The People of the Abyss by Jack London - HTML preview

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In a civilisation frankly materialistic and based upon property, not

soul, it is inevitable that property shall be exalted over soul, that

crimes against property shall be considered far more serious than crimes

against the person. To pound one's wife to a jelly and break a few of

her ribs is a trivial offence compared with sleeping out under the naked

stars because one has not the price of a doss. The lad who steals a few

pears from a wealthy railway corporation is a greater menace to society

than the young brute who commits an unprovoked assault upon an old man

over seventy years of age. While the young girl who takes a lodging

under the pretence that she has work commits so dangerous an offence,

that, were she not severely punished, she and her kind might bring the

whole fabric of property clattering to the ground. Had she unholily

tramped Piccadilly and the Strand after midnight, the police would not

have interfered with her, and she would have been able to pay for her


The following illustrative cases are culled from the police-court reports

for a single week:-

Widnes Police Court. Before Aldermen Gossage and Neil. Thomas Lynch,

charged with being drunk and disorderly and with assaulting a

constable. Defendant rescued a woman from custody, kicked the

constable, and threw stones at him. Fined 3s. 6d.

for the first

offence, and 10s. and costs for the assault.

Glasgow Queen's Park Police Court. Before Baillie Norman Thompson.

John Kane pleaded guilty to assaulting his wife.

There were five

previous convictions. Fined 2 pounds, 2s.

Taunton County Petty Sessions. John Painter, a big, burly fellow,

described as a labourer, charged with assaulting his wife. The woman

received two severe black eyes, and her face was badly swollen. Fined

1 pound, 8s., including costs, and bound over to keep the peace.

Widnes Police Court. Richard Bestwick and George Hunt, charged with

trespassing in search of game. Hunt fined 1 pound and costs, Bestwick

2 pounds and costs; in default, one month.

Shaftesbury Police Court. Before the Mayor (Mr. A.

T. Carpenter).

Thomas Baker, charged with sleeping out. Fourteen days.

Glasgow Central Police Court. Before Bailie Dunlop.

Edward Morrison,

a lad, convicted of stealing fifteen pears from a lorry at the

railroad station. Seven days.

Doncaster Borough Police Court. Before Alderman Clark and other

magistrates. James M'Gowan, charged under the Poaching Prevention Act

with being found in possession of poaching implements and a number of

rabbits. Fined 2 pounds and costs, or one month.

Dunfermline Sheriff Court. Before Sheriff Gillespie.

John Young, a

pit-head worker, pleaded guilty to assaulting Alexander Storrar by

beating him about the head and body with his fists, throwing him on

the ground, and also striking him with a pit prop.

Fined 1 pound.

Kirkcaldy Police Court. Before Bailie Dishart.

Simon Walker pleaded

guilty to assaulting a man by striking and knocking him down. It was

an unprovoked assault, and the magistrate described the accused as a

perfect danger to the community. Fined 30s.

Mansfield Police Court. Before the Mayor, Messrs. F.

J. Turner, J.

Whitaker, F. Tidsbury, E. Holmes, and Dr. R. Nesbitt.

Joseph Jackson,

charged with assaulting Charles Nunn. Without any provocation,

defendant struck the complainant a violent blow in the face, knocking

him down, and then kicked him on the side of the head. He was

rendered unconscious, and he remained under medical treatment for a

fortnight. Fined 21s.

Perth Sheriff Court. Before Sheriff Sym. David Mitchell, charged

with poaching. There were two previous convictions, the last being

three years ago. The sheriff was asked to deal leniently with

Mitchell, who was sixty-two years of age, and who offered no

resistance to the gamekeeper. Four months.

Dundee Sheriff Court. Before Hon. Sheriff-Substitute R. C. Walker.

John Murray, Donald Craig, and James Parkes, charged with poaching.

Craig and Parkes fined 1 pound each or fourteen days; Murray, 5 pounds

or one month.

Reading Borough Police Court. Before Messrs. W. B.

Monck, F. B.

Parfitt, H. M. Wallis, and G. Gillagan. Alfred Masters, aged sixteen,

charged with sleeping out on a waste piece of ground and having no

visible means of subsistence. Seven days.

Salisbury City Petty Sessions. Before the Mayor, Messrs. C. Hoskins,

G. Fullford, E. Alexander, and W. Marlow. James Moore, charged with

stealing a pair of boots from outside a shop.

Twenty-one days.

Horncastle Police Court. Before the Rev. W. F.

Massingberd, the Rev.

J. Graham, and Mr. N. Lucas Calcraft. George Brackenbury, a young

labourer, convicted of what the magistrates characterised as an

altogether unprovoked and brutal assault upon James Sargeant Foster, a

man over seventy years of age. Fined 1 pound and 5s.

6d. costs.

Worksop Petty Sessions. Before Messrs. F. J. S.

Foljambe, R. Eddison,

and S. Smith. John Priestley, charged with assaulting the Rev. Leslie

Graham. Defendant, who was drunk, was wheeling a perambulator and

pushed it in front of a lorry, with the result that the perambulator

was overturned and the baby in it thrown out. The lorry passed over

the perambulator, but the baby was uninjured.

Defendant then attacked

the driver of the lorry, and afterwards assaulted the complainant, who

remonstrated with him upon his conduct. In consequence of the

injuries defendant inflicted, complainant had to consult a doctor.

Fined 40s. and costs.

Rotherham West Riding Police Court. Before Messrs.

C. Wright and G.

Pugh and Colonel Stoddart. Benjamin Storey, Thomas Brammer, and

Samuel Wilcock, charged with poaching. One month each.

Southampton County Police Court. Before Admiral J.

C. Rowley, Mr. H.

H. Culme-Seymour, and other magistrates. Henry Thorrington, charged

with sleeping out. Seven days.

Eckington Police Court. Before Major L. B. Bowden, Messrs. R. Eyre,

and H. A. Fowler, and Dr. Court. Joseph Watts, charged with stealing

nine ferns from a garden. One month.

Ripley Petty Sessions. Before Messrs. J. B. Wheeler, W. D. Bembridge,

and M. Hooper. Vincent Allen and George Hall, charged under the

Poaching Prevention Act with being found in possession of a number of

rabbits, and John Sparham, charged with aiding and abetting them. Hall

and Sparham fined 1 pound, 17s. 4d., and Allen 2

pounds, 17s. 4d.,

including costs; the former committed for fourteen days and the latter

for one month in default of payment.

South-western Police Court, London. Before Mr. Rose.

John Probyn,

charged with doing grievous bodily harm to a constable. Prisoner had

been kicking his wife, and also assaulting another woman who protested

against his brutality. The constable tried to persuade him to go

inside his house, but prisoner suddenly turned upon him, knocking him

down by a blow on the face, kicking him as he lay on the ground, and

attempting to strangle him. Finally the prisoner deliberately kicked

the officer in a dangerous part, inflicting an injury which will keep

him off duty for a long time to come. Six weeks.

Lambeth Police Court, London. Before Mr. Hopkins.

"Baby" Stuart,

aged nineteen, described as a chorus girl, charged with obtaining food

and lodging to the value of 5s. by false pretences, and with intent to

defraud Emma Brasier. Emma Brasier, complainant, lodging-house keeper

of Atwell Road. Prisoner took apartments at her house on the

representation that she was employed at the Crown Theatre. After

prisoner had been in her house two or three days, Mrs. Brasier made

inquiries, and, finding the girl's story untrue, gave her into

custody. Prisoner told the magistrate that she would have worked had

she not had such bad health. Six weeks' hard labour.