Discover the Hidden Island of Bangka by Michelle Chan - HTML preview

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Interacting with Indonesians is very easy. You will soon find out that most Indonesians, no matter the age, class or education are interested in getting to know you, foreign visitors!

Indonesians are talkative and friendly, they also like to ask many questions when they feel comfy talking to you. Some of the questions may considered ‘taboo’ or nothing of our business, but don’t get offended and remember it’s only a sign that they are starting to like you, that’s why they feel like they want to know more about you. (cont.)


Some of the questions may even sound rude to you, but iIf you don’t feel like sharing any information with strangers, then you can politely say “I’m sorry but I’m not ready to talk about these things yet” and change the topic immediately to not make them feel guilty or embarrassed.

Others may ask your opinion on the economic or political situation as well , such as in Indonesia, your country or the world. So it doesn’t always have to be something personal.

To get your attention, they tend to call “Hello Mister!”. ‘Hello Mister’ is also used to address women as well ; if you respond then a bright smile will be yours.