Doing Science: The Process of Scientific Inquiry by National Institute of Health. - HTML preview

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• The cube has six sides.

• The cube has five exposed sides.

• The exposed sides have numbers 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

• The numbers on opposite sides add up to 7.


• The even-numbered sides are shaded.

• The odd-numbered sides are not shaded.

• The numbers are black.

10. Ask several student teams to share their answers to the question

and to explain their reasoning.

Use this discussion as an opportunity to make the point that an

explanation is strengthened by being supported by more than one


type of observation or line of reasoning. For example, students may

This activity allows

reason that the number 2 is on the bottom of the cube because that

you to assess

number is missing from the sequence 1, _, 3, 4, 5, 6. The observation

students’ scientific

that the numbers on opposite sides of the cube add up to seven (1

reasoning skills.

+ 6, 3 + 4, and _ + 5 = 7) also supports the explanation that 2 is on

the bottom of the cube. Additionally, students may suggest that the

bottom of the cube is shaded, since 2 is an even number and the

other even numbers, 4 and 6, are on shaded faces.

Ask students whether they are convinced that their answer is correct

and to explain why or why not. Emphasize that their answer should

be consistent with all the evidence. You could also extend the

discussion by asking whether they can think of any evidence that

would contradict their answer.

11. Ask the teams how their investigation of the cube is similar to a

scientific investigation.

Student answers will vary. Some may suggest that their investigation

was scientific because it involved making observations and reaching

explanations based on evidence. Others may point out that their

investigation was not scientific because they were not able to

conduct an experiment to see what was on the bottom of the cube.

12. Explain that different scientific investigations may require

different approaches. Some use laboratory experimentation,

while others do not.

In some investigations, performing experiments may not be an

option because it is not possible to manipulate the phenomenon

being studied. In such cases, investigators may proceed by making

observations and measurements that can address the question.

Examples of such studies are found in behavioral sciences, where,

for instance, investigators may study the influence of various factors

on behavioral choices, such as nutrition and physical activity. Other

examples are found in ecological and population studies, or in the

study of disease patterns.


Student Lesson 1

Doing Science: The Process of Scientific Inquiry

13. Conclude the activity by picking up the cubes without letting

the students see the bottom face.

If students complain that they want to see the bottom of the cube,

explain that the process of scientific inquiry often fails to provide a

definite answer to a question. The results of the investigation provide

a possible explanation that is consistent with the available evidence.

The investigation may suggest additional questions that, when

answered, may lead to a better explanation. You may also consider

allowing the students to see the bottom of the Mystery Cube but not

the bottom of the Biological Box used in the next activity.

Activity 2: The Biological Box

1. Keep the class formed into the same teams as in the previous

activity. Place a Biological Box in front of each team. The side

displaying the grass, question mark, and lion should be on the

bottom. Do not glue or tape down the cubes.

The orientation of the Biological Box was chosen so that students

would be able to see two environments that are easy to identify

(arctic and forest) and organisms that represent a food chain within

each environment (fish, seal, and polar bear; acorn, squirrel, and

hawk). The third environment, the savanna, is also visible, but it

may be harder for students to identify. If necessary, you can identify

it for the students as an African savanna.

Note to teachers: As before, instruct the students not to touch the cube or move from their seats while examining it. This second cube

provides an opportunity for students to reinforce their skills of making

observations, sharing information, and proposing explanations in a

biological context.

2. As in Activity 1, instruct teams to make and share observations

about the box and develop an answer to the question, What is

on the bottom of the box? Encourage students to record their

observations and the evidence that supports their answers.

Give the teams a few minutes to complete their tasks. Student

observations will likely include the following:

• The box has six sides.

• The box has five exposed sides.

• Three exposed sides depict an environment (arctic, savanna, and


• Two exposed sides display three images (acorn, squirrel, and

hawk; fish, seal, and polar bear).

• Environments and the organisms that live in them are found on

opposite sides.


• The exposed faces with three images on them represent food


3. Ask a member of each team to share the team’s answer to the

question and to explain its reasoning.

The patterns on the exposed box faces should allow students to

propose that the bottom face shows three images that together depict

a food chain found in a savanna.

4. Ask the teams, “What experiment could you perform to

determine what is on the bottom of the cube?”

Students may suggest simply picking up the cube and looking at the


5. Explain that each team will be able to perform one “experiment”

to learn more about what is on the bottom of the cube:

• Give each team a metric ruler.

• Ask teams to select one corner of the bottom face they would

like to see.

• Designate one student from each team to slide the cube toward

the edge of the table until the corner they selected extends no

more than 2 centimeters off the edge of the table.

• Instruct another student to glance up at the exposed corner and

share his or her observation with teammates.

