Dallas County: A 21st Century Mosaic by Jan Almon (narrative)/Mary Ann Sherman(photography - HTML preview

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S c h n e i d e r E l e c t r i c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 5

T i m e s Te n C e l l a r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 6

J. Baxter Brinkmann

G i t t i n g s ® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 7

M a r y A n n S h e r m a n P h o t o g r a p h y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 8


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The City of Coppell is a vibrant com-


munity located in the heart of the Dallas/

Fort Worth Metroplex. Regularly recognized as


one of the best places to live in the region,

state, and country, Coppell is home to

almost 40,000 people as of 2012. The city is

recognized for its intentional small town

atmosphere and family-oriented community

structure. Coppell’s neighborhoods—many of

them boasting curving, tree-lined streets,

pocket parks, and small lakes—

offer an architectural variety not

commonly found in Dallas suburbs.

Coppell is also known for its superb

The Coppell Independent School

location. Surrounded by State Highways 114

District, a consistently high-per-

and 121 and Interstates 635 and 35, Coppell’s

forming public school system in

geographic location affords quick trips to the

north Texas, is considered a transfor-

airport, sports and entertainment venues,

mational leader and public educa-

downtown Dallas, and numerous neighboring

tion visionary across the state. Its

cities and suburbs. The second-to-none loca-

long-standing reputation for excel-

tion within the Metroplex, outstanding public

lence in academics, the arts, and

school systems, and the high quality services

athletics, is directly attributed to the

provided by the city create a quality of life

conscientious and caring communi-

resulting in family after family adopting

ty in which it has successfully

Coppell as their community of choice.

resided for over fifty years. With a

The community of Coppell has roots in

staff that is invested in helping every

the north Texas region tracing back to the late

learner achieve success, parents who

nineteenth century. By 1873 the community

are actively involved in their child’s

was known as “Gibbs” in honor of former

education, and a supportive com-

Texas Senator and Lieutenant Governor

munity, the Coppell ISD remains one

Barnett Gibbs. The first post office was

of the top rated and most highly

opened in 1887 inside of W. O. Harrison’s

sought after public school systems

drug store. During this time railroad trans-

in the DFW Metroplex and Texas.

portation played an important role for farmers

taking their produce to available markets

and so the Cotton Belt Railroad, which served

as a line on the St. Louis and Southwestern

Texas Railroad, established the depot “Gibbs

Station” in the community in 1889.

In 1892 the community changed its name

to Coppell, most likely after George Coppell,

a prominent New York businessman closely

associated with the railroad. Up until the

1920s the railroad was the major form of

transportation into the community. After

that paved roads and automobiles became

more prevalent in the area and in the 1960s

the newly constructed interstate highway

system extended regional access into Coppell.

Many changes occurred over the next

decades leading into the twenty-first century

spurring growth and settlement in the com-

munity. In 1974, DFW International Airport

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opened, which was at the time the largest air-

Numerous amenities within the city make

port in the world. Highway systems were

Coppell a comfortable and exciting place

expanded as living in suburbs became popu-

to live. One such convenience is the Coppell

lar. Since Coppell is conveniently located

Farmers’ Market. Established in 2003 by

between Dallas and the DFW Airport, many

Coppell citizens who had a vision for a

people decided to take up residence in the

farmers market in Old Town Coppell, it has

community. Since 1970, Coppell has averaged

been very successful and serves as one of only

an increase of 1,000 new residences per year.

900 markets in the United States open during

The small town feel of Coppell combined

the winter (USDA figures). The market has

with the central location in the Metroplex

a wide selection of seasonal fruits

provide residents and businesses alike the

and vegetables, natural meats,

best of both worlds. Worldclass entertain-

cheeses, artisan breads, and other

ment including major sports and cultural

products. Over 1,000 customers

events are easily accessible by those living

come to the Coppell Farmers’

and working in Coppell. Music, sports, fine

Market on a given Saturday to be

dining, along with the culture and night life

a part of the local food movement.

of both Dallas and Fort Worth are a few of

Another amenity that has grown

examples of the vast entertainment possibili-

in popularity is the Coppell

ties all within a short drive from Coppell.

