Words and their meanings:
Approach(V)-To come near or nearer to something or someone
Untidy(Adj.)-Dirty, not well kept
Scrub(V)-To rub something hard in order to clean it. Scrubbing(N)
Curious(Adv.)-Interested in learning about people and things around you. Curiously(Adv.)
Immediate(Adj.)-Happening or done without delay. Immediately(Adv.)
Nearby(Adj.)-Not far away in distance
Distance(N)-Amount of space between two places
Useless(Adj.)- Of no value
Disobey(V)-Refuse to obey an order or request
Normal(Adj.)-Ordinary or usual, the same as would be expected
Market (N) -A place where people go in order to buy and sell goods
Examination(N)-To test a person’s ability or skill
Entrance (N)-A place where you can enter a building from
Complain(V)-To say that something is not satisfactory- Complaint(N)
Amaze(V)-To cause someone to be extremely surprised- Amazement(N)