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their peers in ways that promote the development

opportunities to develop their own understandings

and understanding of key science concepts. These

of important concepts and then to articulate

inquiry-based experiences include both direct

their developing understanding to one another

experimentation and development of explanations

and to the teacher. These activities are also

through critical and logical thinking. Students

where you introduce formal labels for concepts

often use technology to gather evidence, and

and phenomena. Keep in mind, however, that

mathematics to develop models or explanations.

these activities are still student-centered. That is,

the students are developing their own explanations

The BSCS 5Es emphasize student-centered

for the emergence and re-emergence of infectious

teaching practices. Students participate in their

disease. Here, your role is to guide students so

learning in ways that are different from those

that they have ample opportunity to develop

seen in a traditional classroom. Tables 5 and 6

their understanding. Students ultimately should

exemplify what teachers do and what students

be able to explain their understanding by

do in the BSCS 5E Instructional Model.

bringing together their experiences, prior

knowledge, and vocabulary.

The following paragraphs illustrate how we

implemented the BSCS 5Es in Emerging and


Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases.

During the Elaborate and Evaluate phases of the

model, exemplified in this module by Lesson 5


Making Hard Decisions, students are challenged

The primary purpose of the Engage phase is to

to extend and assess their understanding

capture students’ attention and interest. It also

of infectious diseases. Through a new set of

gives teachers a chance to find out what students

questions and experiences, students develop a

already know or think they know about the topic

deeper, broader understanding of the topic, obtain

and concepts to be developed. Students come to

more information about areas of interest, and

learning situations with prior knowledge, which

refine their scientific and critical-thinking skills.

may or may not be congruent with the concepts

presented in this module.

A teacher’s primary goal in the opening Elaborate

phase is to help students articulate generalizations

The Engage lesson in this module, Lesson 1— Deadly

and extensions of concepts and understandings

Disease Among Us, is designed to make connections

that are relevant to their lives. The final portion

between past and present learning experiences and

of the activity, where students present arguments

to anticipate upcoming activities. By completing

for the proposals they have decided to recommend

it, students should become mentally engaged in

for funding, acts as the Evaluate portion. At

the topic of infectious diseases and should begin

this point, students see they can extend and

to think about how the topic relates to their

apply their understanding of infectious disease

previous experiences. Successful engagement

to the real world. It is also important here that

results in students who are intrigued by the

they receive feedback on the adequacy of their

concepts they are about to study in depth.

explanations and understandings.


Elaborate and Evaluate activities are complex

Lessons 2, 3, and 4 serve as the Explore and

and challenging, and Lesson 5 will stretch your

Explain phases of the model. Lesson 2 helps

students’ abilities to listen, think, and speak.

students discover that human activity in the

environment is a major factor in the emergence

To review the relationship of the BSCS 5E

of new diseases worldwide. Likewise, Lessons 3

Instructional Model to the concepts presented

and 4 help students understand the evolution of

in the module, see Table 2.

antibiotic resistance and the failure of immunization

procedures as explanations for the re-emergence

of diseases once thought conquered, or largely so.


Implementing the Module

Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases

Table 5. The key components of the BSCS 5E Model: What the teacher does.


What the teacher does that’s

What the teacher does that’s

consistent with the 5E Model

inconsistent with the 5E Model


• Creates interest

• Explains concepts

• Generates curiosity

• Provides definitions and answers

• Raises questions

• States conclusions

• Elicits responses that uncover what students • Provides premature answers to

know or think about the concept or subject

students’ questions

• Lectures


• Encourages students to work together

• Provides answers

without direct instruction from teacher

• Tells or explains how to work through

• Observes and listens to students as they

the problem


• Tells students they are wrong

• Asks probing questions to redirect students’ • Gives information or facts that solve

investigations when necessary

the problem

• Provides time for students to puzzle

• Leads students step-by-step to a

through problems


• Acts as a consultant for students


• Encourages students to explain concepts

• Accepts explanations that have no

and definitions in their own words


• Asks for justification (evidence) and

• Neglects to solicit students’

clarification from students


• Formally provides definitions, explanations, • Introduces unrelated concepts or skills and new labels

• Uses students’ previous experiences as the

basis for explaining concepts

Elaborate • Expects students to use formal labels,

• Provides definitive answers

definitions, and explanations provided

• Tells students they are wrong


• Lectures

• Encourages students to apply or extend

• Leads students step-by-step to a

concepts and skills in new situations


• Reminds students of alternative

• Explains how to work through the



• Refers students to existing data and

evidence and asks, “What do you already

know?” “Why do you think ... ?”


