationship with a woman of any age. Somewhere along the line his sexuality had been obliterated. Males were the monsters who sodomized him.

Panzram said, my parents "were ignorant, and thru their improper teachings and improper environment, I was gradually led into the wrong way of living." (ibid)

The famed late Dr. Karl Menninger described Panzram as a man "faced with the problem of evil in him-self and in the rest of us. I have always carried him in my mind as the logical product of our prison system." (ibid)

Following a life of pitiful lie of monstrosity and mayhem Panzram was executed in Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary on September 5, 1930. Shockingly, but not surprisingly, Panzram rushed to the gallows, spat in the face of the executioner, and then said to him, "Hurry up you bastard, I could kill ten men while you're fooling around!" (ibid)

Albert Fish, also known as the Gray Man, Brooklyn Vampire (May 19, 1870 - January 16, 1936) was born in Washington, D.C.

He was a horrid<