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Grow your connections

While LinkedIn may not be a ‘fun’ social media platform like Facebook and Instagram, it’s still a social network at its core. This means that if you want people to pay attention to you and your brand, then you’re going to have to grow your connections.

The key here is that the more people you have on your network, the more people there are who will see all your posts and your status updates.

To start with, connect with the people you already know. Search for your old classmates, past and current co-workers, business associates and partners, customers and clients, and even your social media followers.

Every time you meet someone new, look them up on LinkedIn and send them an invite promptly.

When you send them invites to connect, add a note to your invitation reminding them how you two know each other especially if you’re just acquaintances and not really friends. It makes it more likely that they’ll approve your connection request.

Join relevant groups and create your own group

Once you’ve exhausted your personal network, then you can join niche-relevant groups to connect with even more people. When you first sign up for groups, LinkedIn will suggest relevant groups based on your profile.

So, if you’re an online marketer, then you’re going to receive marketing group suggestions from LinkedIn.

Ask to join groups you think matches your needs. Once you’re accepted, then you should participate in group discussions.

If people have questions you know the answer to, then chip in with your thoughts and advice. In short, provide plenty of value to the group, and you just may soon find yourself with plenty of connection requests!

Alternatively, once you’ve proven your worth in the group, then you can be proactive and ask to connect with people. Just remind them how you two know each other so they’ll be more likely to approve your request.

Lastly, you may want to consider creating your own group once you’ve got a good number of connections. You’ll be able to further cement your authority in your industry.

Most importantly, however, you can easily drive traffic back to your site by simply linking to your posts and articles when the situation calls for it (never aggressively link to your site all the time as people can easily leave your group!).

Are You Ready To Start Growing Your Using LinkedIn To

Drive Massive Traffic To Your Website?

LinkedIn may take some getting used to if you’ve not set foot on the platform yet. Just like any social media network, you have to learn to navigate your way around the site so you can make the most of all the free tools at your disposal.

Once you’ve mastered the basics, then go all out and let the entire LinkedIn community know about your brand. You will not get traffic overnight especially if you’re growing your network organically. However, with patience and hard work, you’ll soon be reaping the rewards of having a solid presence on LinkedIn.

Before you know it, your posts will be driving massive traffic to your website, and you’ll be firmly established as a trusted brand in your industry!

Chapter 10: SlideShare Traffic Rush

If you’re wondering how you can possibly use a slide-hosting website like SlideShare ( to your advantage, then you’re reading the correct article.

SlideShare may seem like an unlikely candidate for getting massive traffic to your website, but trust me, this platform has brought plenty of traffic to many websites over the years. You just need to know what to do to make your content stand out from the crowd.

Why Use SlideShare To Promote Your Brand?

There are plenty of reasons why you should use consider uploading your content to SlideShare in addition to your other social media marketing activities. Here are some of the top reasons why you should be on the platform:

Massive traffic of over 80 million visitors per month

Yes, you read that right. 80 million visitors per month. It may not be as big a number as other social platforms like Facebook, Twitter or even Pinterest, but that’s still a significant number of monthly visitors.

SlideShare is a top 164 website in the world according to, with a majority of its traffic coming from India followed closely by the United States.

When it comes to the number of uploads per month, the average hovers around 400,000 uploads. That means almost half a million slides, eBooks, infographics and other compatible file types are uploaded to the platform monthly. So, if your content is still not on the platform, you’re leaving a lot of money on the table!

The site gets over 159 million page views per month. If you consistently publish high-quality content on the platform, then you’re going to get a good share of page views which could lead to clicks to your website.

SlideShare content ranks well on search engines

SlideShare has excellent domain authority, and it’s got a good reputation on Google. When you type in long-tail queries on Google, you’ll often find SlideShare content ranking on the first page.

The platform also pulls text from your slides which helps immensely with the SEO side of things. This means that if you optimize your SlideShare content for a certain keyword or keywords, then you’re probably going to see it rank high up on Google.

Google indexes every single SlideShare presentation. Most of the traffic that visits SlideShare comes from organic search, i.e., Google. This means many people end up on SlideShare just because they saw a relevant piece of content on the search results!

If you insert your link on your slides, in your content’s description, or in your profile, then you’ll have people hopping on over to your website, curious to know more about what it is you do.

Additionally, SlideShare allows users to embed their favorite content to their blogs. This is not only helpful for getting views on other people’s websites, but it’s also great for your site’s SEO (just don’t forget to add your link!).

This helps expand your brand’s reach because you’ll be getting traffic from the SlideShare platform itself, from the sites that embed your presentation, and anywhere else your content is shared!

You can upload more than just slides

Everybody on the planet probably knows what PowerPoint is and how to make PowerPoint slides. If you’ve ever been tasked to do a presentation in front of a group of people, chances are you probably used PowerPoint to create your slideshow. Likewise, you’ve probably sat in front of countless PowerPoint presentations over the years.

With SlideShare, your slides will get a new lease on life. It will no longer be limited to being shown in front of 10, 20, or even a few hundred people.

Rather, it will be living in the cloud ready to be viewed by thousands or even millions of people years after you’ve uploaded it.

With that said, it’s not just your PowerPoint slides, that’s going to get massive traffic. On SlideShare, you can upload PDFs, Word files, and text files. If you want to upload an infographic, you’re going to have to save it as a PDF to preserve its layout, fonts, and images.

You can also add YouTube videos to your presentation if you like, so if you’ve repurposed your content into video, then you should consider adding it to your SlideShare too to help get more views for your video.

It’s connected to LinkedIn which is the top social media site for