• Observes students as they apply new

• Tests vocabulary words, terms, and

concepts and skills

isolated facts

• Assesses students’ knowledge and/or skills

• Introduces new ideas or concepts

• Looks for evidence that students have

• Creates ambiguity

changed their thinking or behaviors

• Promotes open-ended discussion

• Allows students to assess their own learning

unrelated to concept or skill

and group-process skills

• Asks open-ended questions such as, “Why

do you think . . . ?” “What evidence do you

have?” “What do you know about x?” “How

would you explain x?”


Table 6. The key components of the BACS 5E Model: What the students do.


What the students do that’s

What the students do that’s

consistent with the 5E Model

inconsistent with the 5E Model


• Become interested in and curious about the • Ask for the “right” answer


• Offer the “right” answer

• Express current understanding of a concept • Insist on answers or explanations

or idea

• Seek closure

• Raise questions such as, “What do I already

know about this?” “What do I want to

know about this?” “How could I find out?”


• “Mess around” with materials and ideas

• Let others do the thinking and

• Conduct investigations in which they

exploring (passive involvement)

observe, describe, and record data

• Work quietly with little or no

• Try different ways to solve a problem or

interaction with others (only

answer a question

appropriate when exploring ideas

• Acquire a common set of experiences so

or feelings)

they can compare results and ideas

• Stop with one solution

• Compare their ideas with those of others

• Demand or seek closure


• Explain concepts and ideas in their own

• Propose explanations from


“thin air” with no relationship

• Base their explanations on evidence

to previous experiences

acquired during previous investigations

• Bring up irrelevant experiences

• Become involved in student-to-student con-

and examples

versations in which they debate their ideas

• Accept explanations without

• Record their ideas and current



• Ignore or dismiss other plausible

• Reflect on and perhaps revise their ideas

explana tions

• Express their ideas using appropriate scien-

• Propose explanations without

tific language

evidence to support their ideas

• Compare their ideas with what scientists

know and understand

Elaborate • Make conceptual connections between new • Ignore previous information or and former experiences


• Use what they have learned to explain a

• Draw conclusions from “thin air”

new object, event, organism, or idea

• Use terminology inappropriately and

• Use scientific terms and descriptions

without understanding

• Draw reasonable conclusions from evidence

and data

• Communicate their understanding to others


• Demonstrate what they understand about

• Disregard evidence or previously

the concept(s) and how well they can

accepted explanations in drawing

implement a skill


• Compare their current thinking with that

• Offer only yes-or-no answers or

of others and perhaps revise their ideas

memorized definitions or explanations

• Assess their own progress by comparing

as answers

their current understanding with their

• Fail to express satisfactory

prior knowl edge

explanations in their own words

• Ask new questions that take them deeper

• Introduce new, irrelevant topics

into a concept or topic area


Implementing the Module

Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases

When a teacher uses the BSCS 5E Instructional

The students were randomly assigned to either

Model, he or she engages in practices that are

the experimental or the control group. In the

very different from those of a traditional teacher.

experimental group, the teacher used a version

In response, students also participate in their

of the sleep supplement that was very closely

learning in ways that are different from those seen

aligned with the theoretical underpinnings

in a traditional classroom. Tables 5 and 6,

of the BSCS 5Es. For the control group, the

on pages 10 and 11, outline those differences.

teacher used a set of lessons based on the science

content of the sleep supplement but aligned with

What’s the Evidence for the

the most commonplace instructional strategies

Effectiveness of the BSCS 5E Model?

found in U.S. science classrooms (as documented

Support from educational research studies

by Weiss et al., 2003). Both groups had the same

for teaching science as inquiry is growing

master teacher.

(for example, Geier et al., 2008; Hickey et al.,

1999; Lynch et al., 2005; and Minner et al.,

Students taught with the BSCS 5Es and

2009). A 2007 study, published in the Journal

an inquiry-based approach demonstrated

of Research in Science Teaching (Wilson et al.,

significantly higher achievement for a range of

2010), is particularly relevant to the Emerging and

important learning goals, especially when the

Re-emerging Infectious Diseases supplement.

results were adjusted for variance in pretest

scores. The results were also consistent across

In 2007, with funding from NIH, BSCS conducted

time (both immediately after instruction and four

a randomized, controlled trial to assess the

weeks later). Improvements in student learning

effectiveness of the BSCS 5Es. The study used an

were particularly strong for measures of student

adaptation of the NIH supplement Sleep, Sleep

reasoning and argumentation. Table 6 highlights

Disorders, and Biological Rhythms, developed by

some of the study’s key findings. The results

BSCS in 2003 (NIH and BSCS, 2003). Sixty high

of the experiment strongly support the

school students and one teacher participated.

effectiveness of teaching the BSCS 5Es.