Community Garden project. The

In addition to the quality residential

gardens cultivate a healthy commu-

growth, Coppell is also home to a modern

nity with two public plots where

commercial/industrial community. This inno-

gardeners can actively participate

vative business district is home to businesses

in the joys of gardening, learn

such as The Container Store, Staples, Samsung

about organic gardening, and share

Telecommunications, Amazon.com, AAA, IBM,

fresh produce with each other

Haverty’s, and others providing jobs and

and local organizations collecting

municipal revenues that enable the city to

nutritious food for underprivileged

continue the delivery of high quality services.

families. On an annual basis the

Another unique aspect of Coppell’s posi-

community garden harvests in excess

tion in the Metroplex is the proximity of

of 10,000 pounds of fresh picked

higher education opportunities located with-

produce donated to Metrocrest Social

in commuting distance such as the University

Services food pantry for families in

of North Texas, the University of Texas at

need. The community garden also

Dallas, Southern Methodist University, Texas

offers classes, seminars, talks, tours,

Christian University, and the University of

and booths on many sustainable

Texas at Arlington. In addition, the Dallas

living topics that include organic

County Community College District’s North

vegetable gardening, drought tolerant

Lake College has opened a satellite campus

landscaping, rainwater harvesting,

in the City of Coppell.

and composting.


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The City of Coppell has a sizable parks

neighborhoods, supporting the business

system with a state-of-the-art aquatic and

community and promoting all of the other

recreation center, seventeen parks, and a

elements that make up a desirable community.

well-integrated trail system winding through-

One such initiative is the Coppell 2030

out the city. The trail system currently has

Plan developed and approved by the citizens

approximately seven miles of concrete multi-

of Coppell. This strategic plan serves as a

use trails with additional sections planned for

road map for the community, providing

the future. This is Coppell’s contribution to a

strategies to manage future opportunities and

larger regional trail system linking communi-

challenges presented to the city over the next

ties throughout north Texas.

twenty years. This plan will ensure that the

Furthermore, what you will also find in the

high standard of living present in the city

Coppell parks and recreation system is the

today will be maintained tomorrow as

sixty-six acre Coppell Nature Park located

Coppell plans to grow with the rest of the

within Wagon Wheel Park on the west side of

DFW Metroplex.

town. The park serves as a natural habitat

Another initiative is Main Street Coppell,

for hawks, coyotes, bobcats, and over 130

located within the Old Town Historic

different species of migratory birds. The park

District. This community-centric downtown

also promotes the preservation of the natural

destination offers restaurants, professional

environment through conservation and edu-

services, and niche retail shops that are

cation developed by the nonprofit organiza-

easily accessible and pedestrian friendly. At

tion, Friends of Coppell Nature Park (FCNP).

the center of the downtown area is a two

To enhance the overall sustainability of

acre park anchored by restaurants where

these amenities, the City of Coppell

neighbors can relax and enjoy a meal in a

implemented the EcoCoppell program in

comfortable and safe environment. The city is

order to improve environmental standards,

contributing a play area for children; a pavil-

minimize impacts on the environment, pro-

ion for the Farmers’ Market and community

tect natural resources, educate others on

events; public restrooms; an interactive water

sustainability, and ensure a safe and desirable

feature and a future community facility at the

community for all its residents. The

south end of the park. The heart and soul of

EcoCoppell program champions environ-

Main Street, however, are the residents who

mental projects such as the city’s construction

live in the forty-four homes adjacent to the

of a new senior and community center, which

park and Farmers’ Market. These residents

are LEED certified at the silver level. In 2012

cultivate a sense of community by living next

the Texas Commission on Environmental

to and participating in the special events and

Quality (TCEQ) recognized Coppell with

cultural activities that are put on annually

the Texas Environmental Excellence Award

and that further foster citizen participation.

