I Ran Away to Mexico by Laura Labrie - HTML preview

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They say to be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. I appear to be living proof of that.

It seems whatever I think I want, I get. Whatever I put my mind to comes to me, usually in a fairly short time. The weird thing is, often what I think I want, I find out I don’t really want after I get it.

Was that confusing?

Example: (I know you already heard some of this, but bear with me.) I left the US for Mexico thinking I wanted to teach English as a second language. I found a little school on-line and talked to the girl who ran it and told her I wanted to do some volunteer work. She was excited.

When I got to the little town where she lived. I was invited over to see the school—which was in her house—and talk about volunteering.

She was super welcoming and I sat on a stool while she puttered in the kitchen and we talked for about a half-hour about our lives and basically just got to know each other. At the end of that half-hour, she offered me the entire school. She said she had been looking for someone to take over and she felt I had been sent to her for just that purpose.

Now what you don’t know about me is that I homeschooled my children all the way through high-school and I taught music and art for many years. I LOVE to teach. The idea of having my very own little school was fascinating. But the more I thought about it, the more I felt like it just wasn’t the right thing for me. I had just scattered my husband’s ashes in the sea and I didn’t know if I was coming or going. I didn’t know how long I wanted to stay in Mexico. A week, a month, but surely not a life-time. I realized when I was offered the very thing that I THOUGHT would be my heart’s desire, I actually did not want it at all.

If it had been several years earlier, I would have fallen off my stool for it. There was something very powerful in my gut, in that place somewhere between my chest and my stomach, that felt how wonderful it would feel to have my very own little school. It was something I had wanted since I was eight and was teaching my next door neighbor how to read. It was a deep seated desire and when I voiced it, even in the mild fashion of wanting to simply volunteer in a little school for a limited time, the universe did not listen to just the words that came out of my mouth. It listened to the powerful feeling behind them.

But when what had once been my heart’s desire came to me and I had the opportunity to really examine it in a logical fashion, I realized it came from a past me. Yes, a deep part of me, but a part of me that did not serve my current situation. 

So here is my take on manifesting.

It works with emotion. Yes, it works with words and with thinking. But for it to really work like the dickens, there needs to be emotion tied to it.

Let me 'splain.

In the beginning God said, "Let there be light."

God said. He spoke. He thought of an idea. He saw it before it happened. He felt what it would feel like to have light. And He spoke.

When we speak we create vibrations. Everything is vibration. Matter is in constant flux, always moving, always vibrating. So when we speak, the vibrations we create affect our surroundings. That is true. But there seems to be a piece missing or we would all just go around speaking to the mountains to move and having them move just like Jesus told us to. I know so many people who try and try and try to do this but don’t seem to get very good results. So what is missing?

Jesus said, "If you believe."

Faith. But it isn’t just the kind of faith like, Jesus said it so I believe it kind of faith. Like I am trying to believe in something that is supernatural and I can’t see. It is more like gravity. If I drop something, I KNOW it is going to fall. It is a scientific fact. Well so is speaking and changing things. You can explain it with physics. So we need to KNOW that when we speak things are going to change.

There are lots of scientific experiments that have been done that prove this point. One of my favorites was a Japanese guy who spoke to water and then took photos of the crystals it formed. Go look up Masaru Emoto Water Crystal Experiments and look at the pictures. This guy said nice things to some water and awful things to other water and the results were amazing. Also look up Music Sand Patterns and you will find tons of examples of people playing music and creating beautiful patterns in the sand. It’s the waves, the vibrations from the music, that jiggle the sand around until it forms itself into complex geometric patterns.

Ok, so if we know, if we can see it with our own two eyes, if it can be proven that our speech changes things, why do we continue to say negative things? If it can be proven that worrying about something and saying negative things about it can bring negative results, why on earth do we do it?

I am as guilty as you are.

I think it’s because we run more on feelings than on logic.

Now remember, I am talking about things I have observed, I am not trying to be a scientist.

Think about how you feel when you are in a stadium and people are screaming for their favorite team. Think about how you feel when your favorite song is playing and you turn it up really loud. Think about how you feel when you stand at the foot of a rock-faced, steep-cliffed, mountain and look up, or stand on the beach with the sand between your toes and look out at the moon reflecting off the ocean. Emotions are powerful stuff.