Table 7. Differences in Performance of Students Receiving Inquiry-Based and

Commonplace Instructional Approaches


Mean for Students

Mean for Students

Effect Size

Receiving Commonplace

Receiving Inquiry-


Based Teaching

Total test score pretest (out of 74)



Not applicable

Total test score posttest




Reasoning pretest (fraction of



Not applicable

responses at the highest level)

Reasoning posttest




Score for articulating a claim (out




of 3)

Score for using evidence in an




explanation (out of 3)

Score for using reasoning in an




explanation (out of 3)

Source: C.D. Wilson et al. 2010. The relative effects and equity of inquiry-based and commonplace science teaching on students’

knowledge, reasoning, and argumentation. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47(3), 276–301.

Note: Effect size is a convenient way to quantify the amount of difference between two treatments. This study used the standardized mean difference (the difference in the means divided by the standard deviation, also known as Cohen’s d). The posttest scores control ed for the variance in students’ pretest scores. The reasoning posttest scores control ed for variance in students’ reasoning pretest scores at the highest level.


Evidence also suggests the BSCS 5Es are effective

How Can Controversial Topics Be

in changing students’ attitudes on important

Handled in the Classroom?

issues. In a research study conducted during

Teachers sometimes feel that the discussion of

the field test for the NIH curriculum supplement

values is inappropriate in the science classroom or

The Science of Mental Illness (NIH and BSCS,

that it detracts from the learning of “real” science.

2005), BSCS partnered with researchers at the

The lessons in this module, however, are based

University of Chicago and the National Institute

on the conviction that there is much to be gained

of Mental Health. The study investigated

by involving students in analyzing issues of

whether a short-term educational experience

science, technology, and society. Society expects

would change students’ attitudes about mental

all citizens to participate in the democratic

illness. The results showed that after completing

process, and our educational system must provide

the curriculum unit, students stigmatized

opportunities for students to learn to deal with

mental illness less than they had beforehand.

contentious issues with civility, objectivity, and

The decrease in stigmatizing attitudes was

fairness. Likewise, students need to learn that

statistically significant (Corrigan et al., 2007;

science intersects with life in many ways.

Watson et al., 2004).

In this module, students have a variety of

How Does the Module Support

opportunities to discuss, interpret, and evaluate

Ongoing Assessment?

basic science and health issues, some in the

Because we expect this supplement to be used

light of values and ethics. As students encounter

in a variety of ways and at various points in

issues about which they feel strongly, some

each teacher’s curriculum, we believe the most

discussions might become controversial. How

appropriate mechanism for assessing student

much controversy develops will depend on

learning occurs informally at various points

many factors, such as how similar the students

within the lessons, rather than more formally,

are with respect to socioeconomic status,

just once at the end of the module. According,

perspectives, value systems, and religious

we have integrated assessment components

preferences. In addition, the language and

throughout the lessons. These embedded

attitude of the teacher factor into the flow

assessment opportunities include one or

of ideas and the quality of exchange among

more of the following strategies:

the students.

• performance-based activities, such as

participating in a structured discussion

The following guidelines may help teachers

of a potentially controversial issue;

facili tate discussions that balance factual

• oral presentations to the class, such as

information with feelings.

explaining analysis of data; and

• Remain neutral. Neutrality may be the single

• written assignments, such as answering

most important characteristic of a successful

questions or writing about a laboratory activity.

discussion facilitator.

• Encourage students to discover as much

These strategies allow you to assess a variety of

information about the issue as possible.

aspects of the learning process, such as students’

• Keep the discussion relevant and moving

prior knowledge and current understanding,

for ward by questioning or posing appropriate

problem-solving and critical-thinking skills,

problems or hypothetical situations. Encour-

level of understanding of new information,

age everyone to contribute, but do not force

communication skills, and ability to synthesize

reluctant students into the discussion.

ideas and apply understanding to a new situation.

• Emphasize that everyone must be open to

hearing and considering diverse views.

This assessment icon and an

• Use unbiased questioning to help the stu dents

annotation that describes the aspect

critically examine all views presented.

of learning being assessed appear in

• Allow for the discussion of all feelings

the margin beside the step in which

and opinions.

each embedded assess ment occurs.


Implementing the Module

Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases

• Avoid seeking consensus on all issues.

• Create a sense of freedom in the classroom.

The multifaceted issues that the students

Remind students, however, that freedom implies

dis cuss result in the presentation of

the responsibility to exercise that freedom in

divergent views, and students should

ways that generate positive results for all.

learn that this is acceptable.

• Insist upon a nonhostile environment in the

• Acknowledge all contributions in the

classroom. Remind students to respond to

same evenhanded manner. If a student

ideas instead of to the individuals presenting

seems to be saying something for its shock

those ideas.

value, see whether other students recognize

the inap propriate comment and invite

them to respond.




Using the Student Lessons

The heart of this module is the set of five lessons,

Procedure outlines the lesson’s steps and provides

which we hope will carry important concepts

implementation suggestions and answers to

related to disease and public health to your

questions. Annotations in the margins, identified

students. To review the concepts in detail,

by icons, provide specific hints about

refer to Table 2 in Implementing the Module.