Students should be able to explain why they chose the corner that

they did. Explain that sliding the cube along the table represents an

experiment being performed that produces evidence needed to help

them answer the question, What is on the bottom of the cube?

6. After teams have performed their experiment, ask them to share

the evidence they collected with the rest of the class. Can they

now conclude what is on the bottom of the cube?

Depending on which corner of the cube they exposed, students will


report that they see nothing, a clump of grass, or a lion. The image at

Listening to student

the center of the bottom face should not be visible. Students should

conclude that the bottom face contains three images that depict a food

responses will allow

chain found on the savanna. The first organism of the food chain is

you to determine how

grass, and the third organism is a lion. Students can only guess at

well students are now

the identity of the middle member of the food chain. Animals eaten

able to reason scien-

by lions include zebras, wildebeests, impalas, gazelles, antelopes, and


warthogs. They should reason that it must be an animal that eats grass

and is itself eaten by lions. Students may suggest animals such as

zebras or antelopes. The cube actually displays a question mark. This,

too, relates to the nature of science, where an investigation may point

to more than one equally correct, evidence-based answer.


Student Lesson 1

Doing Science: The Process of Scientific Inquiry

7. Conclude the activity by asking the teams to consider how

their experience with the cubes is similar to the process that

scientists use to learn about the natural world. Guide the

discussion to make connections between the cube activities

and the following abilities and understandings about scientific

Content Standard A:

inquiry from the National Science Education Standards:

Students develop

abilities necessary to

Ability: Identify questions that can be answered through

do scientific inquiry.

scientific investigations.

Students develop

Students asked testable questions about the cube, such as, What is

understandings about

on the bottom of the cube?

scientific inquiry.

Ability: Use appropriate tools and techniques to gather, analyze,

Content Standard C:

and interpret data.

Students develop an

understanding of

Students performed an experiment to obtain information that

either supported or refuted their proposed explanation.

populations and


Ability: Develop descriptions, explanations, predictions, and

models using evidence.

Content Standard G:

Students develop

Students used their observations about the cube to recognize

an understanding of

patterns and propose an explanation for what is on the bottom of

the cube.

science as a human

endeavor. Students

Ability: Communicate scientific procedures and explanations.

develop an under-

standing of the nature

Students communicated their results by speaking to the class.

of science.

Understanding: Different kinds of questions suggest different

kinds of scientific investigations.

The cube investigation relied on students making observations

and recognizing patterns. Other types of investigations rely on

collecting specimens, performing experiments, making models,

and seeking more information.

Understanding: Scientific explanations emphasize evidence; have

logically consistent arguments; and use scientific principles,

models, and theories.

The more students made observations that supported their

proposed explanation, the stronger their explanation—even

though they could not confirm the answer by examining the

bottom of the cube.


Activity 3: Thinking about Inquiry

1. To wrap up the lesson, give the class a brief homework

assignment. Give each student a copy of Master 1.3, Thinking

about Inquiry. Ask students to list the specific characteristics of the Biological Box activity that model the process scientists use

to learn about the natural world.


The homework will

As you progress through the rest of the module, relate aspects of the

student activities to these elements of scientific inquiry. The abilities

help you determine

and understandings about scientific inquiry reappear throughout the

what students learned

module and provide a foundation for students to build on as they

as well as whether

use inquiry during the rest of the school year and, indeed, during

misconceptions have

their continuing education. Remember that students do not need to

been corrected.

recognize the term scientific inquiry in this lesson. Scientific inquiry

is defined for students in the lessons that follow.


Student Lesson 1

Doing Science: The Process of Scientific Inquiry

Lesson 1 Organizer

What the Teacher Does

Procedure Reference

Activity 1: Mystery Cube

Page 37

Instruct students not to touch the cubes.

Step 1

Divide class into teams of four. Ask,

“What is science?”

Page 37

“How do scientists go about their work?”

Steps 2 and 3

“How do they investigate things?”

Announce that teams will conduct their own investigation about

Page 38

the cube. Ask,

Steps 4 and 5

“What questions do you have about the cube?”

Explain to students that they will develop an evidence-based

Page 38

explanation of what is on the bottom of the cube.

Step 6

Ask the teams,

“What do we mean by evidence?”

Page 38

“How do you think an evidence-based explanation is different

Steps 7 and 8

from other explanations?”

Pages 38–39

Instruct teams to make and share observations about the cube.

Step 9

Have several teams share their answers with the class. Ask them to

Page 39

explain their reasoning.

Step 10

Compare the student investigations with scientific investigations.

Page 39

Explain that scientific investigations use different approaches.

Steps 11 and 12

Page 40

Collect cubes without letting students see the bottom face.