for Innovative Operations/

There was a school (likely a log cabin) in

Management, which further

the Coppell area as early as the 1870s, and by

solidifies the city’s commit-

the 1890s, school was being held in local

ment to sustainability and

church buildings. Coppell had its own school

environmental awareness.

building by at least 1897, and a newer two-

The City of Coppell is

story building served students at the turn of

forward-focused and is

the century. In 1927 the Dallas County School

currently in the process of

System acquired six acres of land in Coppell

numerous initiatives to

along present Southwestern Boulevard for

prepare for the future. The

$900, upon which a new brick building was

city is dedicated to quality

built. Two rural schools, Gentry School and

future programs and servic-

Bethel School, consolidated with Coppell

es, ensuring financial stabil-

School and moved into the new building, part

ity, sustaining the city’s

of which is, today, Pinkerton Elementary.

infrastructure, maintaining

In 1928, Coppell School had 175 students

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in grades one through eight.

Upon finishing the eighth grade,

students attended Carrollton

High School to graduate from the

twelfth grade.

Coppell School ceased to be a

county school in 1959 when the

Coppell Independent School

District was created. In the early

1960s, a decision was made to

expand Coppell School into a

full twelve grade school, and a

grade was added per year until

1965, when the first high school

class graduated from Coppell

High School. Two years later, a

second school building was built to house

grades seven through twelve; that building

today is Coppell Middle School West.

Until 1963, Coppell athletic teams were

known as the Coppell Tigers. Then, partly

because of the new professional football team

in Dallas, and partly because Coppell was

home to a junior rodeo, the mascot changed

to the Coppell Cowboys.

As rapid city growth continued after 1967,

Coppell Middle School was located on the

same site as Coppell High School. Coppell

Middle School East was added in 1986.

Coppell High School moved to its present

location in 1989, allowing Coppell Middle

School West to take over its present location.

Starting in 1983, Coppell added elementary

schools until there were ten (the Lee

Elementary site was repurposed in 2008),

and Coppell Middle School North, built in

1998, brought the number of middle schools

students in grades K-12, including 9 at the

to three.

elementary level, 3 middle schools, 2 high

In 2008, Coppell opened its second high

schools, and an alternative campus. The

school, New Tech High @ Coppell, with two

City of Coppell provides its residents and

grade levels, ninth and tenth, with 275 stu-

businesses with a family-oriented communi-

dents. This twenty-first century choice high

ty, truly making it “A Family Community For

school was founded on the concept of collab-

A Lifetime.” It is because of the small town

orative and project-based learning and was

feel, inviting gathering places, the opportuni-

the forty-second New Tech High academic

ty for an active and healthy lifestyle, top

community of its kind in the entire nation.

quality schools, great livable neighborhoods,

Student growth in the district averaged

and prosperous business centers current

over sixteen percent from the mid-1980s.

residents enjoy and future residents are

Today, as the largest employer in Coppell,

attracted to, that make Coppell a wonderful

with over 1,200 employees, Coppell ISD

place to live. So what are you waiting for?

has fifteen campuses serving nearly 11,000

Come try it for yourself!


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Texas Made Here is more than a branding

list of Top 100 Places to Live based on

slogan for Garland, Texas. It is a state of mind

housing advantages, strong job opportuni-

that immigrant settlers brought with them

ties, excellent schools, low crime, quality

in the 1800s when they began chiseling the

healthcare and plenty of fun and cultural

pioneer town of Garland incorporated in 1891.

things to do.

