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or ethically prohibited with humans.

encodes the cell’s genetic instructions. A form

of adenine called adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

antibody: An antibody is a protein component

serves as an energy storage molecule and is used

of the immune system that circulates in the

to power many chemical reactions within the cell.

blood and recognizes and neutralizes foreign

substances such as bacteria and viruses. After

allele: An allele is one of two or more versions

exposure to a foreign substance, called an

of a gene. An individual inherits two alleles

antigen, antibodies continue to circulate in

for each gene, one from each parent. If the

the blood, providing protection against future

two alleles are the same, the individual is

exposures to that antigen.


Human Genetic Variation

anticodon: An anticodon is a trinucleotide

autosomal dominant: Autosomal dominance is

sequence complementary to that of a corresponding

a pattern of inheritance characteristic of some

codon in a messenger RNA (mRNA) sequence.

genetic diseases. “Autosomal” means that the gene

An anticodon is found at one end of a transfer

in question is located on one of the numbered, or

RNA (tRNA) molecule. During protein synthesis,

non sex, chromosomes. “Dominant” means that

each time an amino acid is added to the growing

a single copy of the disease-associated mutation

protein, a tRNA forms base pairs with its

is enough to cause the disease. This is in contrast

complementary sequence on the mRNA

to a recessive disorder, where two copies of

molecule, ensuring that the appropriate

the mutation are needed to cause the disease.

amino acid is inserted into the protein.

Huntington’s disease is a common example of

an autosomal dominant genetic disorder.

antisense: Antisense is the noncoding DNA strand

of a gene. A cell uses antisense DNA as a template

autosome: An autosome is any of the numbered

for producing messenger RNA (mRNA), which

chromosomes, as opposed to the sex chromosomes.

directs the synthesis of a protein. Antisense can

Humans have 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair

also refer to a method for silencing genes. To

of sex chromosomes (the X and Y). Autosomes are

silence a target gene, a second gene is introduced

numbered roughly in relation to their sizes. That

that produces an mRNA complementary to that

is, chromosome 1 has about 2,800 genes, while

produced from the target gene. These two mRNAs

chromosome 22 has about 750 genes.

can interact to form a double-stranded structure

that cannot be used to direct protein synthesis.

bacteria: Bacteria are small single-celled

organisms. Bacteria are found almost everywhere

apoptosis: Apoptosis is the process of

on Earth and are vital to the planet’s ecosystems.

programmed cell death. It is used during early

Some species can live under extreme conditions of

development to eliminate unwanted cells—

temperature and pressure. The human body is full

for example, those between the fi ngers of a

of bacteria; in fact, it contains more bacterial cells

developing hand. In adults, apoptosis is used

than human cells. Most bacteria in the body are

to rid the body of cells that have been damaged

harmless, and some are even helpful. A relatively

beyond repair. Apoptosis also plays a role in

small number of species cause disease.

preventing cancer. If apoptosis is for some

reason prevented, it can lead to uncontrolled

bacterial artifi cial chromosome (BAC): A

cell division and the subsequent development

bacterial artifi cial chromosome (BAC) is an

of a tumor.

engineered DNA molecule used to clone DNA

sequences in bacterial cells (for example,

autism: Autism is a developmental brain disorder

Escherichia coli). BACs are often used in

characterized by impaired social interactions,

connection with DNA sequencing. Segments

communication problems, and repetitive

of an organism’s DNA, ranging from 100,000 to

behaviors. Symptoms usually appear before

about 300,000 base pairs, can be inserted into

the age of three. The exact cause of autism is

BACs. The BACs, with their inserted DNA, are

not known; however, it is likely infl uenced by

then taken up by bacterial cells. As the bacterial

genetics. Autism is one of a group of related

cells grow and divide, they amplify the BAC

developmental disorders called autism spectrum

DNA, which can then be isolated and used in

disorders (ASDs). Other ASDs include Asperger

sequencing DNA.

syndrome and Rett syndrome.


base pair: A base pair is two chemical bases

A cancerous tumor can spread to other parts of

bonded to one another forming a “rung of the

the body and, if left untreated, be fatal.

