Words and their meanings:
Village (N)-A cluster of human settlements, smaller than a town. The population usually ranges from a few hundred to a few thousand.
River (N)- A free flowing body of water that normally flows into the sea or another river.
Irrigate (V)- To use water to enable crops and plants to grow stronger.
Precious(Adj.)- Something of great value, rare
Jewelry (N)- Precious stones
Valuable (Adj.)-To be worth something, normally in monetary terms
Caretaker (N)-Person employed to take care of a building or property
Appoint(V) -To be formally given a job or responsibility
Refuse (V)-To turn down a request, garbage (N), trash(N)
Mistake(N)-Unintentionally doing something wrong
Surviving(Adj.)-Someone who is still living, even after the death of another or the end of a situation or event, is said to be surviving.
Gloat (V)-To feel or express great pleasure or satisfaction because of your success or good luck
Determined (Adv.)-Certain that you are going to do something
Negotiate (V) -To have formal discussions with someone in order to reach an agreement
Newcomers (N) -Someone who has recently arrived in a place or recently become involved in an activity
Persuade (V) - To make someone do or believe something by giving them a good reason to do it
Canyon (N) - A large valley with very steep sides and usually a river flowing along the bottom