By the early 1920s, the Bankhead Highway,

Garland is a major manufacturing hub

one of the nation’s first transcontinental arteries,

with Texas Made Here at the core of its

put Garland on the map by routing motorists

economy. Aside from Texas cowboy hats

between Washington, D.C. and San Diego

that are still made here by Resistol’s Hatco

down Main Street. In 1927, however, a raging

brand, more than 375 manufacturers make

F4 tornado almost destroyed the city. Once

electronics, steel fabrication, oilfield equip-

again citizens engaged their Texas spirit and

ment, aluminum die-casting as well as dairy

built a bigger and better Garland. Within a

and food products in Garland.

Top, left: Plaza Theatre a local landmark in

decade, the nucleus of Garland’s future was

The local workforce includes over

historic downtown that hosts movies, as well

in place.

106,000 skilled employees. While manufac-

as musical and theatrical performances.

During the late 1930s, Craddock Food

turing and fabrication are the foundation;

Company and Byer-Rolnick hat factory,

jobs in healthcare, renewable technology

Top, right: Firewheel Town Center,

which is now Resistol, set up stakes in

and wireless communications round out the

an open-air complex that offers an

Garland. In the midst of World War II,

city’s economic diversity. Top employers

assortment of shops, restaurants and a

a number of defense contractors opened

include Raytheon, General Dynamics, Baylor

movie theatre with 3D and IMAX screen.

aircraft plants. After the war, Kraft Foods

Hospital, Atlas Copco, Sherwin Williams,

purchased the Continental Motors Plant.

Kraft Foods and US Foodservice.

Below: Baylor Medical Center Garland,

Generations of Garland leaders have since

Garland is not only a great place to work;

a fully accredited, 240-bed medical center

adopted the Texas Made Here maxim by

it is a great place to live. Between a vast range

serving the community.

progressively molding Garland into a large

of housing options, hometown culture, natu-

culturally diverse city with Texas-sized oppor-

ral resources and recreational opportunities;

tunities. Twenty-first cen-

Garland puts the life in lifestyles.

tury Garland is the twelfth

Families and households of all sizes call

most populated city in

Garland home. With housing ranging from

Texas and the eighty-sev-

traditional homes in historic neighborhoods

enth most populated city

to executive estates and urban multifamily

in the U.S. More than a

communities, Garland’s home choices are as

quarter-million residents

distinct as the city itself.

call Garland home.

An abundant healthcare network—

Located in northeast

anchored by Baylor Garland Hospital—and

Dallas County, Garland

education excellence complement Garland’s

ranked on the CNNMoney

lifestyle amenities.

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Garland Independent School District (GISD)

even meandering through the mammoth

is the second largest public school system in

120,000 square foot store is an adventure all

Dallas County, the twelfth largest in Texas

its own.

and among the 100 largest in the United

The city is known for its arts community,

States. With a student population of 58,000,

which includes Garland Summer Musicals,

Above: Firewheel Golf Park offers three

seventy-seven percent of its campuses have

Garland Symphony Orchestra, Garland Civic

courses with a challenge for every skill level.

received Exemplary or Recognized ratings.

Theatre and the Garland Opry. Live produc-

Along with Garland’s live and learn advan-

tions and concerts are typically staged at the

Below: Hawaiian Falls Waterpark with

tages, the city is a great place to play. With

Arts Center or the Plaza Theatre located in

water rides, slides, interactive spray pool

2,800 acres of parks and open spaces, two

historic downtown.

and a lazy river.

water parks, athletic fields, playgrounds,

Garland, an integral part of Dallas County,

walking trails and mountain bike trails the

is accessible via a transportation network

Learn more by visiting

entire family will enjoy being outdoors.

that includes Interstate 30, Interstate 635


Spring Creek Nature Preserve and Rowlett

and President George Bush Turnpike. Dallas

Creek Preserve offer mountain bikers, cross-

Area Rapid Transit serves Garland with bus

country runners and hikers a scenic physical

transportation and light rail.

challenge while providing birders and nature

Today, Texas Made Here tells the Garland

lovers with breathtaking views of Texas bird