DNA ladder.” The DNA molecule consists of

two strands that wind around each other like a

candidate gene: A candidate gene is a gene

twisted ladder. Each strand has a backbone made

whose chromosomal location is associated with a

of alternating sugar (deoxyribose) and phosphate

particular disease or other phenotype. Because of

groups. Attached to each sugar is one of four

its location, the gene is suspected of causing the

bases—adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), or

disease or other phenotype.

thymine (T). The two strands are held together by

hydrogen bonds between the bases, with adenine

carcinogen: A carcinogen is an agent with the

forming a base pair with thymine, and cytosine

capacity to cause cancer in humans. Carcinogens

forming a base pair with guanine.

may be natural, such as afl atoxin, which is

produced by a fungus and sometimes found on

bioinformatics: Bioinformatics is a subdiscipline

stored grains, or manmade, such as asbestos or

of biology and computer science concerned with

tobacco smoke. Carcinogens work by interacting

the acquisition, storage, analysis, and dissemination

with a cell’s DNA and inducing genetic mutations.

of biological data, most often DNA and amino

acid sequences. Bioinformatics uses computer

carrier: A carrier is an individual who carries

programs for a variety of applications, including

and is capable of passing on a genetic mutation

determining gene and protein functions, establishing

associated with a disease and may or may not

evolutionary relationships, and predicting the

display disease symptoms. Carriers are associated

three-dimensional shapes of proteins.

with diseases inherited as recessive traits. In

order to have the disease, an individual must

birth defect: A birth defect is an abnormality

have inherited mutated alleles from both parents.

present at birth. Also called a congenital defect,

An individual having one normal allele and one

it can be caused by a genetic mutation, an

mutated allele does not have the disease. Two

unfavorable environment during pregnancy, or a

carriers may produce children with the disease.

combination of both. The effect of a birth defect

can be mild, severe, or incompatible with life.

carrier screening: Carrier screening is a type of

genetic testing performed on people who display

BRCA1/BRCA2: BRCA1 and BRCA2 are the fi rst

no symptoms for a genetic disorder but may be at

two genes found to be associated with inherited

risk for passing it on to their children. A carrier

forms of breast cancer. Both genes normally act

for a genetic disorder has inherited one normal

as tumor suppressors, meaning that they help

and one abnormal allele for a gene associated with

regulate cell division. When these genes are

the disorder. A child must inherit two abnormal

rendered inactive due to mutation, uncontrolled

alleles for symptoms to appear. Prospective

cell growth results, leading to breast cancer.

parents with a family history of a genetic disorder

Women with mutations in either gene have a

are candidates for carrier screening.

much higher risk of developing breast cancer

than women without mutations in the genes.

cell: A cell is the basic building block of living

things. All cells can be sorted into one of two

cancer: Cancer is a group of diseases characterized

groups: eukaryotes and prokaryotes. A eukaryote

by uncontrolled cell growth. Cancer begins when

has a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles,

a single cell mutates, resulting in a breakdown

while a prokaryote does not. Plants and animals

of the normal regulatory controls that keep

are made of numerous eukaryotic cells, while

cell division in check. These mutations can be

many microbes, such as bacteria, consist of single

inherited, caused by errors in DNA replication,

cells. An adult human body is estimated to contain

or result from exposure to harmful chemicals.

between 10 and 100 trillion cells.



Human Genetic Variation

cell cycle: A cell cycle is a series of events that

centrosome: A centrosome is a cellular structure

takes place in a cell as it grows and divides. A

involved in the process of cell division. Before

cell spends most of its time in what is called

cell division, the centrosome duplicates and

interphase, and during this time, it grows,

then, as division begins, the two centrosomes

replicates its chromosomes, and prepares for

move to opposite ends of the cell. Proteins called

cell division. The cell then leaves interphase,

microtubules assemble into a spindle between the

undergoes mitosis, and completes its division.

two centrosomes and help separate the replicated

The resulting cells, known as daughter cells,

chromosomes into the daughter cells.

each enter their own interphase and begin a

new round of the cell cycle.

chromatid: A chromatid is one of two identical

halves of a replicated chromosome. During cell

cell membrane (plasma membrane): The cell

division, the chromosomes fi rst replicate so that

membrane, also called the plasma membrane,

each daughter cell receives a complete set of

is found in all cells and separates the interior

chromosomes. Following DNA replication, the

of the cell from the outside environment. The

chromosome consists of two identical structures

cell membrane consists of a lipid bilayer that is

called sister chromatids, which are joined at

semipermeable. The cell membrane regulates

the centromere.