Step 13

Activity 2: The Biological Box

Place a Biological Box, in the proper orientation, in front of each team.

Page 40

Explain that they will develop an evidence-based explanation of what

Step 1

is on the bottom of the cube.

Pages 40–41

Instruct teams to make and share observations about the cube.

Step 2

Have several teams share their answers with the class. Ask them to

Page 41

explain their reasoning.

Step 3

Ask the teams what experiment they could perform to determine what

Page 41

is on the bottom of the cube.

Step 4


Have teams perform an experiment:

Page 41

They select one corner of the cube to observe.

Step 5

They slide that corner of the cube off the edge of the table and

observe what it reveals.

Page 41

Have several teams share their answers with the class. Ask them to

Step 6

provide their evidence and explain their reasoning.

Ask students to compare their experience with the cubes with

Page 42

the process used by scientists. Make connections to abilities and

Step 7

understandings from the National Science Education Standards.

Activity 3: Thinking about Inquiry

Page 43

Give each student a copy of Master 1.3, Thinking about Inquiry. As a Step 1

homework assignment, instruct students to list characteristics of the

Biological Box activity that model the process of scientific inquiry.

= Involves copying a master.


Student Lesson 1

Lesson 2


Working with


At a Glance


In Lesson 2, students explore questions in a scientific context. They

consider what makes questions testable. Students evaluate questions and

then pose testable questions about scientific problems. After reading

short scenarios, students come up with their own testable questions

about the reading. They also consider the types of evidence needed to

answer their questions.

Major Concepts

• Scientists ask questions that can be answered through scientific


• Testable questions are answered by collecting and analyzing

evidence and developing explanations based on that evidence.

• Questions that cannot be answered through scientific investigation

are those that relate to personal preference, moral values, the

supernatural, or unmeasurable phenomena.


After completing this lesson, students will be able to

• identify questions that depend on personal preferences or moral

values, or that relate to the supernatural or phenomena that cannot

be measured;

• identify questions that can be tested;

• ask questions that can be answered through investigations; and

• identify the type of evidence needed to answer the questions.

Teacher Background

Consult the following sections in Information about the Process of

Scientific Inquiry:

4 Inquiry in the National Science Education Standards

(pages 24–27)

6.2 Scientifically Testable Questions (pages 30–31)

6.3 Scientific Evidence and Explanations (page 31)


Doing Science: The Process of Scientific Inquiry

In Advance








Master 2.1, Working with

No materials except


photocopies and

(Make 1 copy per student


and prepare an overhead




Master 2.2, Letters to

No materials except

the Editor


(Make 1 copy per


Master 2.3, Question and

Investigation Form

(Make 1 copy per



No preparations are needed except for making photocopies and



Note to teachers: The goal of this lesson is to help students appreciate that although we all ask questions about the world, scientists ask

questions in ways that are testable. The question, How is bug blood

different from human blood? is an interesting one, and it does define

a general problem. As stated, this question is not specific enough to be

tested directly. However, one can ask a number of testable questions that

can be investigated to produce data (evidence) that answer the more

specific questions. For instance, a scientist might ask, “Do bug blood

and human blood contain the same things? Do they contain the same

kinds of cells? Do they contain the same chemicals?” Of course, there

are some questions that simply ask for information. Are you going to

the movies Saturday night? is a question that implies no problem about

which testable questions can be asked.

In this module, students learn how to ask testable questions—questions

that can be answered through investigations. The intention is not

to present a complex set of criteria that define a scientific question,

but rather to introduce students to the idea that scientists identify a

problem, ask testable questions, collect and analyze evidence, and reach

conclusions based on that evidence. If this module is taught near the

beginning of the school year, it can serve as an introduction to scientific ways of thinking that students will practice and refine throughout the

school year and into the future.


Activity 1: What’s the Question?

1. Remind students that they asked questions about cubes in the

first lesson. Ask students, “Why do you ask questions?”

Students likely will respond, “To get answers or to get more


2. Explain that scientists also ask questions to get answers, but

they must ask their questions in ways that can be tested through

a scientific investigation. This means that some questions are

more easily answered than others. Ask students, “To a scientist,


what makes a question a good question?”

Through questioning,

you can assess your

Accept all answers. Write student responses on the board or on

students’ previous

an overhead transparency. Some students may believe that good

knowledge and

questions do not ask about something really obvious, ask only

about things that are real, or allow us to gain necessary information.


The objective is not to be overly critical, but rather to engage student

thinking about questions.

3. Explain that scientists continually ask questions and that they

try to ask questions that can be answered through

investigations. Challenge students to describe some questions

that are not suitable for a scientific investigation