Using Technology to Study
Cellular and Molecular Biology
The abilities to develop and use technology are
us and provides the foundation for improv-
inherent human characteristics. We recognize
ing our choices about our personal health and
problems and look for solutions. Technology
the health of our community. With this mod-
makes our lives easier and more comfortable.
ule, students experience how science provides
At the same time, critical research technolo-
evidence that can be used to understand and
gies have advanced scientific discovery. Where
treat human disease. The National Center for
scientists once gazed in awe at individual cells
Research Resources believes that education is an
and microorganisms, we now can view the elec-
important way to accomplish its mission, which
tron clouds of individual atoms and reconstruct
includes helping the public understand the
detailed three-dimensional structures of biologi-
importance of technology use and development
cal molecules, such as proteins, and biological
to health.
structures, such as ribosomes. As the depth and
breadth of scientific knowledge have increased,
The lessons in this module encourage students
human health and our quality of life have
to think about the relationships among knowl-
edge, choice, behavior, and human health in
this way:
What Are the Objectives of the Module?
Using Technology to Study Cellular and Molecu-
Knowledge (what is known and not known)
lar Biology has several objectives. The first is to
+ Choice = Power
help students understand that technology is a
means of solving a problem. As a consequence,
Power + Behavior = Enhanced Human Health
students realize that technologies affect all fac-
ets of our lives and that technology relates to
The final objective of this module is to encour-
more than computers.
age students to think in terms of these relation-
ships now and as they grow older.
The second objective is to allow students to
investigate how technology is used to deepen
Why Teach the Module?
and broaden our knowledge of cellular and
High school biology classes offer an ideal setting
molecular biology. Lessons in this module help
for integrating many areas of student interest.
students sharpen their skills in observation,
In this module, students participate in activities
critical thinking, experimental design, and data
that integrate inquiry science, human health,
analysis. They also make connections to other
mathematics, and the interweaving of science,
disciplines such as English, history, mathemat-
technology, and society. The real-life context
ics, and social science.
of the module’s classroom lessons is engaging
for students, and the knowledge gained can be
The third objective is to convey to students the
applied immediately to students’ lives.
purpose of scientific research. Ongoing research
affects how we understand the world around
“Lesson 3 was a great inquiry experience. Students
Using Technology to Study Cellular and Molecular Biology
enjoyed the activity and at the same time, learned
In addition, the module provides a means for
how to apply what they know about technology.
professional development. Teachers can engage
The scale activity really got students thinking
in new and different teaching practices like
about the size of the cell and what is in the cell.
those described in this module without com-
This was a wow activity.”—Field-Test Teacher
pletely overhauling their entire program. In
Designing Professional Development for Teachers
“The activities made us think. We figured out
of Science and Mathematics, the authors write
things ourselves, and we actually did stuff instead
that replacement modules such as this one
of just reading.”—Field-Test Student
“offer a window through which teachers get a
glimpse of what new teaching strategies look
What’s in It for the Teacher?
like in action.”16 By experiencing a short-term
Using Technology to Study Cellular and Molecu-
unit, teachers can “change how they think
lar Biology meets many of the criteria by which
about teaching and embrace new approaches
teachers and their programs are assessed.
that stimulate students to problem solve, rea-
• The module is standards based and meets
son, investigate, and construct their own mean-
science content, teaching, and assessment
ing for the content.” The use of a supplemental
standards as expressed in the National Sci-
unit such as this module can encourage reflec-
ence Education Standards. It pays particular
tion and discussion and stimulate teachers to
attention to the standards that describe
improve their practices by focusing on student
what students should know and be able to
learning through inquiry.
do with respect to scientific inquiry.
• It is an integrated module, drawing most
The following table correlates topics often
heavily from the subjects of science, social
included in the high school biology curriculum
science, mathematics, and health.
with the major concepts presented in this mod-
• The module has a Web-based technology
ule. This information is presented to help teach-
component on which there is an interactive
ers make decisions about incorporating this
database and simulations.
material into the curriculum.
• The module includes built-in assessment
tools, which are noted in each of the les-
If you have any questions about the supple-
sons with an assessment icon.
ment, please contact the NIH Office of Science
Education at
Correlation of Using Technology to Study Cellular and Molecular Biology to High School Biology Topics
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
The development of new
technologies is continuous,
and the ability to develop
new technologies is char-
acteristic of humans.
Technology provides a
means of solving a
Biological structures differ
in size.
Different technologies
are used to study biologi-
cal structures of different
Biologists use microscopes
to study cells.
Proteins are important
biological molecules. Their
structure is related to their
Science and technology
influence, and are influ-
enced by, society.