The things we fear come to us. If I am afraid of being alone, terrified of it, I can feel the heart wrenching-ness of it, loneliness will find me.

The opposite of fear is love.

But I am getting ahead of myself.

When we hold powerful emotions deep within us, it colors what we say and how we say it. If we are angry about the world, then everything that comes out of us is colored with hate or despair. Picture the words you say coming out of your mouth having just been in your heart. They are vibrating with the energy inside you, the things that drive you. And when they are released, they are propelled exploding out of a ball of energy in the pit of your stomach like a vibrating ball of colored light, either buzzing and ringing with the shimmering strings of love or pulsing and oozing with the dark dread of fear. You speak and that energy is driven into the grid of the universe that surrounds you and it smashes into lines of power that run into other lines and it colors the strands of space and matter that are attached to you.


Feel what is inside you. Picture your fingers with vibrating electricity coming from them, electricity that is colored by what is inside you. What does it look like? Does it knock you off your feet with passion and joy and love for the beauty of the universe or does it leave you breathless and empty with the deep feeling of loss and despair?

We manifest what is inside us.

The energy in us is so powerful that it is impossible for it not to go out into the matrix around us and not color it, thereby coloring our world, our experience, our reality.

So if we want to change what we are manifesting, we need to change how we feel. We need to heal. Our feelings reflect what is really inside us. In fact, they always COLOR our perception. They tell a tale of who we are on the inside. They reveal to us our motivations. Our authentic desires. And it is our desire that creates our reality.

I may say that I want world peace, but really I am angry at the way the government is abusing people and I am filled with hate. So when I speak about world peace, what I BELIVE inside me at a core level comes rushing out of my gut and colors the words that come out of my mouth. And it isn’t peace that is inside of me. I am angry at all the people that do not promote peace. I want to wipe them all aside and create what I perceive to be the perfect world. So what is really attached to my words of peace, is war.

I open my mouth and my beliefs, the ones that are on an almost subconscious level, create my reality and I find myself in a world of constant turmoil. And so I do not manifest what I THINK I want, but I DO manifest what I believe.

And if I can carefully look at what I believe, I may find that it comes from a place of pain.

Getting to the bottom of the authenticity of who we are is not easy. It takes looking at ourselves honestly and without defense. The only way we can truly heal is by looking at what we are really feeling and why. Defending our emotions does not help us. It hurts us. It blocks us. It prevents us from moving forward, from getting unstuck. Because those deep feelings, the real ones, are there for a reason. And if we cannot be vulnerable enough with ourselves to acknowledge them and let them surface so we can look at them clearly, we will never be able to reason with them and heal them.

Not everything in us is negative. We are all a mix. But the over-riding emotions are the ones that rule us.

Back to that love thing.

Love is when we see the hurt, the pain, the suffering. We do not deny it. We feel it. We let it run through us and in it we see beauty. We see comfort, we see compassion, we see appreciation. We rise above the pain and we see the beauty in the world because without the contrast of the dark, the light is never so beautiful. We lift our hands and our hearts and we dance in the rain. We celebrate our breath and the sun and the heat and the coolness and the rain. We smile at a homeless man and he smiles back at us. We play in the dirt with a child who has only an empty soda can for a toy and we laugh as he shows us how the game goes. We get up in the middle of the night when we can’t sleep and we look at the vastness of the stars and we know somewhere deep inside us that all of this human experience is designed to teach us to love. It is designed to show us the contrast, the depth of despair and the height of joy and the sameness of our humanness no matter our language or our culture. And we open our arms wide and we feel....and then we begin to manifest joy. It comes to us like a wave of warmth and tingling vibration and it permeates us down to our toes and we are so filled we can hardly contain it and what comes back out of us resonates with this magnificent feeling and our world changes...-

Let go of your fear. Don’t let it control you. Allow yourself to feel. Open the floodgates of your emotions. Let them pour out of you. Lift up your eyes. Let the rain come and cleanse you. You WILL manifest what is inside of you, so let it be love.