Social Traffic Rush by Dominik WItan - HTML preview

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Traffic To Your Website

Now that you know the power of YouTube and why your business should be leveraging this platform to help your business grow, it’s time to show you how you can use your videos to drive massive traffic to your website!

Do proper YouTube video keyword research

If you want your videos to get found on YouTube, then you need to know what relevant keywords are being used by YouTubers. You can use premium third-party tools to get keyword suggestions, but to start off, you can use YouTube Suggest.

YouTube Suggest appears when you type something on the YouTube search bar. When you start typing “how to”, YouTube will suggest 10

possible keywords. In most cases, many people simply scroll down the

suggestions and click on something they like instead of typing the entire

“how to” search query.

When you’ve started seeing some traffic to your videos, you will then have some analytics data. You can then see the video keywords that you’re ranking for.

Now, you’ve got two options at this point. You can either create a new video around those keywords OR you can optimize your existing videos’

on-page SEO.

Obviously, the first option will take more work, so the quickest way to get an extra boost for your videos is by taking action on the second option!

You’ve already done most of the work – you just need to optimize it so you’ll get more mileage out of your existing videos.

Optimize your on-page YouTube video SEO

In addition to the first tip I shared above, there are other ways you can optimize your on-page video SEO. For starters, you should use your main keyword(s) in your video title, your video description, your video tags, as well as in your custom video thumbnails.

Mention your keywords in your video. If you want, you can also upload your own transcript to make it easy for YouTube to identify what your video is about.

Add your website link at the top of your YouTube video description

People are only going to be seeing the first few lines of your video description so make sure you put your website address and your call to action at the top.

If they want to visit your website, they can just click on the link right away.

Otherwise, it’s going to be hidden under the Show More toggle. People just may not be willing to move their mouse around a bit to click on that, so make it easy for people to visit your website!

What about if you’re promoting an affiliate product or a landing page that’s not on your own domain name?

Well, you can use a link cloaking service to hide those long and ugly third-party URLs. Two of the most popular URL shorteners are Google

( and Bitly (

Ask your audience to comment, subscribe, share your video or visit