the transport of materials entering and exiting

the cell.

chromatin: Chromatin is a substance within

a chromosome consisting of DNA and protein.

centimorgan: A centimorgan is a unit used

The DNA carries the cell’s genetic instructions.

to measure genetic linkage. One centimorgan

The major proteins in chromatin are histones,

equals a 1 percent chance that a marker on

which help package the DNA in a compact form

a chromosome will become separated from a

that fi ts inside the cell nucleus. Changes in

second marker on the same chromosome due to

chromatin structure are associated with DNA

crossing over in a single generation. It translates

replication and gene expression.

to approximately 1 million base pairs of DNA

sequence in the human genome. The centimorgan

chromosome: A chromosome is an organized

is named after the American geneticist Thomas

package of DNA found in the nucleus of the cell.

Hunt Morgan.

Different organisms have different numbers

of chromosomes. Humans have 23 pairs

centriole: Centrioles are paired barrel-shaped

of chromosomes—22 pairs of numbered

organelles located in the cytoplasm of animal

chromosomes, called autosomes, and one pair

cells near the nuclear envelope. Centrioles play

of sex chromosomes, X and Y. Each parent

a role in organizing microtubules that serve as

contributes one chromosome to each pair so

the cell’s skeletal system. They help determine

that offspring get half of their chromosomes

the locations of the nucleus and other organelles

from their mother and half from their father.

within the cell.

cloning: Cloning is the process of making

centromere: A centromere is a constricted region

identical copies of an organism, cell, or DNA

of a chromosome that separates it into a short arm

sequence. Molecular cloning is a process by

(p) and a long arm (q). During cell division, the

which scientists amplify a desired DNA sequence.

chromosomes fi rst replicate so that each daughter

The target sequence is isolated, inserted into

cell receives a complete set of chromosomes.

another DNA molecule (known as a vector), and

Following DNA replication, the chromosome

introduced into a suitable host cell. Then, each

consists of two identical structures called sister

time the host cell divides, it replicates the foreign

chromatids, which are joined at the centromere.

DNA sequence along with its own DNA. Cloning

can also refer to asexual reproduction.


codominance: Codominance is a relationship

crossing over: Crossing over is the swapping

between two versions of a gene. Individuals

of genetic material that occurs in the germ line.

receive one version of a gene, called an allele,

During the formation of egg and sperm cells, also

from each parent. If the alleles are different, the

known as meiosis, paired chromosomes from each

dominant allele will usually be expressed, while

parent align so that similar DNA sequences from

the effect of the other allele, called recessive, is

the paired chromosomes cross over one another.

masked. In codominance, however, neither allele

Crossing over results in a shuffl ing of genetic

is recessive, and the phenotypes of both alleles

material and is an important cause of the genetic

are expressed.

variation seen among offspring.

codon: A codon is a trinucleotide sequence of DNA

cystic fi brosis: Cystic fi brosis is a hereditary

or RNA that corresponds to a specifi c amino acid.

disease characterized by faulty digestion,

The genetic code describes the relationship between

breathing problems, respiratory infections from

the sequence of DNA bases (A, C, G, and T) in a

mucus buildup, and the loss of salt in sweat. The

gene and the corresponding protein sequence that

disease is caused by mutations in a single gene

it encodes. The cell reads the sequence of the gene

and is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait,

in groups of three bases. There are 64 different

meaning that an affected individual inherits two

codons: 61 specify amino acids, while the remaining

mutated copies of the gene. In the past, cystic

three are used as stop signals.

fi brosis was almost always fatal in childhood.

Today, however, patients commonly live to be

complex disease: A complex disease is caused

30 years or older.

by the interaction of multiple genes and

environmental factors. Complex diseases are

cytogeneticist: A cytogeneticist is a geneticist

also called multifactorial. Examples of complex

who specializes in the study of chromosomes

diseases include cancer and heart disease.

and the structure and function of the cell.

congenital: Congenital conditions are those

cytogenetics: Cytogenetics is a branch of genetics

present from birth. Birth defects are described as

that studies the structure and function of the

being congenital. They can be caused by a genetic

cell and the chromosomes. Early cytogenetic

mutation, an unfavorable environment in the

research was accomplished with a standard light

uterus, or a combination of both factors.

microscope. Today, more powerful techniques of

analysis, such as fl uorescent in situ hybridization

contig: A contig—from the word “contiguous”—

(FISH), are commonly used to examine cells

is a series of overlapping DNA sequences used to

and chromosomes.

make a physical map that reconstructs the original

DNA sequence of a chromosome or a region of a

cytoplasm: Cytoplasm is the gelatinous liquid

chromosome. A contig can also refer to one of

that fi lls the inside of a cell. It is composed

the DNA sequences used in making such a map.

of water, salts, and various organic molecules.

Some intracellular organelles, such the nucleus

copy number variation (CNV): A copy number

and mitochondria, are enclosed by membranes

variation (CNV) is when the number of copies of

that separate them from the cytoplasm.

a particular gene varies from one individual to

the next. Following the completion of the Human

cytosine: Cytosine (C) is one of four chemical

Genome Project, it became apparent that the

bases in DNA, the other three being adenine (A),

genome experiences gains and losses of genetic

guanine (G), and thymine (T). Within the DNA

material. The extent to which CNV contributes

molecule, cytosine bases located on one strand

to human disease is not yet known. It has long

form chemical bonds with guanine bases on the

been recognized that some cancers are associated

opposite strand. The sequence of four DNA bases

with elevated copy numbers of particular genes.

encodes the cell’s genetic instructions.



Human Genetic Variation

deletion: Deletion is a type of mutation involving

sample from a suspect. If the two DNA profi les

the loss of genetic material. It can be small,

are a match, then the evidence came from that

involving a single missing DNA base pair, or

suspect. Conversely, if the two DNA profi les

large, involving a piece of a chromosome.

do not match, then the evidence cannot have

come from the suspect. DNA fi ngerprinting

diabetes (diabetes mellitus): Diabetes mellitus

is also used to establish paternity.

is a disease characterized by an inability to make

or use the hormone insulin. Insulin is needed

DNA replication: DNA replication is the process

by cells to metabolize glucose, the body’s main

by which a molecule of DNA is duplicated. When

source of chemical energy. Type I diabetes, also

a cell divides, it must fi rst duplicate its genome

called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, is

so that each daughter cell winds up with a

usually caused by an autoimmune destruction

complete set of chromosomes.

of insulin-producing cells. Type II diabetes, also

called non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus,

DNA sequencing: DNA sequencing is a laboratory

occurs when cells become resistant to the effects

technique used to determine the exact sequence

of insulin.

of bases (A, C, G, and T) in a DNA molecule. The

DNA base sequence carries the information a cell

diploid: Diploid is a cell or organism that has

needs to assemble protein and RNA molecules.

paired chromosomes, one from each parent. In

DNA sequence information is important to

humans, cells other than human sex cells are

scientists investigating the functions of genes.

diploid and have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Human

The technology of DNA sequencing was made

sex cells (egg and sperm cells) contain a single

faster and less expensive as a part of the Human

set of chromosomes and are known as haploid.

Genome Project.

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid): DNA is the

dominant: Dominant refers to the relationship

chemical name for the molecule that carries

between two versions of a gene. Individuals

genetic instructions in all living things. The

receive two versions of each gene, known as

DNA molecule consists of two strands that wind

alleles, from each parent. If the alleles of a gene

around one another to form a shape known

are different, one allele will be expressed; it is

as a double helix. Each strand has a backbone

the dominant gene. The effect of the other allele,

made of alternating sugar (deoxyribose) and

called recessive, is masked.

phosphate groups. Attached to each sugar is one

of four bases—adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine

double helix: Double helix is the description

(G), and thymine (T). The two strands are held

of the structure of a DNA molecule. A DNA

together by bonds between the bases; adenine

molecule consists of two strands that wind

bonds with thymine, and cytosine bonds with

around each other like a twisted ladder. Each

guanine. The sequence of the bases along the

strand has a backbone made of alternating

backbones serves as instructions for assembling

groups of sugar (deoxyribose) and phosphate

protein and RNA molecules.

groups. Attached to each sugar is one of four

bases: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G),

DNA fi ngerprinting: DNA fi ngerprinting is a

or thymine (T). The two strands are held

laboratory technique used to establish a link

together by bonds between the bases, with

between biological evidence and a suspect in

adenine forming a base pair with thymine and

a criminal investigation. A DNA sample taken

cytosine forming a base pair with guanine.